OSGi清晰而简单的定义是什么? 它能解决什么常见问题?
OSGi清晰而简单的定义是什么? 它能解决什么常见问题?
Reduced Complexity - Developing with OSGi technology means developing bundles: the OSGi components. Bundles are modules. They hide their internals from other bundles and communicate through well defined services. Hiding internals means more freedom to change later. This not only reduces the number of bugs, it also makes bundles simpler to develop because correctly sized bundles implement a piece of functionality through well defined interfaces. There is an interesting blog that describes what OSGi technology did for their development process.
Real World - The OSGi framework is dynamic. It can update bundles on the fly and services can come and go. Developers used to more traditional Java see this as a very problematic feature and fail to see the advantage. However, it turns out that the real world is highly dynamic and having dynamic services that can come and go makes the services a perfect match for many real world scenarios. For example, a service could model a device in the network. If the device is detected, the service is registered. If the device goes away, the service is unregistered. There are a surprising number of real world scenarios that match this dynamic service model. Applications can therefore reuse the powerful primitives of the service registry (register, get, list with an expressive filter language, and waiting for services to appear and disappear) in their own domain. This not only saves writing code, it also provides global visibility, debugging tools, and more functionality than would have implemented for a dedicated solution. Writing code in such a dynamic environment sounds like a nightmare, but fortunately, there are support classes and frameworks that take most, if not all, of the pain out of it.
Easy Deployment - The OSGi technology is not just a standard for components. It also specifies how components are installed and managed. This API has been used by many bundles to provide a management agent. This management agent can be as simple as a command shell, a TR-69 management protocol driver, OMA DM protocol driver, a cloud computing interface for Amazon's EC2, or an IBM Tivoli management system. The standardized management API makes it very easy to integrate OSGi technology in existing and future systems.
Adaptive - The OSGi component model is designed from the ground up to allow the mixing and matching of components. This requires that the dependencies of components need to be specified and it requires components to live in an environment where their optional dependencies are not always available. The OSGi service registry is a dynamic registry where bundles can register, get, and listen to services. This dynamic service model allows bundles to find out what capabilities are available on the system and adapt the functionality they can provide. This makes code more flexible and resilient to changes.
Transparency - Bundles and services are first class citizens in the OSGi environment. The management API provides access to the internal state of a bundle as well as how it is connected to other bundles. For example, most frameworks provide a command shell that shows this internal state. Parts of the applications can be stopped to debug a certain problem, or diagnostic bundles can be brought in. Instead of staring at millions of lines of logging output and long reboot times, OSGi applications can often be debugged with a live command shell.
Versioning - OSGi technology solves JAR hell. JAR hell is the problem that library A works with library B;version=2, but library C can only work with B;version=3. In standard Java, you're out of luck. In the OSGi environment, all bundles are carefully versioned and only bundles that can collaborate are wired together in the same class space. This allows both bundle A and C to function with their own library. Though it is not advised to design systems with this versioning issue, it can be a life saver in some cases.
简单——OSGi API非常简单。核心API只有一个包和不到30个类/接口。这个核心API足以编写包、安装它们、启动、停止、更新和卸载它们,并且包括所有侦听器和安全类。很少有API能够为如此少的API提供如此多的功能。
小——OSGi Release 4框架可以在大约300KB的JAR文件中实现。对于通过包含OSGi而添加到应用程序中的功能而言,这是一个很小的开销。因此,OSGi可以在各种各样的设备上运行:从非常小的设备到小型设备,再到大型机。它只要求运行一个最小的Java VM,并且在上面添加了很少的内容。
Secure - Java has a very powerful fine grained security model at the bottom but it has turned out very hard to configure in practice. The result is that most secure Java applications are running with a binary choice: no security or very limited capabilities. The OSGi security model leverages the fine grained security model but improves the usability (as well as hardening the original model) by having the bundle developer specify the requested security details in an easily audited form while the operator of the environment remains fully in charge. Overall, OSGi likely provides one of the most secure application environments that is still usable short of hardware protected computing platforms.
非侵入性——OSGi环境中的应用程序(包)被留给它们自己。他们几乎可以使用VM的任何工具,而不受OSGi的限制。OSGi中的最佳实践是编写普通旧Java对象,因此,OSGi服务不需要特殊的接口,甚至Java String对象也可以充当OSGi服务。这种策略使应用程序代码更容易移植到另一个环境。
Runs Everywhere - Well, that depends. The original goal of Java was to run anywhere. Obviously, it is not possible to run all code everywhere because the capabilities of the Java VMs differ. A VM in a mobile phone will likely not support the same libraries as an IBM mainframe running a banking application. There are two issue to take care of. First, the OSGi APIs should not use classes that are not available on all environments. Second, a bundle should not start if it contains code that is not available in the execution environment. Both of these issues have been taken care of in the OSGi specifications.
一个简单的答案:OSGi服务平台为协作网络服务提供了一个标准化的、面向组件的计算环境。这种体系结构显著降低了构建、维护和部署应用程序的整体复杂性。 OSGi服务平台提供了在各种网络的设备上动态改变组合的功能,不需要重新启动。
在单个应用程序结构中,比如Eclipse IDE,在安装新插件时重新启动并不是什么大问题。完全使用OSGi实现,您应该能够在运行时添加插件,获得新功能,而完全不需要重新启动eclipse。
每个插件都是一个版本化的工件,它有自己的类加载器。 每个插件都依赖于它所包含的特定jar和其他特定版本的插件。 由于版本控制和隔离的类加载器,同一工件的不同版本可以同时加载。如果应用程序的一个组件依赖于插件的一个版本,而另一个组件依赖于另一个版本,那么它们可以同时加载。
In one of our application, we have event based flow and flow is defined in plugins based on OSGi platform so tomorrow if some client wants different/additional flow then he just have to deploy one more plugin, configure it from our console and he is done. It is used for deploying different Store connectors, for example, suppose we already have Oracle DB connector and tomorrow mongodb is required to be connected then write a new connector and deploy it and configure the details through console and again you are done. deployment of connnectors is handled by OSGi plugin framework.
启动本地cba部署… [2/18/14 8:47:23 727 EST] 00000347 CheckForOasis
最终部署,“以下包将暂停,然后重新启动” 00000143 AriesApplicat I CWSAI0054I:作为应用程序更新操作的一部分
在一台有16g内存和40g空闲磁盘和Intel i5-3437U 1.9 GHz CPU的机器上
The "benefit" of this upgrade was sold as improving (production) deployments - an activity that we do about 4 times a year with maybe 2-4 small fix deployments a year. Adding 45 minutes per day to 15 people (QA and developers) I can't imagine ever being justified. In big enterprise applications, if your application is a core application, then changing it is, rightly so (small changes have potential for far reaching impacts - must be communicated and planned with consumers all over the enterprise), a monumental activity - wrong architecture for OSGi. If your application is not an enterprise application - i.e. each consumer can have their own tailored module likely hitting their own silo of data in their own silo'd database and running on a server that hosts many applications, then maybe look at OSGi. At least, that is my experience thus far.
2)热加载后类不相等。例如,在hibernate上有一个tangosol缓存层。它被Fork.class填充,在OSGi作用域之外。你热加载了一个新的罐子,Fork没有改变。Class[Fork] != Class[Fork]。由于相同的潜在原因,它也会在序列化过程中出现。