我有一个活动,它是整个应用程序中使用的主要活动,它有许多变量。我有另外两个活动,我希望能够使用来自第一个活动的数据。 现在我知道我可以这样做:

GlobalState gs = (GlobalState) getApplication();
String s = gs.getTestMe();




在活动之间共享数据 使用实例登录后传递邮件



Intent openLoginActivity = new Intent(getBaseContext(), Home.class);
    openLoginActivity.putExtra("email", getEmail);


Bundle extras = getIntent().getExtras();
    accountEmail = extras.getString("email");



在活动之间传递数据(如Cristian所说) 使用带有大量静态变量的类(这样就可以在不使用类实例和getter/setter的情况下调用它们) 使用数据库 共同的喜好

你选择什么取决于你的需要。当你使用"a lot of"时,你可能会使用不止一种方式

All of the aforementioned answers are great... I'm just adding one no one had mentioned yet about persisting data through activities and that is to use the built in android SQLite database to persist relevant data... In fact you can place your databaseHelper in the application state and call it as needed throughout the activates.. Or just make a helper class and make the DB calls when needed... Just adding another layer for you to consider... But all of the other answers would suffice as well.. Really just preference


However, if you really need to persist these values then you could persist them in some kind of structured text file or database on local storage. A properties file, XML file, or JSON file could store your data and be easily parsed during activity creation. Don't forget also that you have SQLite on all Android devices, so you could store them in a database table. You could also use a Map to store key-value pairs and serialize the map to local storage, but this might be too cumbersome to be useful for simple data structures.




Using the hashmap of weak reference approach, described above, and in http://developer.android.com/guide/faq/framework.html seems problematic to me. How are entire entries reclaimed, not just the map value? What scope do you allocate it in? As the framework is in control of the Activity lifecycle, having one of the participating Activities own it risks runtime errors when the owner is destroyed in advance of its clients. If the Application owns it, some Activity must explicitly remove the entry to avoid the hashmap from holding on to entries with a valid key and a potentially garbaged collected weak reference. Furthermore, what should a client do when the value returned for a key is null?
