我用express 3在node.js中创建了一个文件上传函数。
app.post('/upload', function(req, res, next) {
var is = fs.createReadStream(req.files.upload.path),
fileExt = '', // I want to get the extension of the image here
os = fs.createWriteStream('public/images/users/' + req.session.adress + '.' + fileExt);
var path = require('path')
var extname = path.extname('index.html?username=asdf')
// extname contains '.html?username=asdf'
var regex = /[#\\?]/g; // regex of illegal extension characters
var extname = path.extname('index.html?username=asdf');
var endOfExt = extname.search(regex);
if (endOfExt > -1) {
extname = extname.substring(0, endOfExt);
// extname contains '.html'
使用substr()方法比使用split() & pop()方法更有效
// returns: 'html'
var path = require('path');
Update August 2019
As pointed out by @xentek in the comments; substr() is now considered a legacy function (MDN documentation). You can use substring() instead. The difference between substr() and substring() is that the second argument of substr() is the maximum length to return while the second argument of substring() is the index to stop at (without including that character). Also, substr() accepts negative start positions to be used as an offset from the end of the string while substring() does not.