
models.CharField(max_length=100, null=True, blank=True)

ForeignKey, DecimalField等也是如此。两者的基本区别是什么:

null = True只 空白= True只 null=True, blank=True

对于不同的(CharField, ForeignKey, ManyToManyField, DateTimeField)字段?使用选项1、2或3的优点/缺点是什么?



在数据库级别定义字段约束(例如SQL, Postgresql,或任何其他) 在表单级别定义字段约束(在数据库层之上的框架级别)


空白是Django表单相关的。它用于在admin或Django中验证Django表单。特别是当我们调用form.is_valid()时 Null与数据库相关。它告诉底层数据库该列是否允许保存空值。


class Company(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    website = models.UrlField()
    founded_on = models.DateField(blank=True, null=False)
    random_date = models.DateFeild(blank=False, null=True)
    random_text = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True)


founded_on: can receive an empty string value at form level (framework/language level). While saving to the database then we would raise IntegrityError because the Database will not accept the null value due to null being false. random_date: receiving an empty value at form level (Framework) through validation error, since blank is not allowed due to blank true that is setting constraints at the form level. However, it also allows the column to be null at the database layer. random_text: This is the option that means that the field is allowed to be saved as null at the database layer and also empty string value is allowed to be valid data as per the Django forms validation logic due to blank=True. So in short it can receive empty values (at the framework level and can store empty value at DB level.


首先,它填写表单,我们可以在框架级别调用验证数据。 其次,它有一个数据库级别的选项,可以帮助定义DB约束。






date = models.DateTimeField(null=True)


title = models.CharField(blank=True) // title可以为空。 在数据库中(“”)将被存储。 null=True blank=True这意味着该字段在所有情况下都是可选的。

epic = models.ForeignKey(null=True, blank=True)
// The exception is CharFields() and TextFields(), which in Django are never saved as NULL. Blank values a

正如Django Model Field reference中所说:Link

Field options The following arguments are available to all field types. All are optional. null Field.null If True, Django will store empty values as NULL in the database. Default is False. Avoid using null on string-based fields such as CharField and TextField because empty string values will always be stored as empty strings, not as NULL. If a string-based field has null=True, that means it has two possible values for "no data": NULL, and the empty string. In most cases, it’s redundant to have two possible values for "no data"; the Django convention is to use the empty string, not NULL. For both string-based and non-string-based fields, you will also need to set blank=True if you wish to permit empty values in forms, as the null parameter only affects database storage (see blank). Note When using the Oracle database backend, the value NULL will be stored to denote the empty string regardless of this attribute blank Field.blank If True, the field is allowed to be blank. Default is False. Note that this is different than null. null is purely database-related, whereas blank is validation-related. If a field has blank=True, form validation will allow entry of an empty value. If a field has blank=False, the field will be required.

这里有一个blank= True和null=True字段的示例

description = models.TextField(blank=True, null= True)

在这种情况下: blank = True:告诉我们的表单可以将description字段保留为空


null = True:告诉我们的数据库,在我们的db字段中记录一个空值并且不给出错误是可以的。

null = True


blank = True



null=True, if we set blank=True for a field, that model field does not receive any value, then the database or Django has to do something with that field when data is written into the database. For any kind of text content an empty string is stored in the database, so there is a value stored in the database. For other kinds of fields like date fields or numbers, we use the special data type "null". "null" can be used if a field potentially has no value, but by default, Django does not allow "null" values. That is why you need to explicitly set null=True.
