据我所知,Git并不真正需要跟踪文件重命名/移动/复制操作,那么真正的目的是什么呢 git mv?手册页没有特别的描述性……
据我所知,Git并不真正需要跟踪文件重命名/移动/复制操作,那么真正的目的是什么呢 git mv?手册页没有特别的描述性……
git mv oldname newname
mv oldname newname
git add newname
git rm oldname
正如@Charles所说,git mv是一个简写。
Please stop this "track files" crap. Git tracks exactly what matters, namely "collections of files". Nothing else is relevant, and even thinking that it is relevant only limits your world-view. Notice how the notion of CVS "annotate" always inevitably ends up limiting how people use it. I think it's a totally useless piece of crap, and I've described something that I think is a million times more useful, and it all fell out exactly because I'm not limiting my thinking to the wrong model of the world.
Git只是试图为您猜测您要做什么。它正在尽一切努力保存完整的历史。当然,它并不完美。git mv允许你明确你的意图,避免一些错误。
git init
echo "First" >a
echo "Second" >b
git add *
git commit -m "initial commit"
mv a c
mv b a
git status
# On branch master
# Changes not staged for commit:
# (use "git add/rm <file>..." to update what will be committed)
# (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
# modified: a
# deleted: b
# Untracked files:
# (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
# c
no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
自动检测失败:( 果真如此吗?
$ git add *
$ git commit -m "change"
$ git log c
commit 0c5425be1121c20cc45df04734398dfbac689c39
Author: Sergey Orshanskiy <*****@gmail.com>
Date: Sat Oct 12 00:24:56 2013 -0400
$ git log --follow c
Author: Sergey Orshanskiy <*****@gmail.com>
Date: Sat Oct 12 00:24:56 2013 -0400
commit 50c2a4604a27be2a1f4b95399d5e0f96c3dbf70a
Author: Sergey Orshanskiy <*****@gmail.com>
Date: Sat Oct 12 00:24:45 2013 -0400
initial commit
git init
echo "First" >a
echo "Second" >b
git add *
git commit -m "initial commit"
git mv a c
git status
# On branch master
# Changes to be committed:
# (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
# renamed: a -> c
git mv b a
git status
# On branch master
# Changes to be committed:
# (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
# modified: a
# deleted: b
# new file: c
git add *
git commit -m "change"
git log c
git log --follow c
现在,要小心重命名,因为任何一种选择都可能产生奇怪的效果。 例子:
git init
echo "First" >a
git add a
git commit -m "initial a"
echo "Second" >b
git add b
git commit -m "initial b"
git mv a c
git commit -m "first move"
git mv b a
git commit -m "second move"
git log --follow a
commit 81b80f5690deec1864ebff294f875980216a059d
Author: Sergey Orshanskiy <*****@gmail.com>
Date: Sat Oct 12 00:35:58 2013 -0400
second move
commit f284fba9dc8455295b1abdaae9cc6ee941b66e7f
Author: Sergey Orshanskiy <*****@gmail.com>
Date: Sat Oct 12 00:34:54 2013 -0400
initial b
git init
echo "First" >a
git add a
git commit -m "initial a"
echo "Second" >b
git add b
git commit -m "initial b"
git mv a c
git mv b a
git commit -m "both moves at the same time"
git log --follow a
commit 84bf29b01f32ea6b746857e0d8401654c4413ecd
Author: Sergey Orshanskiy <*****@gmail.com>
Date: Sat Oct 12 00:37:13 2013 -0400
both moves at the same time
commit ec0de3c5358758ffda462913f6e6294731400455
Author: Sergey Orshanskiy <*****@gmail.com>
Date: Sat Oct 12 00:36:52 2013 -0400
initial a
Ups……现在历史回到了a而不是b,这是错误的。因此,当我们一次移动两步时,Git变得混乱,无法正确跟踪更改。顺便说一下,在我的实验中,当我删除/创建文件而不是使用git mv时,也发生了同样的情况。小心地进行;我警告过你……
git mv还有一个上面没有提到的用途。
自从发现git add -p (git add的补丁模式;参见http://git-scm.com/docs/git-add),我喜欢在将更改添加到索引时使用它来查看更改。因此,我的工作流程变成了(1)处理代码,(2)检查并添加到索引中,(3)提交。
git mv是如何适应的?如果直接移动文件,那么使用git rm和git add,所有的更改都会被添加到索引中,而使用git diff查看更改就不那么容易了(在提交之前)。然而,使用git mv会将新路径添加到索引中,但不会对文件进行更改,因此允许git diff和git add -p照常工作。
在一个特殊的情况下,git mv仍然非常有用:当您想在不区分大小写的文件系统上更改文件名的大小写时。默认情况下,APFS (mac)和NTFS (windows)都是不区分大小写的(但保留大小写)。
格雷格。金德尔在对CB Bailey的回答的评论中提到了这一点。
$ mv Mytest.txt MyTest.txt
overwrite MyTest.txt? (y/n [n]) y
$ git status
On branch master
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.
