In large applications its common for string literals to occupy large bits of memory. So to efficiently handle the memory, the JVM allocates an area called "String constant pool".(Note that in memory even an unreferenced String carries around a char[], an int for its length, and another for its hashCode. For a number, by contrast, a maximum of eight immediate bytes is required) When complier comes across a String literal it checks the pool to see if there is an identical literal already present. And if one is found, the reference to the new literal is directed to the existing String, and no new 'String literal object' is created(the existing String simply gets an additional reference). Hence : String mutability saves memory... But when any of the variables change value, Actually - it's only their reference that's changed, not the value in memory(hence it will not affect the other variables referencing it) as seen below....
字符串s1 = "旧字符串";
//s1 variable, refers to string in memory
reference | MEMORY |
variables | |
[s1] --------------->| "Old String" |
字符串s2 = s1;
//s2 refers to same string as s1
| |
[s1] --------------->| "Old String" |
[s2] ------------------------^
s1 = "New String";
//s1 deletes reference to old string and points to the newly created one
[s1] -----|--------->| "New String" |
| | |
|~~~~~~~~~X| "Old String" |
[s2] ------------------------^
原来的字符串'in memory'没有改变,但是 引用变量已被更改,以便它引用新字符串。 如果我们没有s2, Old String仍然在内存中,但是 我们无法访问它…
In large applications its common for string literals to occupy large bits of memory. So to efficiently handle the memory, the JVM allocates an area called "String constant pool".(Note that in memory even an unreferenced String carries around a char[], an int for its length, and another for its hashCode. For a number, by contrast, a maximum of eight immediate bytes is required) When complier comes across a String literal it checks the pool to see if there is an identical literal already present. And if one is found, the reference to the new literal is directed to the existing String, and no new 'String literal object' is created(the existing String simply gets an additional reference). Hence : String mutability saves memory... But when any of the variables change value, Actually - it's only their reference that's changed, not the value in memory(hence it will not affect the other variables referencing it) as seen below....
字符串s1 = "旧字符串";
//s1 variable, refers to string in memory
reference | MEMORY |
variables | |
[s1] --------------->| "Old String" |
字符串s2 = s1;
//s2 refers to same string as s1
| |
[s1] --------------->| "Old String" |
[s2] ------------------------^
s1 = "New String";
//s1 deletes reference to old string and points to the newly created one
[s1] -----|--------->| "New String" |
| | |
|~~~~~~~~~X| "Old String" |
[s2] ------------------------^
原来的字符串'in memory'没有改变,但是 引用变量已被更改,以便它引用新字符串。 如果我们没有s2, Old String仍然在内存中,但是 我们无法访问它…
String foo = "Hello";
<-- foo here still has the same value "Hello"
要保存更改,您应该这样做 Foo = Foo .sustring(3);
class Testimmutablestring{
public static void main(String args[]){
String s="Future";
s.concat(" World");//concat() method appends the string at the end
System.out.println(s);//will print Future because strings are immutable objects
在这个图中,你可以看到一个新对象被创建为“Future World”。但不改变“未来”。因为字符串是不可变的。s,仍指“未来”。如果你需要给“未来世界”打电话,
String s="Future";
s=s.concat(" World");
System.out.println(s);//print Future World