html {
font-size: 12pt;
html {
font-size: 16px;
那么1rem是与电子器件相关的。对于默认情况下从html继承的元素,1em也依赖于设备。12pt应该是与设备无关的同等内容:16px / 96px * 72pt = 12pt,其中96px = 72pt = 1英寸。
如果你想坚持使用特定的单位,计算起来会很复杂。例如,html的.75em = .75rem = 9pt, html的.75em = .5rem = 6pt。一个很好的经验法则:
Use pt for absolute sizes. If you really need this to be dynamic relative to the root element, you're asking too much of CSS; you need a language that compiles to CSS, like Sass/SCSS.
Use em for relative sizes. It's pretty handy to be able to say, "I want the margin on the left to be about the maximum width of a letter," or, "Make this element's text just a bit bigger than its surroundings." <h1> is a good element on which to use a font size in ems, since it might appear in various places, but should always be bigger than nearby text. This way, you don't have to have a separate font size for every class that's applied to h1: the font size will adapt automatically.
Use px for very tiny sizes. At very small sizes, pt can get blurry in some browsers at 96 DPI, since pt and px don't quite line up. If you just want to create a thin, one-pixel border, say so. If you have a high-DPI display, this won't be obvious to you during testing, so be sure to test on a generic 96-DPI display at some point.
Don't deal in subpixels to make things fancy on high-DPI displays. Some browsers might support it--particularly on high-DPI displays--but it's a no-no. Most users prefer big and clear, though the web has taught us developers otherwise. If you want to add extended detail for your users with state-of-the-art screens, you can use vector graphics (read: SVG), which you should be doing anyway.