public final class RainOnTrees{
public void startRain(){
// some code here
public class Seasons{
RainOnTrees rain = new RainOnTrees();
public void findSeasonAndRain(){
public class RainOnTrees{
fun startRain():Observable<Boolean>{
// some code here
interface iRainOnTrees{
public void startRain():Observable<Boolean>
fun setUp() {
rainService= Mockito.mock(iRainOnTrees::class.java)
just(true).delay(3, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
Mockito 2现在支持final类和方法!
但就目前而言,这只是一个“孵化”功能。它需要一些步骤来激活它,这些步骤在Mockito 2中的新内容中描述:
Mocking of final classes and methods is an incubating, opt-in feature. It uses a combination of Java agent instrumentation and subclassing in order to enable mockability of these types. As this works differently to our current mechanism and this one has different limitations and as we want to gather experience and user feedback, this feature had to be explicitly activated to be available ; it can be done via the mockito extension mechanism by creating the file src/test/resources/mockito-extensions/org.mockito.plugins.MockMaker containing a single line:
After you created this file, Mockito will automatically use this new engine and one can do :
final class FinalClass {
final String finalMethod() { return "something"; }
FinalClass concrete = new FinalClass();
FinalClass mock = mock(FinalClass.class);
given(mock.finalMethod()).willReturn("not anymore");
In subsequent milestones, the team will bring a programmatic way of using this feature. We will identify and provide support for all unmockable scenarios. Stay tuned and please let us know what you think of this feature!