当我尝试连接SQL Server时,我得到以下错误:

在建立与SQL Server的连接时,发生了与网络相关或特定于实例的错误。未找到服务器或无法访问服务器。验证实例名称是否正确,SQL Server是否配置为允许远程连接。(提供商:Named Pipes提供商,错误:40 -无法打开到SQL Server的连接)

当我试图在Visual Studio 2010中将数据库配置为gridview时抛出此错误。我不知道如何调试这个错误。




所以我建议通过Windows键进入服务应用程序,搜索“服务”,然后找到你的Sql实例,通常是“Sql Server (MSSQLSERVER)”在Microsoft Sql Server。 右键单击服务,然后单击启动,如果禁用,则单击重新启动。



要修复在运行本地应用程序与远程数据库时遇到的此问题,请使用SQL Server配置管理器为远程数据库添加别名。


I had run into this problem recently when transitioning from a Windows 7 to a Windows 10 laptop. I was running a local development and runtime environment accessing our Dev database on a remote server. We access the Dev database through a server alias setup through SQL Server Client Network Utility (cliconfg.exe). After confirming that the alias was correctly setup in both the 64 and 32 bit versions of the utility and that the database server was accessible from the new laptop via SSMS, I still got the error seen by the OP (not the OP's IP address, of course).

有必要使用SQL Server Configuration Manager为远程Dev数据库服务器添加别名。把事情都解决了。

在做了上面提到的所有事情之后: http://blog.sqlauthority.com/2009/05/21/sql-server-fix-error-provider-named-pipes-provider-error-40-could-not-open-a-connection-to-sql-server-microsoft-sql-server-error/ 对我来说还是没用。


开始>执行> cmd > sqlcmd -L

它将提示您服务器名。确保此服务器名称与SQL management studio的CONNECT to server框中试图连接的服务器名称相同。




如果在Visual Studio中调试时遇到这种情况,请确保项目构建路径指向本地驱动器,或者按照以下步骤为网络文件夹授予权限。


Make sure your database engine is configured to accept remote connections: Start > All Programs > SQL Server 2005 > Configuration Tools > SQL Server Surface Area Configuration Click on Surface Area Configuration for Services and Connections Select the instance that is having a problem > Database Engine > Remote Connections Enable local and remote connections Restart instance You may need to create an exception on the firewall for the SQL Server instance and port you are using: Start > Run > Firewall.cpl Click on exceptions tab Add sqlservr.exe (typically located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.x\MSSQL\Bin, check your installs for the actual folder path) and port (default is 1433) Check your connection string as well From FIX : ERROR : Could not open a connection to SQL Server: Check if your SQL server services is up and running properly: Go to All Programs > Microsoft SQL Server 2008 > Configuration Tools > SQL Server Configuration Manager > SQL Server Services Check to make sure SQL Server service status is Running. In addition, ensure that your remote server is in the same network. Run sqlcmd -L to ascertain if your server is included in your network list. Enable TCP/IP in SQL Server Configuration When two or more SQL Servers are connected across network they do all communication using TCP/IP. The default port of SQL Server installation is 1433. This port can be changed through SQL Server Configuration Manager. TCP/IP should be enabled for SQL Server to be connected. Go to All Programs >> Microsoft SQL Server 2008 >> Configuration Tools >> SQL Server Configuration Manager >> Select TCP/IP Right Click on TCP/IP >> Click on Enable You must restart SQL Server Services for all the changes to take effect. Right click and go to menu properties to select location where default port of SQL Server can be changed.








