{ 'val1': id },
function (data) {
var row = $('#detailed_edit_row');
{ 'val1': id },
function (data) {
var row = $('#detailed_edit_row');
$('#my_table > tbody > tr.my_row')
.wrapInner('<div style="display: block;" />')
.find('td > div')
.slideUp(700, function(){
$('#my_table > tbody > tr.my_row')
.wrapInner('<div style="display: none;" />')
.find('td > div')
.slideDown(700, function(){
var $set = $(this);
function eventinfo(id) {
tr = document.getElementById("ei"+id);
div = document.getElementById("d"+id);
if (tr.style.display == "none") {
} else {
setTimeout(function(){tr.style.display="none";}, 200);
我只是在表格数据标记中放了一个div元素。当它被设置为可见时,随着div展开,整行就会下降。 然后告诉它渐隐(然后超时,以便您看到效果),然后再次隐藏表行:)
<tr id=row1 style='height:0px'><td>
<div id=div1 style='display:none'>
Hidden row content goes here
function toggleRow(rowid){
var row = document.getElementById("row" + rowid)
if(row.style.height == "0px"){
$('#div' + rowid).slideDown('fast');
row.style.height = "1px";
$('#div' + rowid).slideUp('fast');
row.style.height = "0px";
基本上,让“隐形”行高0px,里面有一个div。 使用div(不是行)上的动画,然后设置行高为1px。
It greedily targeted td elements beyond just the children of the row being hidden. This would have been kind of ok if it had then sought out those children when showing the row. While it got close, they all ended up with "display: none" on them, rendering them hidden. It didn't target child th elements at all. For table cells with lots of content (like a nested table with lots of rows), calling slideRow('up'), regardless of the slideSpeed value provided, it'd collapse the view of the row as soon as the padding animation was done. I fixed it so the padding animation doesn't trigger until the slideUp() method on the wrapping is done. (function($){ var sR = { defaults: { slideSpeed: 400 , easing: false , callback: false } , thisCallArgs:{ slideSpeed: 400 , easing: false , callback: false } , methods:{ up: function(arg1, arg2, arg3){ if(typeof arg1 == 'object'){ for(p in arg1){ sR.thisCallArgs.eval(p) = arg1[p]; } }else if(typeof arg1 != 'undefined' && (typeof arg1 == 'number' || arg1 == 'slow' || arg1 == 'fast')){ sR.thisCallArgs.slideSpeed = arg1; }else{ sR.thisCallArgs.slideSpeed = sR.defaults.slideSpeed; } if(typeof arg2 == 'string'){ sR.thisCallArgs.easing = arg2; }else if(typeof arg2 == 'function'){ sR.thisCallArgs.callback = arg2; }else if(typeof arg2 == 'undefined'){ sR.thisCallArgs.easing = sR.defaults.easing; } if(typeof arg3 == 'function'){ sR.thisCallArgs.callback = arg3; }else if(typeof arg3 == 'undefined' && typeof arg2 != 'function'){ sR.thisCallArgs.callback = sR.defaults.callback; } var $cells = $(this).children('td, th'); $cells.wrapInner('<div class="slideRowUp" />'); var currentPadding = $cells.css('padding'); $cellContentWrappers = $(this).find('.slideRowUp'); $cellContentWrappers.slideUp(sR.thisCallArgs.slideSpeed, sR.thisCallArgs.easing, function(){ $(this).parent().animate({ paddingTop: '0px', paddingBottom: '0px' }, { complete: function(){ $(this).children('.slideRowUp').replaceWith($(this).children('.slideRowUp').contents()); $(this).parent().css({ 'display': 'none' }); $(this).css({ 'padding': currentPadding }); } }); }); var wait = setInterval(function(){ if($cellContentWrappers.is(':animated') === false){ clearInterval(wait); if(typeof sR.thisCallArgs.callback == 'function'){ sR.thisCallArgs.callback.call(this); } } }, 100); return $(this); } , down: function (arg1, arg2, arg3){ if(typeof arg1 == 'object'){ for(p in arg1){ sR.thisCallArgs.eval(p) = arg1[p]; } }else if(typeof arg1 != 'undefined' && (typeof arg1 == 'number' || arg1 == 'slow' || arg1 == 'fast')){ sR.thisCallArgs.slideSpeed = arg1; }else{ sR.thisCallArgs.slideSpeed = sR.defaults.slideSpeed; } if(typeof arg2 == 'string'){ sR.thisCallArgs.easing = arg2; }else if(typeof arg2 == 'function'){ sR.thisCallArgs.callback = arg2; }else if(typeof arg2 == 'undefined'){ sR.thisCallArgs.easing = sR.defaults.easing; } if(typeof arg3 == 'function'){ sR.thisCallArgs.callback = arg3; }else if(typeof arg3 == 'undefined' && typeof arg2 != 'function'){ sR.thisCallArgs.callback = sR.defaults.callback; } var $cells = $(this).children('td, th'); $cells.wrapInner('<div class="slideRowDown" style="display:none;" />'); $cellContentWrappers = $cells.find('.slideRowDown'); $(this).show(); $cellContentWrappers.slideDown(sR.thisCallArgs.slideSpeed, sR.thisCallArgs.easing, function() { $(this).replaceWith( $(this).contents()); }); var wait = setInterval(function(){ if($cellContentWrappers.is(':animated') === false){ clearInterval(wait); if(typeof sR.thisCallArgs.callback == 'function'){ sR.thisCallArgs.callback.call(this); } } }, 100); return $(this); } } }; $.fn.slideRow = function(method, arg1, arg2, arg3){ if(typeof method != 'undefined'){ if(sR.methods[method]){ return sR.methods[method].apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)); } } }; })(jQuery);
