

func myFunction() (*MyStructType, error) {
    var chunk *MyStructType = new(HeaderChunk)


    return chunk, nil

func myFunction() (*MyStructType, error) {
    var chunk MyStructType


    return &chunk, nil






注意,与C语言不同,返回a的地址是完全可以的 局部变量;与该变量关联的存储保存下来 在函数返回之后。实际上,取一个合成对象的地址 每次求值时,Literal都会分配一个新实例,因此我们 可以结合这最后两行。 http://golang.org/doc/effective_go.html#functions


在例1中,该结构在堆上声明。例2呢?它在堆栈上的声明和在C语言中一样吗?还是它也在堆上? 如果例子2是在堆栈上声明的,它如何在函数返回后保持可用? 如果例子2实际上是在堆上声明的,为什么结构体是按值而不是按引用传递的?在这种情况下指针的意义是什么?


你并不总是知道你的变量是分配在堆栈上还是堆上。 ... 如果你需要知道变量的分配位置,传递"-m" gc标志给"go build"或"go run"(例如,去运行-gcflags -m app.go)。

来源:http://devs.cloudimmunity.com/gotchas-and-common-mistakes-in-go-golang/index.html stack_heap_vars






type MyStructType struct{}

func myFunction1() (*MyStructType, error) {
    var chunk *MyStructType = new(MyStructType)
    // ...
    return chunk, nil

func myFunction2() (MyStructType, error) {
    var chunk MyStructType
    // ...
    return chunk, nil

type bigStruct struct {
    lots [1e6]float64

func myFunction3() (bigStruct, error) {
    var chunk bigStruct
    // ...
    return chunk, nil


--- prog list "myFunction1" ---
0000 (s.go:5) TEXT    myFunction1+0(SB),$16-24
0001 (s.go:6) MOVQ    $type."".MyStructType+0(SB),(SP)
0002 (s.go:6) CALL    ,runtime.new+0(SB)
0003 (s.go:6) MOVQ    8(SP),AX
0004 (s.go:8) MOVQ    AX,.noname+0(FP)
0005 (s.go:8) MOVQ    $0,.noname+8(FP)
0006 (s.go:8) MOVQ    $0,.noname+16(FP)
0007 (s.go:8) RET     ,

--- prog list "myFunction2" ---
0008 (s.go:11) TEXT    myFunction2+0(SB),$0-16
0009 (s.go:12) LEAQ    chunk+0(SP),DI
0010 (s.go:12) MOVQ    $0,AX
0011 (s.go:14) LEAQ    .noname+0(FP),BX
0012 (s.go:14) LEAQ    chunk+0(SP),BX
0013 (s.go:14) MOVQ    $0,.noname+0(FP)
0014 (s.go:14) MOVQ    $0,.noname+8(FP)
0015 (s.go:14) RET     ,


--- prog list "myFunction3" ---
0016 (s.go:21) TEXT    myFunction3+0(SB),$8000000-8000016
0017 (s.go:22) LEAQ    chunk+-8000000(SP),DI
0018 (s.go:22) MOVQ    $0,AX
0019 (s.go:22) MOVQ    $1000000,CX
0020 (s.go:22) REP     ,
0021 (s.go:22) STOSQ   ,
0022 (s.go:24) LEAQ    chunk+-8000000(SP),SI
0023 (s.go:24) LEAQ    .noname+0(FP),DI
0024 (s.go:24) MOVQ    $1000000,CX
0025 (s.go:24) REP     ,
0026 (s.go:24) MOVSQ   ,
0027 (s.go:24) MOVQ    $0,.noname+8000000(FP)
0028 (s.go:24) MOVQ    $0,.noname+8000008(FP)
0029 (s.go:24) RET     ,


type MyStructType struct{}

func myFunction1() (*MyStructType, error) {
    var chunk *MyStructType = new(MyStructType)
    // ...
    return chunk, nil

func myFunction2() (*MyStructType, error) {
    var chunk MyStructType
    // ...
    return &chunk, nil


--- prog list "myFunction1" ---
0000 (temp.go:9) TEXT    myFunction1+0(SB),$8-12
0001 (temp.go:10) MOVL    $type."".MyStructType+0(SB),(SP)
0002 (temp.go:10) CALL    ,runtime.new+0(SB)
0003 (temp.go:10) MOVL    4(SP),BX
0004 (temp.go:12) MOVL    BX,.noname+0(FP)
0005 (temp.go:12) MOVL    $0,AX
0006 (temp.go:12) LEAL    .noname+4(FP),DI
0007 (temp.go:12) STOSL   ,
0008 (temp.go:12) STOSL   ,
0009 (temp.go:12) RET     ,

