
就我目前的理解而言: 每个都是其类的一个实例,这意味着一些程序员建议您尽可能经常使用this.getApplicationContext(),以免“泄漏”出任何内存。这是因为另一个This(获取Activity实例上下文)指向一个Activity,每当用户倾斜手机或离开应用程序时,Activity就会被销毁。显然垃圾收集器(GC)没有捕获,因此使用太多的内存..





Application context is associated with the application and will always be same throughout the life of application -- it does not change. So if you are using Toast, you can use application context or even activity context (both) because toast can be displayed from anywhere with in your application and is not attached to a specific window. But there are many exceptions, one exception is when you need to use or pass the activity context. Activity context is associated with to the activity and can be destroyed if the activity is destroyed -- there may be multiple activities (more than likely) with a single application. And sometimes you absolutely need the activity context handle. For example, should you launch a new activity, you need to use activity context in its Intent so that the new launching activity is connected to the current activity in terms of activity stack. However, you may use application's context too to launch a new activity but then you need to set flag Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK in intent to treat it as a new task.


MainActivity。这是指MainActivity上下文,它扩展了Activity类,但是基类(Activity)也扩展了context类,所以它可以用来提供活动上下文。 getBaseContext()提供活动上下文。 getApplication()提供应用程序上下文。 getApplicationContext()也提供了应用程序上下文。




have found that there are issues on some Android version / device combinations that do not follow these rules. For instance, if I have a BroadcastReceiver that is passed a Context and I convert that Context to an Application Context and then try to call registerReceiver() on the Application Context there are many instances where this works fine, but also many instances where I get a crash because of a ReceiverCallNotAllowedException. These crashes occur on a wide range of Android versions from API 15 up to 22. https://possiblemobile.com/2013/06/context/#comment-2443283153






Application context is associated with the application and will always be same throughout the life of application -- it does not change. So if you are using Toast, you can use application context or even activity context (both) because toast can be displayed from anywhere with in your application and is not attached to a specific window. But there are many exceptions, one exception is when you need to use or pass the activity context. Activity context is associated with to the activity and can be destroyed if the activity is destroyed -- there may be multiple activities (more than likely) with a single application. And sometimes you absolutely need the activity context handle. For example, should you launch a new activity, you need to use activity context in its Intent so that the new launching activity is connected to the current activity in terms of activity stack. However, you may use application's context too to launch a new activity but then you need to set flag Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK in intent to treat it as a new task.


MainActivity。这是指MainActivity上下文,它扩展了Activity类,但是基类(Activity)也扩展了context类,所以它可以用来提供活动上下文。 getBaseContext()提供活动上下文。 getApplication()提供应用程序上下文。 getApplicationContext()也提供了应用程序上下文。



I think there's a lot of stuff that is poorly documented on the SDK site, this is one of them. The claim I'm going to make is that it seems as though it's better to default to using an application context and only use an activity context when you really need to. The only place where I've ever seen that you need an activity context is for a progress dialog. SBERG412 claims that you have to use an activity context for a toast message, yet the Android docs clearly show an application context being used. I've always used application context for toasts because of this Google example. If it's wrong to do so, then Google dropped the ball here.


对于toast消息,谷歌开发指南使用应用程序上下文并显式地说's来使用它: 烤面包的通知

在Dev指南的对话框部分,您可以看到一个AlertDialog。生成器使用应用程序上下文,然后进度条使用活动上下文。谷歌不能解释这一点。 对话框

It seems like a good reason to use application context is when you want to handle configuration changes like an orientation change, and you want to retain objects which need a context like Views. If you look here: Run Time Changes There is a caution about using an activity context, which can create a leak. This can be avoided with an application context with the views that are to be retained (at least that's my understanding). In an app I'm writing, I intend to use an application context because I'm trying to hold over some views and other things on an orientation change, and I still want the activity to be destroy and recreated on orientation changes. Thus I have to use an app context to not cause a memory leak (see Avoiding memory Leaks). To me it seems there are plenty of good reasons to use the application context instead of an activity context, and to me it almost seems like you would use it more often than an activity context. That's what many Android books I've gone through seem to do, and that's what much of the Google examples I've seen do.

The Google documentation really makes it seem like using application context is perfectly fine in most cases, and in fact appears more often than using an activity context in their examples (at least the examples I've seen). If it's really such a problem to use application context, then Google really needs to place more emphasis on this. They need to make it clear, and they need to redo some of their examples. I wouldn't blame this entirely on inexperienced developers since the authority (Google) really makes it look like it's not a problem to use application contexts.