


现在谁在生产环境中使用MongoDB或CouchDB ? 你如何使用MongoDB/CouchDB? 当你采用这种新的存储机制时,你遇到了什么问题(如果有的话)(你是如何克服它们的)? 你是如何处理你不得不面对的移民问题的? 你有任何好的或坏的经验,这些解决方案,你想分享吗?




我们目前使用mongodb作为局域网协作的文件存储服务。 此外,像trello这样的项目使用mongodb作为后端数据存储。 我以前使用过couchdb,但没有用于生产能力。

这个问题已经有了答案,但现在又有了一个NoSQL DB,它的许多伟大的特性正在成为趋势。它是Couchbase;它在移动平台上作为CouchbaseLite运行,在服务器端作为Couchbase Server运行。

下面是Couchbase Lite的一些主要特性。

Couchbase Lite是一个轻量级、面向文档(NoSQL)的语法数据库引擎,适合嵌入到移动应用程序中。


嵌入式——数据库引擎是一个链接到应用程序的库,而不是一个单独的服务器进程。 小代码大小——对于移动应用程序来说很重要,因为移动应用程序通常是通过蜂窝网络下载的。 快速启动对时间非常重要,因为移动设备的cpu相对较慢。 低内存使用—典型的移动数据集相对较小,但一些文档可能具有较大的多媒体附件。 当然,良好的性能-确切的数字取决于您的数据和应用程序。


以灵活的JSON格式存储记录,而不需要预定义的模式或规范化。 文档可以有任意大小的二进制附件,比如多媒体内容。 应用程序数据格式可以随着时间的推移而变化,而不需要显式的迁移。 MapReduce索引提供了快速查找,而不需要使用特殊的查询语言。


Any two copies of a database can be brought into sync via an efficient, reliable, proven replication algorithm. Sync can be on-demand or continuous (with a latency of a few seconds). Devices can sync with a subset of a large database on a remote server. The sync engine supports intermittent and unreliable network connections. Conflicts can be detected and resolved, with app logic in full control of merging. Revision trees allow for complex replication topologies, including server-to-server (for multiple data centers) and peer-to-peer, without data loss or false conflicts. Couchbase Lite provides native APIs for seamless iOS (Objective-C) and Android (Java) development. In addition, it includes the Couchbase Lite Plug-in for PhoneGap, which enables you to build iOS and Android apps that you develop by using familiar web-application programming techniques and the PhoneGap mobile development framework.

你可以在Couchbase Lite上探索更多




The New Yorks Times: Using it in a form-building application for photo submissions. Mongo's lack of schema gives producers the ability to define any combination of custom form fields. SourceForge: is used for back-end storage on the SourceForge front pages, project pages, and download pages for all projects. Bit.ly Etsy IGN: powers IGN’s real-time traffic analytics and RESTful Content APIs. Justin.tv: powers Justin.tv's internal analytics tools for virality, user retention, and general usage stats that out-of-the-box solutions can't provide. Posterous Intuit Foursquare: Sharded Mongo databases are used for most data at foursquare. Business Insider: Using it since the beginning of 2008. All of the site's data, including posts, comments, and even the images, are stored on MongoDB. Github: is used for an internal reporting application. Examiner: migrated their site from Cold Fusion and SQL Server to Drupal 7 and MongoDB. Grooveshark: currently uses Mongo to manage over one million unique user sessions per day. Buzzfeed Discus Evite: Used for analytics and quick reporting. Squarespace Shutterfly: is used for various persistent data storage requirements within Shutterfly. MongoDB helps Shutterfly build an unrivaled service that enables deeper, more personal relationships between customers and those who matter most in their lives. Topsy Sharethis Mongohq: provides a hosting platform for MongoDB and also uses MongoDB as the back-end for its service. Our hosting centers page provides more information about MongoHQ and other MongoDB hosting options.


提取: http://lineofthought.com/tools/mongodb





从master-db轻松复制到具有不同文档的多个客户端。 快速预计算数据,比如“这个属性和那个过滤器有多少部分符合这些条件”


我们的商店现在运行得比使用MySQL快得多(MySQL数据库需要额外的1-3天的预计算(因此每月更新两次),使数据为产品计数和过滤做好准备,CouchDB需要5个小时,所以我们可以每晚更新产品数据) 设置(过滤)数据分布和备份到商店节点是快速和容易的


Understanding map/reduce and the limits of not having joins is quite hard No operation on data like "delete where" or "update where" without external programs Replication works well, unless there is a problem; then it's really hard to find out what was the reason (for beginners) The installation of CouchDB without binaries (yes there are a some in the wild, but not for every OS/version) could be hard, if you are not a Linux geek. But the CouchDB Community is helpful (#couchdb), and luckily there are companies out there (cloudant, iriscouch) that offer services from free to big business. CouchDB is moving forward, so there are a lot of changes (improvements) going on that might change they way you work. But basic things remain stable.

结果是: MySQL作为数据创建和维护的数据库是可靠的,易于理解和处理。我认为我们不会改变这一点。 但我也不想错过CouchDB视图的强大功能和复制设置的便利性。