--- prog list "myFunction2" ---
0010 (temp.go:15) TEXT    myFunction2+0(SB),$8-12
0011 (temp.go:16) MOVL    $type."".MyStructType+0(SB),(SP)
0012 (temp.go:16) CALL    ,runtime.new+0(SB)
0013 (temp.go:16) MOVL    4(SP),BX
0014 (temp.go:18) MOVL    BX,.noname+0(FP)
0015 (temp.go:18) MOVL    $0,AX
0016 (temp.go:18) LEAL    .noname+4(FP),DI
0017 (temp.go:18) STOSL   ,
0018 (temp.go:18) STOSL   ,
0019 (temp.go:18) RET     ,

调用 在函数调用中,函数值和参数在 通常的顺序。在它们被求值之后,调用的参数 是通过值传递给函数和被调用的函数开始 执行。函数的返回参数是按值传递的 当函数返回时,返回到调用函数。




stack allocation non-pointer Go values stored in local variables will likely not be managed by the Go GC at all, and Go will instead arrange for memory to be allocated that's tied to the lexical scope in which it's created. In general, this is more efficient than relying on the GC, because the Go compiler is able to predetermine when that memory may be freed and emit machine instructions that clean up. Typically, we refer to allocating memory for Go values this way as "stack allocation," because the space is stored on the goroutine stack. heap allocation Go values whose memory cannot be allocated this way, because the Go compiler cannot determine its lifetime, are said to escape to the heap. "The heap" can be thought of as a catch-all for memory allocation, for when Go values need to be placed somewhere. The act of allocating memory on the heap is typically referred to as "dynamic memory allocation" because both the compiler and the runtime can make very few assumptions as to how this memory is used and when it can be cleaned up. That's where a GC comes in: it's a system that specifically identifies and cleans up dynamic memory allocations.




$ go build -gcflags=-m=3 [package]


Go GC对活动内存的人口统计非常敏感,因为对象和指针的复杂图既限制了并行性,又为GC生成了更多的工作。因此,GC包含一些针对特定公共结构的优化。下面列出了对性能优化最直接有用的方法。

Pointer-free values are segregated from other values. As a result, it may be advantageous to eliminate pointers from data structures that do not strictly need them, as this reduces the cache pressure the GC exerts on the program. As a result, data structures that rely on indices over pointer values, while less well-typed, may perform better. This is only worth doing if it's clear that the object graph is complex and the GC is spending a lot of time marking and scanning. The GC will stop scanning values at the last pointer in the value. As a result, it may be advantageous to group pointer fields in struct-typed values at the beginning of the value. This is only worth doing if it's clear the application spends a lot of its time marking and scanning. (In theory the compiler can do this automatically, but it is not yet implemented, and struct fields are arranged as written in the source code.)


如果编译器不能证明变量之后没有被引用 函数返回,则编译器必须在上分配变量 垃圾收集堆,以避免悬空指针错误。

func Function1() (*MyStructType, error) {
    var chunk *MyStructType = new(HeaderChunk)


    return chunk, nil

func Function2() (*MyStructType, error) {
    var chunk MyStructType


    return &chunk, nil



   package main
   type S struct {
           x int
   func main() {
  func F1() *S {
          s := new(S)
          return s
  func F2() *S {
          s := S{x: 10}
          return &s
  func F3() S {
          s := S{x: 9}
          return s


go run -gcflags -m test.go


# command-line-arguments
./test.go:13:6: can inline F1
./test.go:18:6: can inline F2
./test.go:23:6: can inline F3
./test.go:7:6: can inline main
./test.go:8:4: inlining call to F1
./test.go:9:4: inlining call to F2
./test.go:10:4: inlining call to F3
/var/folders/nr/lxtqsz6x1x1gfbyp1p0jy4p00000gn/T/go-build333003258/b001/_gomod_.go:6:6: can inline init.0
./test.go:8:4: main new(S) does not escape
./test.go:9:4: main &s does not escape
./test.go:14:10: new(S) escapes to heap
./test.go:20:9: &s escapes to heap
./test.go:19:2: moved to heap: s

如果编译器足够聪明,F1() F2() F3()可能不会被调用。因为它没有任何意义。
