
For predefined value types, the equality operator (==) returns true if the values of its operands are equal, false otherwise. For reference types other than string, == returns true if its two operands refer to the same object. For the string type, == compares the values of the strings. User-defined value types can overload the == operator (see operator). So can user-defined reference types, although by default == behaves as described above for both predefined and user-defined reference types.


bool Compare<T>(T x, T y) { return x == y; }




编辑2:通过反复试验,我们了解到==操作符在使用不受限制的泛型类型时将使用预定义的引用比较。实际上,编译器将使用它可以为受限类型参数找到的最佳方法,但不会再寻找其他方法。例如,下面的代码将始终打印true,即使当Test。test<B>(new B(), new B())调用:

class A { public static bool operator==(A x, A y) { return true; } }
class B : A { public static bool operator==(B x, B y) { return false; } }
class Test { void test<T>(T a, T b) where T : A { Console.WriteLine(a == b); } }




/// <summary>
/// Gets the result of "a == b"
/// </summary>
public bool GetEqualityOperatorResult<T>(T a, T b)
    // declare the parameters
    var paramA = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), nameof(a));
    var paramB = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), nameof(b));
    // get equality expression for the parameters
    var body = Expression.Equal(paramA, paramB);
    // compile it
    var invokeEqualityOperator = Expression.Lambda<Func<T, T, bool>>(body, paramA, paramB).Compile();
    // call it
    return invokeEqualityOperator(a, b);

/// <summary>
/// Gets the result of "a =! b"
/// </summary>
public bool GetInequalityOperatorResult<T>(T a, T b)
    // declare the parameters
    var paramA = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), nameof(a));
    var paramB = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), nameof(b));
    // get equality expression for the parameters
    var body = Expression.NotEqual(paramA, paramB);
    // compile it
    var invokeInequalityOperator = Expression.Lambda<Func<T, T, bool>>(body, paramA, paramB).Compile();
    // call it
    return invokeInequalityOperator(a, b);


如果你想确保你的自定义类型的操作符被调用,你可以通过反射来实现。只需使用您的泛型参数获取类型,并为所需的操作符检索MethodInfo(例如op_Equality, op_Inequality, op_LessThan…)

var methodInfo = typeof (T).GetMethod("op_Equality", 
                             BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public);    


var result = (bool) methodInfo.Invoke(null, new object[] { object1, object2});



bool Compare<T>(T x, T y) where T : class { return x == y; }

这是因为如果T可以是一个值类型,那么在某些情况下x == y可能是病态的——在类型没有定义运算符==的情况下。同样的情况也会发生在这个更明显的地方:

void CallFoo<T>(T x) { x.foo(); }




/// <summary>
/// Gets the result of "a == b"
/// </summary>
public bool GetEqualityOperatorResult<T>(T a, T b)
    // declare the parameters
    var paramA = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), nameof(a));
    var paramB = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), nameof(b));
    // get equality expression for the parameters
    var body = Expression.Equal(paramA, paramB);
    // compile it
    var invokeEqualityOperator = Expression.Lambda<Func<T, T, bool>>(body, paramA, paramB).Compile();
    // call it
    return invokeEqualityOperator(a, b);

/// <summary>
/// Gets the result of "a =! b"
/// </summary>
public bool GetInequalityOperatorResult<T>(T a, T b)
    // declare the parameters
    var paramA = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), nameof(a));
    var paramB = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), nameof(b));
    // get equality expression for the parameters
    var body = Expression.NotEqual(paramA, paramB);
    // compile it
    var invokeInequalityOperator = Expression.Lambda<Func<T, T, bool>>(body, paramA, paramB).Compile();
    // call it
    return invokeInequalityOperator(a, b);

bool Compare(T x, T y) where T : class { return x == y; }

上面的代码可以工作,因为在用户定义的引用类型中==已经被处理了。 对于值类型,==可以被重写。在这种情况下,“!="也应该被定义。


. equals()适合我,而TKey是一个泛型类型。

public virtual TOutputDto GetOne(TKey id)
    var entity =
            .FindByCondition(x => 
                !x.IsDelete && 

    // ...