

OSGi清晰而简单的定义是什么? 它能解决什么常见问题?






I don't care too much about the hotplugability of OSGi modules (at least currently). It's more the enforced modularity. Not having millions of "public" classes available on the classpath at any time protects well from circular dependencies: You have to really think about your public interfaces - not just in terms of the java language construct "public", but in terms of your library/module: What (exactly) are the components, that you want to make available for others? What (exactly) are the interfaces (of other modules) you really need to implement your functionality?




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在一台有16g内存和40g空闲磁盘和Intel i5-3437U 1.9 GHz CPU的机器上

The "benefit" of this upgrade was sold as improving (production) deployments - an activity that we do about 4 times a year with maybe 2-4 small fix deployments a year. Adding 45 minutes per day to 15 people (QA and developers) I can't imagine ever being justified. In big enterprise applications, if your application is a core application, then changing it is, rightly so (small changes have potential for far reaching impacts - must be communicated and planned with consumers all over the enterprise), a monumental activity - wrong architecture for OSGi. If your application is not an enterprise application - i.e. each consumer can have their own tailored module likely hitting their own silo of data in their own silo'd database and running on a server that hosts many applications, then maybe look at OSGi. At least, that is my experience thus far.



You can, analogically speaking, change the motor of your car without turning it off. You can customize complex systems for the customers. See the power of Eclipse. You can reuse entire components. Better than just objects. You use a stable platform to develop component based Applications. The benefits of this are huge. You can build Components with the black box concept. Other components don't need to know about hidden interfaces, them see just the published interfaces. You can use in the same system several equal components, but in different releases, without compromise the application. OSGi solves the Jar Hell problem. With OSGi you develop thinking to architect systems with CBD



In one of our application, we have event based flow and flow is defined in plugins based on OSGi platform so tomorrow if some client wants different/additional flow then he just have to deploy one more plugin, configure it from our console and he is done. It is used for deploying different Store connectors, for example, suppose we already have Oracle DB connector and tomorrow mongodb is required to be connected then write a new connector and deploy it and configure the details through console and again you are done. deployment of connnectors is handled by OSGi plugin framework.