2024-10-01 09:00:04










The main goal of Vuex is to offer a new pattern to control the behaviour of your application: Reactivity. The idea is to offload the orchestration of the state of your application to a specialized object: a store. It conveniently supplies methods to connect your components directly to your store data to be used at their own convenience. This allows your components to focus on their job: defining a template, style, and basic component behaviour to present to your user. Meanwhile, the store handles the heavy data load.

That is not the only advantage of this pattern though. The fact that stores are a single source of data for the entirety of your application offers a great potential for re-usability of this data across many components. This isn't the first pattern that attempts to address this issue of cross-component communication, but where it shines is that it forces you to implement a very safe behaviour in your application by basically forbidding your components to modify the state of this shared data, and force it instead to use "public endpoints" to ask for change.


The store has an internal state, which should never be directly accessed by components (mapState is effectively banned) The store has mutations, which are synchronous modifications to the internal state. A mutation's only job is to modify the state. They should only be called from an action. They should be named to describe things that happened to the state (ORDER_CANCELED, ORDER_CREATED). Keep them short and sweet. You can step through them by using the Vue Devtools browser extension (it's great for debugging too!) The store also has actions, which should be async or return a promise. They are the actions that your components will call when they want to modify the state of the application. They should be named with business oriented actions (verbs, i.e. cancelOrder, createOrder). This is where you validate and send your requests. Each action may call different commits at different steps if it is required to change the state. Finally, the store has getters, which are what you use to expose your state to your components. Expect them to be heavily used across many components as your application expands. Vuex caches getters heavily to avoid useless computation cycles (as long as you don't add parameters to your getter - try not to use parameters) so don't hesitate to use them extensively. Just make sure you give names that describe as closely as possible what state the application currently is in.


We have a component that offers a list of orders to the user with the possibility to delete those orders The component has mapped a store getter (deletableOrders), which is an array of objects with ids The component has a button on each row of orders, and its click is mapped to a store action (deleteOrder) which passes the order object to it (which, we will remember, comes from the store's list itself) The store deleteOrder action does the following: it validates the deletion it stores the order to delete temporarily it commits the ORDER_DELETED mutation with the order it sends the API call to actually delete the order (yes, AFTER modifying the state!) it waits for the call to end (the state is already updated) and on failure, we call the ORDER_DELETE_FAILED mutation with the order we kept earlier. The ORDER_DELETED mutation will simply remove the given order from the list of deletable orders (which will update the getter) The ORDER_DELETE_FAILED mutation simply puts it back, and modifies the state to notify of the error (another component, error-notification, would be tracking that state to know when to display itself)



export default {
  state: {
    orders: []
  mutations: {
    ADD_ORDER (state, order) {
    DELETE_ORDER (state, orderToDelete) {
       state.orders = state.orders.filter(order => order.id !== orderToDelete.id)
  actions: {
    addOrder ({commit}, order) {
      commit('ADD_ORDER', order)
    deleteOrder ({commit}, order) {
      commit('DELETE_ORDER', order)
  getters: {
    orders: state => state.orders




当您的应用程序变得很大,并且有多个开发人员在这个项目上工作时,您会发现“状态管理”(特别是“全局状态”)变得越来越复杂。 Vuex方式(就像react.js中的Redux一样)提供了一种新的机制来管理状态、保持状态和“保存和跟踪”(这意味着每个修改状态的操作都可以被调试工具vue-devtools跟踪)



Mutations: Vuex mutations are essentially events: each mutation has a name and a handler. import Vuex from 'vuex' const store = new Vuex.Store({ state: { count: 1 }, mutations: { INCREMENT (state) { // mutate state state.count++ } } }) Actions: Actions are just functions that dispatch mutations. // the simplest action function increment ({commit}) { commit('INCREMENT') } // a action with additional arguments // with ES2015 argument destructuring function incrementBy ({ dispatch }, amount) { dispatch('INCREMENT', amount) }


突变是改变状态的唯一方法 突变并不关心业务逻辑,它只关心“状态” 操作是业务逻辑 动作一次可以提交多个突变,它只实现业务逻辑,不关心数据更改(由突变管理)


在突变中,你可以改变状态,但不能改变它的行为。 您可以在动作内部运行异步代码,但不能在突变中运行。 在动作内部,你可以访问getter,状态,突变(提交它们),动作(分派它们)等等,在突变中你只能访问状态。





// Yes, you can!


// so we go from this

// to this
this.$store.commit('addProduct', {product})

// and in store
addProduct(state, {product}){




Actions, like mutations, also reside in the store's module and can receive the state object. Which implies that they could also mutate it directly. So what's the point of having both? If we reason that mutations have to be kept small and simple, it implies that we need an alternative means to house more elaborate business logic. Actions are the means to do this. And since as we have established earlier, vue-devtools and plugins are aware of changes through Mutations, to stay consistent we should keep using Mutations from our actions. Furthermore, since actions are meant to be all encompassing and that the logic they encapsulate may be asynchronous, it makes sense that Actions would also simply made asynchronous from the start.



为什么突变不接收getter ?


Thus, preventing Mutations from directly accessing Getters means that one of three things is now necessary, if we need to access from the former some functionality offered by the latter: (1) either the state computations provided by the Getter is duplicated somewhere that is accessible to the Mutation (bad smell), or (2) the computed value (or the relevant Getter itself) is passed down as an explicit argument to the Mutation (funky), or (3) the Getter's logic itself is duplicated directly within the Mutation, without the added benefit of caching as provided by the Getter (stench).


    shoppingCart: {
        products: []

        return function(product) { ... }

actions: {
    addProduct({state, getters, commit, dispatch}, {product}){

        // all kinds of business logic goes here

        // then pull out some computed state
        const hasProduct = getters.hasProduct(product)
        // and pass it to the mutation
        commit('addProduct', {product, hasProduct})

mutations: {
    addProduct(state, {product, hasProduct}){ 
        if (hasProduct){
            // mutate the state one way
        } else {
            // mutate the state another way 




