POCO =普通旧CLR(或更好的:类)对象
DTO =数据传输对象
POCO =普通旧CLR(或更好的:类)对象
DTO =数据传输对象
So, in conclusion, learn to love the POCO, and make sure you don’t spread any misinformation about it being the same thing as a DTO. DTOs are simple data containers used for moving data between the layers of an application. POCOs are full fledged business objects with the one requirement that they are Persistence Ignorant (no get or save methods). Lastly, if you haven’t checked out Jimmy Nilsson’s book yet, pick it up from your local university stacks. It has examples in C# and it’s a great read.
顺便说一句,帕特里克,我把POCO当作一篇生活方式的文章来读,我完全同意,这是一篇很棒的文章。这实际上是我推荐的吉米·尼尔森书中的一个章节。我不知道网上也有。他的书确实是我在POCO / DTO / Repository /和其他DDD开发实践方面找到的最好的信息来源。
POCO遵循面向对象的规则。它应该(但不必)具有状态和行为。POCO来自于POJO,由Martin Fowler创造。他使用术语POJO作为一种方式,使其更性感地拒绝框架繁重的EJB实现。在. net中,POCO应该在相同的上下文中使用。不要让框架支配你的对象设计。
DTO的唯一目的是传输状态,不应该有任何行为。请参阅Martin Fowler对DTO的解释,以获得使用此模式的示例。
DTO objects are used to deserialize data into objects from different sources. Those objects are NOT your Model (POCO) objects. You need to transform those objects into your Model (POCO) objects. The transformation is mostly a copy operation. You can fill those POCO objects directly from the source if its an internal source, but its not adviceable if its an external source. External sources have API's with descriptions of the Schema they use. Its much easier then to load the request data in an DTO and after that transform those in your POCO's. Yes its an extra step, but with a reason. The rule is to load the data from your source in an object. It can be JSON, XML whatever. When loaded then transform that data in what you need in your model. So most of times the DTO is an object image of the external source. Sometimes you even get the Schema's of the source providers then you can deserialize even easier, XML works like that with XSD's.
下面是一般规则:DTO=邪恶和过度工程软件的指示器。少= =好。“企业”模式已经摧毁了Java EE世界中许多人的大脑。请不要在。net领域重复这个错误。