interface myInterface {
static Name:string;
interface myInterface {
static Name:string;
// Interface definition
abstract class MyInterface {
static MyName: string;
abstract getText(): string;
// Interface implementation
class MyClass extends MyInterface {
static MyName = 'TestName';
getText(): string {
return `This is my name static name "${MyClass.MyName}".`;
// Test run
const test: MyInterface = new MyClass();
interface MyType {
interface MyTypeStatic {
declare var myInterface : {
new(): Interface;
After about an hour or so of tinkering however, I think I may have just found the best/cleanest solution so far (building upon my initial idea)! If the question posed is "How do I include static properties in an interface?", then I think this is a fairly decent answer. This is at least better than extending a class if all you need is an interface (compiletime typing/requirements/restraints). There's no real drawback (well, maybe one small one) to this either since the solution is 100% ambient (unlike extends-based class extension like some answers are suggesting) and classes are constants regardless (immutable references that are not hoisted when using the standard class declaration syntax instead of a class expression as I'm doing here). This incurs no runtime overhead and doesn't require runtime class inheritance. You can define the entire class (both static and non-static members) all in one (ambient class used as an) interface!
/** ./interface.ts */
// In a file module (best), or wrap in ts module or namespace block
// Putting this in a module provides encapsulation ensuring that no one is
// at risk of misusing this class (it must be used as a type only).
// Export only a type reference which will make it error is someone tries
// to use it as a value (such as in an `extends` clause, or trying to
// instantiate it).
* Other Ideas For Names To Differentiate From Actual Classes/Non-Ambient Values:
* MyClassInterface or _Interface_MyClass or MyClass_Interface or Interface_MyClass
declare class _MyClassInterface {
static staticProp: string;
static staticMethod(): number;
readonly prop: boolean
* Note: Above, readonly won't need to be specified in the real class
* but the prop *will* still be readonly anyway.
* Now for the only caveat!
* It does appear however that you cannot mark anything private or
* protected in this pseudo-interface which is a bummer, only props
* and methods that appear only in the real class can be.
prop2: boolean;
method(): Function;
constructor(p1: string, p2: number);
export type MyClassInterface = typeof _MyClassInterface;
/** ./consumer.ts */
import { MyClassInterface } from "./interface" // type import
const MyClass: MyClassInterface = class {
static staticProp: string;
prop: boolean;
prop2: boolean;
protected onlyOnRealClass: boolean; /* this is ok since this prop doesn't exist on the interface */
static staticMethod() {
return 5;
method() {
return () => {};
constructor(p1: string, p2: number) {}
const a: MyClass = new MyClass()
Edit: Actually I'm removing the abstract keyword from my answer because it turns out that the real class actually inherits the property of being abstract from the ambient class (makes sense), and will therefore not instantiate w/o the compiler complaining if the ambient class that provides its type is marked abstract... just gonna have to deal with ts not erroring if the ambient class is ever accidentally instantiated. It might be a decent idea then to prefix the ambient class declaration/name with an underscore and/or include the word Interface in the name so its proper use is clear (edit: I have since tackled this issue by encapsulating the interface in a file module thereby rendering it private to all other code and then exporting only a type reference to it).
在整个实现代码中使用的“公开的”广泛使用的类型注释变得稍微小了一些,因为它不再包含关键字typeof 与包装的环境类/接口声明不同,导出/向外标识符严格来说是一种类型(别名),因此如果有人试图实例化它或在extends子句中使用它(或在其他需要运行时值的地方使用它),就会发生错误。
I'm not supplying a class name for the Class Expression in this example because Class Expressions, like all Function Expressions, will just inherit the identifier that they are assigned to if a class name if not provided. So if your identifier is identical to the name you want for that class or function anyways, you can just leave it off. Or, you may provide one inline as usual and it will take precedence over the identifier. A class or function name can also be changed after function/class creation, but only via Object.defineProperty or Object.defineProperties.
interface MyStaticClassInterface {
var myStaticClass:MyStaticClassInterface = {
foo() {
return 'bar';
interface MyInterface {
class MyClass implements MyInterface {
static Name:string; // typescript won't care about this field
Name:string; // and demand this one instead
var MyClass: MyInterface;
MyClass = class {
static Name:string; // if the class doesn't have that field it won't compile
var MyClass: MyInterface;
MyClass = class MyClass {
static Name:string; // if the class doesn't have that field it won't compile
interface NameInterface {
interface AddressInterface {
interface NameAndAddressInterface extends NameInterface, AddressInterface { }
var MyClass: NameAndAddressInterface;
MyClass = class MyClass {
static Name:string; // if the class doesn't have that static field code won't compile
static Address:string; // if the class doesn't have that static field code won't compile
interface NameInterface {
interface AddressInterface {
var MyClass: NameInterface & AddressInterface;
MyClass = class MyClass {
static Name:string; // if the class doesn't have that static field code won't compile
static Address:string; // if the class doesn't have that static field code won't compile