使用JQuery .toggle()显示/隐藏行点击或锚。
$('.tr-show-sub').click(function(e) { var elOne = $(this); $('.tr-show-sub').each(function(key, value) { var elTwoe = $(this); if(elOne.get(0) !== elTwoe.get(0)) { if($(this).next('.tr-sub').hasClass('tr-sub-shown')) { elTwoe.next('.tr-sub').removeClass('tr-sub-shown'); elTwoe.next('tr').find('td').find('div').slideUp(); elTwoe.next('tr').find('td').slideUp(); } } if(elOne.get(0) === elTwoe.get(0)) { if(elOne.next('.tr-sub').hasClass('tr-sub-shown')) { elOne.next('.tr-sub').removeClass('tr-sub-shown'); elOne.next('tr').find('td').find('div').slideUp(); elOne.next('tr').find('td').slideUp(); } else { elOne.next('.tr-sub').addClass('tr-sub-shown'); elOne.next('tr').find('td').slideDown(); elOne.next('tr').find('td').find('div').slideDown(); } } }) }); body { background: #eee; } .wrapper { margin: auto; width: 50%; padding: 10px; margin-top: 10%; } table { background: white; width: 100%; } table th { background: gray; text-align: left; } table th, td { border-bottom: 1px solid lightgray; padding: 5px; } table .tr-show-sub { background: #EAEAEA; cursor: pointer; } table .tr-sub td { display: none; } table .tr-sub td .div-sub { display: none; } <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.2.1.js"></script> <div class="wrapper"> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3"> <thead> <tr class="table"> <th>col 1</th> <th>col 2</th> <th>col 3</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="tr-show-sub"> <td>col 1</td> <td>col 2</td> <td>col 3</td> </tr> <tr class="tr-sub"> <td colspan="5"><div class="div-sub"> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis auctor tortor sit amet sem tempus rhoncus. Etiam scelerisque ligula id ligula congue semper interdum in neque. Vestibulum condimentum id nibh ac pretium. Proin a dapibus nibh. Suspendisse quis elit volutpat, aliquet nisi et, rhoncus quam. Quisque nec ex quis diam tristique hendrerit. Nullam sagittis metus sem, placerat scelerisque dolor congue eu. Pellentesque ultricies purus turpis, convallis congue felis iaculis sed. Cras semper elementum nibh at semper. Suspendisse libero augue, auctor facilisis tincidunt eget, suscipit eu ligula. Nam in diam at ex facilisis tincidunt. Fusce erat enim, placerat ac massa facilisis, tempus aliquet metus. Fusce placerat nulla sed tristique tincidunt. Duis vulputate vestibulum libero, nec lobortis elit ornare vel. Mauris imperdiet nulla non suscipit cursus. Sed sed dui ac elit rutrum mollis sed sit amet lorem. </div></td> </tr> <tr class="tr-show-sub"> <td>col 1</td> <td>col 2</td> <td>col 3</td> </tr> <tr class="tr-sub"> <td colspan="5"><div class="div-sub"> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis auctor tortor sit amet sem tempus rhoncus. Etiam scelerisque ligula id ligula congue semper interdum in neque. Vestibulum condimentum id nibh ac pretium. Proin a dapibus nibh. Suspendisse quis elit volutpat, aliquet nisi et, rhoncus quam. Quisque nec ex quis diam tristique hendrerit. Nullam sagittis metus sem, placerat scelerisque dolor congue eu. Pellentesque ultricies purus turpis, convallis congue felis iaculis sed. Cras semper elementum nibh at semper. Suspendisse libero augue, auctor facilisis tincidunt eget, suscipit eu ligula. Nam in diam at ex facilisis tincidunt. Fusce erat enim, placerat ac massa facilisis, tempus aliquet metus. Fusce placerat nulla sed tristique tincidunt. Duis vulputate vestibulum libero, nec lobortis elit ornare vel. Mauris imperdiet nulla non suscipit cursus. Sed sed dui ac elit rutrum mollis sed sit amet lorem. </div></td> </tr> <tr> <td>col 1</td> <td>col 2</td> <td>col 3</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div>