public class Book
public string Name
get; private set;
public static class PropertyInfoExtensions
public static TValue GetAttributValue<TAttribute, TValue>(this PropertyInfo prop, Func<TAttribute, TValue> value) where TAttribute : Attribute
var att = prop.GetCustomAttributes(
typeof(TAttribute), true
).FirstOrDefault() as TAttribute;
if (att != null)
return value(att);
return default(TValue);
//get class properties with attribute [AuthorAttribute]
var props = typeof(Book).GetProperties().Where(prop => Attribute.IsDefined(prop, typeof(AuthorAttribute)));
foreach (var prop in props)
string value = prop.GetAttributValue((AuthorAttribute a) => a.Name);
//get class properties with attribute [AuthorAttribute]
var props = typeof(Book).GetProperties().Where(prop => Attribute.IsDefined(prop, typeof(AuthorAttribute)));
IList<string> values = props.Select(prop => prop.GetAttributValue((AuthorAttribute a) => a.Name)).Where(attr => attr != null).ToList();
对于那些仍然需要维护。net 2.0的人,或者那些不想使用LINQ的人:
public static object GetAttribute(System.Reflection.MemberInfo mi, System.Type t)
object[] objs = mi.GetCustomAttributes(t, true);
if (objs == null || objs.Length < 1)
return null;
return objs[0];
public static T GetAttribute<T>(System.Reflection.MemberInfo mi)
return (T)GetAttribute(mi, typeof(T));
public delegate TResult GetValue_t<in T, out TResult>(T arg1);
public static TValue GetAttributValue<TAttribute, TValue>(System.Reflection.MemberInfo mi, GetValue_t<TAttribute, TValue> value) where TAttribute : System.Attribute
TAttribute[] objAtts = (TAttribute[])mi.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(TAttribute), true);
TAttribute att = (objAtts == null || objAtts.Length < 1) ? default(TAttribute) : objAtts[0];
// TAttribute att = (TAttribute)GetAttribute(mi, typeof(TAttribute));
if (att != null)
return value(att);
return default(TValue);
System.Reflection.FieldInfo fi = t.GetField("PrintBackground");
wkHtmlOptionNameAttribute att = GetAttribute<wkHtmlOptionNameAttribute>(fi);
string name = GetAttributValue<wkHtmlOptionNameAttribute, string>(fi, delegate(wkHtmlOptionNameAttribute a){ return a.Name;});
string aname = GetAttributValue<wkHtmlOptionNameAttribute, string>(fi, a => a.Name );