我读了很多文章来理解Java servlet,但我没有成功。

你能简单介绍一下Java servlet吗(用简单的语言)?什么是servlet?它的优点是什么?

我不能理解服务器端编程语言(PHP, ASP)和servlet之间的区别。



A servlet is simply a class which responds to a particular type of network request - most commonly an HTTP request. Basically servlets are usually used to implement web applications - but there are also various frameworks which operate on top of servlets (e.g. Struts) to give a higher-level abstraction than the "here's an HTTP request, write to this HTTP response" level which servlets provide. Servlets run in a servlet container which handles the networking side (e.g. parsing an HTTP request, connection handling etc). One of the best-known open source servlet containers is Tomcat. In a request/response paradigm, a web server can serve only static pages to the client To serve dynamic pages, a we require Servlets. Servlet is nothing but a Java program This Java program doesn’t have a main method. It only has some callback methods. How does the web server communicate to the servlet? Via container or Servlet engine. Servlet lives and dies within a web container. Web container is responsible for invoking methods in a servlets. It knows what callback methods the Servlet has.


Client sends HTTP request to Web server Web server forwards that HTTP request to web container. Since Servlet can not understand HTTP, its a Java program, it only understands objects, so web container converts that request into valid request object Web container spins a thread for each request All the business logic goes inside doGet() or doPost() callback methods inside the servlets Servlet builds a Java response object and sends it to the container. It converts that to HTTP response again to send it to the client


有一个文件叫web。xml 这是web容器的主文件 在这个文件中有关于servlet的信息- servlet Servlet-name servlet类 servlet-mappings-类似/Login或/Notifications的路径映射在这里 Servlet-name url模式 等等 web应用程序中的每个servlet都应该在这个文件中有一个条目 查找的方式是- url-pattern -> servlet-name -> servlet-class

如何“安装”servlet ? servlet对象继承自javax.servlet库。*。Tomcat和Spring可以用来利用这些对象来适应用例。

参考-在1.5x上观看- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkFRGdUgCsE。这有一个很棒的解释。






Servlet是一种用于创建web应用程序的技术。 Servlet是一个API,它提供了许多接口和类,包括 文件。 Servlet是一个必须实现的接口,用于创建任何 servlet。 Servlet是一个扩展服务器和服务器功能的类 响应传入的请求。它可以对任何类型的 请求。 Servlet是部署在服务器上用于创建的web组件 动态网页。 参考:在这里。


A servlet is simply a class which responds to a particular type of network request - most commonly an HTTP request. Basically servlets are usually used to implement web applications - but there are also various frameworks which operate on top of servlets (e.g. Struts) to give a higher-level abstraction than the "here's an HTTP request, write to this HTTP response" level which servlets provide. Servlets run in a servlet container which handles the networking side (e.g. parsing an HTTP request, connection handling etc). One of the best-known open source servlet containers is Tomcat. In a request/response paradigm, a web server can serve only static pages to the client To serve dynamic pages, a we require Servlets. Servlet is nothing but a Java program This Java program doesn’t have a main method. It only has some callback methods. How does the web server communicate to the servlet? Via container or Servlet engine. Servlet lives and dies within a web container. Web container is responsible for invoking methods in a servlets. It knows what callback methods the Servlet has.


Client sends HTTP request to Web server Web server forwards that HTTP request to web container. Since Servlet can not understand HTTP, its a Java program, it only understands objects, so web container converts that request into valid request object Web container spins a thread for each request All the business logic goes inside doGet() or doPost() callback methods inside the servlets Servlet builds a Java response object and sends it to the container. It converts that to HTTP response again to send it to the client


有一个文件叫web。xml 这是web容器的主文件 在这个文件中有关于servlet的信息- servlet Servlet-name servlet类 servlet-mappings-类似/Login或/Notifications的路径映射在这里 Servlet-name url模式 等等 web应用程序中的每个servlet都应该在这个文件中有一个条目 查找的方式是- url-pattern -> servlet-name -> servlet-class

如何“安装”servlet ? servlet对象继承自javax.servlet库。*。Tomcat和Spring可以用来利用这些对象来适应用例。

参考-在1.5x上观看- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkFRGdUgCsE。这有一个很棒的解释。


大多数Java程序使用main()方法在程序运行时执行代码。Java servlet包含doGet()和doPost()方法,它们的作用与main()方法类似。当用户向映射到该servlet的URL发出GET或POST请求时,将执行这些函数。因此,用户可以为GET请求加载页面,或者存储来自POST请求的数据。


public class ChatBox extends HttpServlet {

当用户请求/chat URL时,ChatBox类将被执行。

Servlet是一个java类,用于响应HTTP请求并生成HTTP响应......当我们使用HTML创建页面时,它将是一个静态页面,因此为了使其动态,我们使用SERVLET{简单地说,人们可以理解}。 JSP克服了利用servlet的问题,它本身就使用了代码和HTML标记。

Java servlet是处理和响应客户需求并实现servlet接口的服务器端Java程序模块。它有助于提高Web服务器的有用性,而开销、维护和支持可以忽略不计。

