

numpy。log10是一个返回负参数nan的ufunc; scipy。Log10返回负参数的复杂值,并且看起来不是一个ufunc。



另一个例子是numpy.linalg.solve vs scipy.linalg.solve。它们很相似,但后者比前者提供了一些额外的功能。


[1] numpy。分钟,numpy。马克斯,numpy。Abs和其他一些名称在scipy名称空间中没有对应的名称。

[2]使用NumPy 1.5.1和SciPy 0.9.0rc2测试。


从SciPy FAQ来看,NumPy的一些函数是由于历史原因而出现的,而这是应该的 只有在SciPy:

What is the difference between NumPy and SciPy? In an ideal world, NumPy would contain nothing but the array data type and the most basic operations: indexing, sorting, reshaping, basic elementwise functions, et cetera. All numerical code would reside in SciPy. However, one of NumPy’s important goals is compatibility, so NumPy tries to retain all features supported by either of its predecessors. Thus NumPy contains some linear algebra functions, even though these more properly belong in SciPy. In any case, SciPy contains more fully-featured versions of the linear algebra modules, as well as many other numerical algorithms. If you are doing scientific computing with python, you should probably install both NumPy and SciPy. Most new features belong in SciPy rather than NumPy.





…所有Numpy函数都有 被纳入scipy 命名空间,所有这些 函数不需要 另外导入Numpy。


Regarding the linalg package - the scipy functions will call lapack and blas, which are available in highly optimised versions on many platforms and offer very good performance, particularly for operations on reasonably large dense matrices. On the other hand, they are not easy libraries to compile, requiring a fortran compiler and many platform specific tweaks to get full performance. Therefore, numpy provides simple implementations of many common linear algebra functions which are often good enough for many purposes.

上次检查时,scipy __init__方法执行了一个

from numpy import *



编辑:事实上,我可以回答log10的问题。在scipy __init__方法中,我看到了以下内容:

# Import numpy symbols to scipy name space
import numpy as _num
from numpy import oldnumeric
from numpy import *
from numpy.random import rand, randn
from numpy.fft import fft, ifft
from numpy.lib.scimath import *


Wrapper functions to more user-friendly calling of certain math functions
whose output data-type is different than the input data-type in certain
domains of the input.

For example, for functions like log() with branch cuts, the versions in this
module provide the mathematically valid answers in the complex plane:

>>> import math
>>> from numpy.lib import scimath
>>> scimath.log(-math.exp(1)) == (1+1j*math.pi)

Similarly, sqrt(), other base logarithms, power() and trig functions are
correctly handled.  See their respective docstrings for specific examples.

该模块似乎覆盖了sqrt, log, log2, logn, log10, power, arccos, arcsin和arctanh的基本numpy ufuncs。这就解释了你所看到的行为。这样做的潜在设计原因可能隐藏在某个邮件列表帖子中。

从SciPy FAQ来看,NumPy的一些函数是由于历史原因而出现的,而这是应该的 只有在SciPy:

What is the difference between NumPy and SciPy? In an ideal world, NumPy would contain nothing but the array data type and the most basic operations: indexing, sorting, reshaping, basic elementwise functions, et cetera. All numerical code would reside in SciPy. However, one of NumPy’s important goals is compatibility, so NumPy tries to retain all features supported by either of its predecessors. Thus NumPy contains some linear algebra functions, even though these more properly belong in SciPy. In any case, SciPy contains more fully-featured versions of the linear algebra modules, as well as many other numerical algorithms. If you are doing scientific computing with python, you should probably install both NumPy and SciPy. Most new features belong in SciPy rather than NumPy.




另一个有用的命令是source。当给出一个用Python编写的函数作为参数时,它会打印出该函数的源代码列表。这对于学习算法或准确理解函数是什么很有帮助 处理它的参数。此外,不要忘记Python命令dir 用于查看模块或包的名称空间。


Python 2.4.3 (#1, May  5 2011, 18:44:23) 
[GCC 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-50)] on linux2
>>> import scipy
>>> import scipy.linalg
>>> import numpy
>>> scipy.source(scipy.linalg.solve)
In file: /usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/scipy/linalg/

def solve(a, b, sym_pos=0, lower=0, overwrite_a=0, overwrite_b=0,
          debug = 0):
    """ solve(a, b, sym_pos=0, lower=0, overwrite_a=0, overwrite_b=0) -> x

    Solve a linear system of equations a * x = b for x.


      a -- An N x N matrix.
      b -- An N x nrhs matrix or N vector.
      sym_pos -- Assume a is symmetric and positive definite.
      lower -- Assume a is lower triangular, otherwise upper one.
               Only used if sym_pos is true.
      overwrite_y - Discard data in y, where y is a or b.


      x -- The solution to the system a * x = b
    a1, b1 = map(asarray_chkfinite,(a,b))
    if len(a1.shape) != 2 or a1.shape[0] != a1.shape[1]:
        raise ValueError, 'expected square matrix'
    if a1.shape[0] != b1.shape[0]:
        raise ValueError, 'incompatible dimensions'
    overwrite_a = overwrite_a or (a1 is not a and not hasattr(a,'__array__'))
    overwrite_b = overwrite_b or (b1 is not b and not hasattr(b,'__array__'))
    if debug:
        print 'solve:overwrite_a=',overwrite_a
        print 'solve:overwrite_b=',overwrite_b
    if sym_pos:
        posv, = get_lapack_funcs(('posv',),(a1,b1))
        c,x,info = posv(a1,b1,
                        lower = lower,
        gesv, = get_lapack_funcs(('gesv',),(a1,b1))
        lu,piv,x,info = gesv(a1,b1,

    if info==0:
        return x
    if info>0:
        raise LinAlgError, "singular matrix"
    raise ValueError,\
          'illegal value in %-th argument of internal gesv|posv'%(-info)

>>> scipy.source(numpy.linalg.solve)
In file: /usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/numpy/linalg/

def solve(a, b):
    Solve the equation ``a x = b`` for ``x``.

    a : array_like, shape (M, M)
        Input equation coefficients.
    b : array_like, shape (M,)
        Equation target values.

    x : array, shape (M,)

        If `a` is singular or not square.

    Solve the system of equations ``3 * x0 + x1 = 9`` and ``x0 + 2 * x1 = 8``:

    >>> a = np.array([[3,1], [1,2]])
    >>> b = np.array([9,8])
    >>> x = np.linalg.solve(a, b)
    >>> x
    array([ 2.,  3.])

    Check that the solution is correct:

    >>> (, x) == b).all()

    a, _ = _makearray(a)
    b, wrap = _makearray(b)
    one_eq = len(b.shape) == 1
    if one_eq:
        b = b[:, newaxis]
    _assertRank2(a, b)
    n_eq = a.shape[0]
    n_rhs = b.shape[1]
    if n_eq != b.shape[0]:
        raise LinAlgError, 'Incompatible dimensions'
    t, result_t = _commonType(a, b)
#    lapack_routine = _findLapackRoutine('gesv', t)
    if isComplexType(t):
        lapack_routine = lapack_lite.zgesv
        lapack_routine = lapack_lite.dgesv
    a, b = _fastCopyAndTranspose(t, a, b)
    pivots = zeros(n_eq, fortran_int)
    results = lapack_routine(n_eq, n_rhs, a, n_eq, pivots, b, n_eq, 0)
    if results['info'] > 0:
        raise LinAlgError, 'Singular matrix'
    if one_eq:
        return wrap(b.ravel().astype(result_t))
        return wrap(b.transpose().astype(result_t))
