for i in dir():
print (i, sys.getsizeof(eval(i)) )
Python 3.8(2019年第一季度)将改变sys. js的一些结果。getsizeof, Raymond Hettinger在此宣布:
tuple () 48 -> 40
list [] 64 ->56
set() 224 -> 216
dict {} 240 -> 232
这是在议题33597和稻田直树(甲烷)围绕紧凑型PyGC_Head和PR 7043的工作之后
这个想法将PyGC_Head大小减少到两个单词。 目前,PyGC_Head包含三个单词;Gc_prev, gc_next和gc_refcnt。 收集时使用Gc_refcnt,用于尝试删除。 Gc_prev用于跟踪和取消跟踪。 因此,如果我们可以在试删除时避免跟踪/取消跟踪,gc_prev和gc_refcnt可以共享相同的内存空间。
参见commit d5c875b:
从PyGC_Head中移除一个Py_ssize_t成员。 所有GC跟踪的对象(例如元组,列表,dict)大小减少4或8字节。
import pickle
## let o be the object whose size you want to measure
size_estimate = len(pickle.dumps(o))
我用这个技巧…May在小对象上不准确,但我认为对于复杂对象(如pygame surface)比sys.getsizeof()更准确。
import pygame as pg
import os
import psutil
import time
process = psutil.Process(os.getpid())
vocab = ['hello', 'me', 'you', 'she', 'he', 'they', 'we',
'should', 'why?', 'necessarily', 'do', 'that']
font = pg.font.SysFont("monospace", 100, True)
dct = {}
newMem = process.memory_info().rss # don't mind this line
Str = f'store ' + f'Nothing \tsurface use about '.expandtabs(15) + \
f'0\t bytes'.expandtabs(9) # don't mind this assignment too
usedMem = process.memory_info().rss
for word in vocab:
dct[word] = font.render(word, True, pg.Color("#000000"))
time.sleep(0.1) # wait a moment
# get total used memory of this script:
newMem = process.memory_info().rss
Str = f'store ' + f'{word}\tsurface use about '.expandtabs(15) + \
f'{newMem - usedMem}\t bytes'.expandtabs(9)
usedMem = newMem
在我的windows 10, python 3.7.3,输出是:
store hello surface use about 225280 bytes
store me surface use about 61440 bytes
store you surface use about 94208 bytes
store she surface use about 81920 bytes
store he surface use about 53248 bytes
store they surface use about 114688 bytes
store we surface use about 57344 bytes
store should surface use about 172032 bytes
store why? surface use about 110592 bytes
store necessarily surface use about 311296 bytes
store do surface use about 57344 bytes
store that surface use about 110592 bytes
sys.getsizeof(object[, default]): Return the size of an object in bytes. The object can be any type of object. All built-in objects will return correct results, but this does not have to hold true for third-party extensions as it is implementation specific. Only the memory consumption directly attributed to the object is accounted for, not the memory consumption of objects it refers to. The default argument allows to define a value which will be returned if the object type does not provide means to retrieve the size and would cause a TypeError. getsizeof calls the object’s __sizeof__ method and adds an additional garbage collector overhead if the object is managed by the garbage collector. See recursive sizeof recipe for an example of using getsizeof() recursively to find the size of containers and all their contents.
python 3.0中的用法示例:
>>> import sys
>>> x = 2
>>> sys.getsizeof(x)
>>> sys.getsizeof(sys.getsizeof)
>>> sys.getsizeof('this')
>>> sys.getsizeof('this also')
如果你在python < 2.6并且没有sys. exe。Getsizeof可以使用这个扩展模块。但从来没用过。