nothing to commit, working tree clean
$ mv Mytest.txt temp.txt
$ git rm Mytest.txt
rm 'Mytest.txt'
$ mv temp.txt MyTest.txt
$ git add MyTest.txt
$ git status
On branch master
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.
Changes to be committed:
(use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
renamed: Mytest.txt -> MyTest.txt
或者你可以使用git mv来节省你所有的麻烦:
$ git mv Mytest.txt MyTest.txt
$ git status
On branch master
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.
Changes to be committed:
(use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
renamed: Mytest.txt -> MyTest.txt
Git mv移动文件,更新索引以记录被替换的文件路径,以及更新任何受影响的Git子模块。与手动移动不同的是,它还会检测到git不会作为更改检测到的纯大小写重命名。
它的行为类似于(尽管不完全相同)将文件从外部移动到git,使用git rm从索引中删除旧路径,并使用git add将新路径添加到索引中。
The file, directory, or symlink is moved in the filesystem: git-mv - Move or rename a file, a directory, or a symlink The index is updated, adding the new path and removing the previous one: The index is updated after successful completion, but the change must still be committed. Moved submodules are updated to work at the new location: Moving a submodule using a gitfile (which means they were cloned with a Git version 1.7.8 or newer) will update the gitfile and core.worktree setting to make the submodule work in the new location. It also will attempt to update the submodule.<name>.path setting in the gitmodules(5) file and stage that file (unless -n is used).
正如在回答中提到的,git mv非常类似于移动文件,将新路径添加到索引中,并从索引中删除之前的路径:
mv oldname newname
git add newname
git rm oldname
然而,正如这个答案所指出的,gitmv在行为上并不完全相同。通过git mv移动文件会将新的路径添加到索引中,但不会添加文件中任何修改的内容。另一方面,使用这三个单独的命令将整个文件添加到索引中,包括任何修改过的内容。当使用修补索引的工作流,而不是在文件中添加所有更改时,这可能是相关的。
此外,正如在这个回答和这个评论中提到的,git mv有一个额外的好处,就是在不区分大小写但保留大小写的文件系统上处理只区分大小写的重命名,就像当前macOS和Windows文件系统中经常出现的情况一样。例如,在这样的系统中,git在通过mv Mytest.txt Mytest.txt移动文件后不会检测到文件名已经更改,而使用git mv Mytest.txt Mytest.txt将成功更新其名称。
也许git mv在这些答案发布后发生了变化,所以我会简单更新一下。在我看来,git mv不能准确地描述为:
# not accurate: #
mv oldname newname
git add newname
git rm oldname
我经常使用git mv有两个原因,在之前的回答中没有描述:
移动大型目录结构,其中我混合了跟踪和未跟踪文件的内容。被跟踪和未跟踪的文件都将移动,并保持其跟踪/未跟踪状态 移动较大的文件和目录,我一直认为git mv将减少存储库DB历史大小。这是因为移动/重命名文件是索引/引用增量。我还没有证实这个假设,但它似乎是合乎逻辑的。