s = 'the brown fox'



'The Brown Fox'





""           => ""       
"a b c"      => "A B C"             
"foO baR"    => "FoO BaR"      
"foo    bar" => "Foo    Bar"   
"foo's bar"  => "Foo's Bar"    
"foo's1bar"  => "Foo's1bar"    
"foo 1bar"   => "Foo 1bar"     

Splitting the sentence into words and capitalizing the first letter then join it back together: # Be careful with multiple spaces, and empty strings # for empty words w[0] would cause an index error, # but with w[:1] we get an empty string as desired def cap_sentence(s): return ' '.join(w[:1].upper() + w[1:] for w in s.split(' ')) Without splitting the string, checking blank spaces to find the start of a word def cap_sentence(s): return ''.join( (c.upper() if i == 0 or s[i-1] == ' ' else c) for i, c in enumerate(s) ) Or using generators: # Iterate through each of the characters in the string # and capitalize the first char and any char after a blank space from itertools import chain def cap_sentence(s): return ''.join( (c.upper() if prev == ' ' else c) for c, prev in zip(s, chain(' ', s)) ) Using regular expressions, from steveha's answer: # match the beginning of the string or a space, followed by a non-space import re def cap_sentence(s): return re.sub("(^|\s)(\S)", lambda m: m.group(1) + m.group(2).upper(), s)


.title () 返回s.title () #不需要的输出: "foO baR" => "foO baR" "foo's bar" => "foo's bar" "foo's1bar" => "foo's1bar" "foo 1bar" => "foo 1bar"

.capitalize()或.capwords() 返回' '.join(w.r esize () for s.split()中的w) #或 进口的字符串 返回string.capwords(年代) #不需要的输出: "foO baR" => "foO baR" "foo bar" => "foo bar" 使用' '作为分割将修复第二个输出,但不能修复第一个输出 返回' '.join(w.r esize () for w in s.s split(' ')) #或 进口的字符串 返回字符串。大写字符(s, ' ') #不需要的输出: "foO baR" => "foO baR"

.upper () 注意使用多个空格,这可以通过使用' '进行分割来修复(如答案顶部所示) 返回' ' . join (w [0] .upper () + w (1:) w s.split ()) #不需要的输出: "foo bar" => "foo bar"



def my_uppercase(title):
    if not title:
       return ''
    return title[0].upper() + title[1:]



str = "this is string example....  wow!!!";
print "str.title() : ", str.title();


import re

def titlecase(s):
    return re.sub(r"[A-Za-z]+('[A-Za-z]+)?", lambda mo: mo.group(0)[0].upper() + mo.group(0)[1:].lower(), s)

text = "He's an engineer, isn't he? SnippetBucket.com "


string = "this is a test string"
capitalized_string = string.title()


This Is A Test String


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>>> capitalizeFirtChar = lambda s: s[:1].upper() + s[1:]
>>> print(capitalizeFirtChar('помните своих Предковъ. Сражайся за Правду и Справедливость!'))
Помните своих Предковъ. Сражайся за Правду и Справедливость!
>>> print(capitalizeFirtChar('хай живе вільна Україна! Хай живе Любовь поміж нас.'))
Хай живе вільна Україна! Хай живе Любовь поміж нас.
>>> print(capitalizeFirtChar('faith and Labour make Dreams come true.'))
Faith and Labour make Dreams come true.

不要忽视空白的保留。如果你想处理“fred flinstone”,你得到的是“fred flinstone”而不是“fred flinstone”,你已经破坏了你的空白空间。上面的一些解决方案会丢失空白。这里有一个解决方案,适用于Python 2和3,并保留了空白。

def propercase(s):
    return ''.join(map(''.capitalize, re.split(r'(\s+)', s)))