
零二线函数 var i = -1; var byteUnits =[英国‘计划生育’‘兆’,‘和合’,‘PB’‘EB”、“ZB’,‘YB]; do { fileSizeInBytes /= 1024; 我+; while (fileSizeInBytes > 1024) 数学归来。max(fileSizeInBytes, 0.1)。toFixed(1) + byteUnits[i]; 的 控制台日志(getReadableFileSizeString (1551859712);//输出是“1.4 GB”


getReadableFileSizeString(1551859712); // output is "1.4 GB"

不应该是“1.5 GB”吗?除以1024似乎失去了精度。是我完全误解了什么,还是有更好的办法?


@Andrew V的typescript版本带有新的“模板文字类型”

export const humanFileSize = (bytes: number): `${number} ${'B' | 'KB' | 'MB' | 'GB' | 'TB'}` => {
    const index = Math.floor(Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(1024));
    return `${Number((bytes / Math.pow(1024, index)).toFixed(2)) * 1} ${(['B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB'] as const)[index]}`;


这里有很多很棒的答案。但是,如果您正在寻找一种非常简单的方法,并且不介意使用流行的库,那么filesize https://www.npmjs.com/package/filesize就是一个很好的解决方案


filesize(265318); // "259.1 KB"


一个简单而简短的“Pretty Bytes”函数,用于SI系统,没有不必要的分数舍入。




// Simple Pretty Bytes with SI system // Without fraction rounding function numberPrettyBytesSI(Num=0, dec=2){ if (Num<1000) return Num+" Bytes"; Num =("0".repeat((Num+="").length*2%3)+Num).match(/.{3}/g); return Number(Num[0])+"."+Num[1].substring(0,dec)+" "+" kMGTPEZY"[Num.length]+"B"; } console.log(numberPrettyBytesSI(0)); console.log(numberPrettyBytesSI(500)); console.log(numberPrettyBytesSI(1000)); console.log(numberPrettyBytesSI(15000)); console.log(numberPrettyBytesSI(12345)); console.log(numberPrettyBytesSI(123456)); console.log(numberPrettyBytesSI(1234567)); console.log(numberPrettyBytesSI(12345678));


不要修改原生类型或您不拥有的类型 为人类编写干净、可读的代码,让最小化器为机器优化代码 (对TypeScript用户的奖励)不能很好地使用TypeScript


 * Describes manner by which a quantity of bytes will be formatted.
enum ByteFormat {
   * Use Base 10 (1 kB = 1000 bytes). Recommended for sizes of files on disk, disk sizes, bandwidth.
  SI = 0,
   * Use Base 2 (1 KiB = 1024 bytes). Recommended for RAM size, size of files on disk.
  IEC = 1

 * Returns a human-readable representation of a quantity of bytes in the most reasonable unit of magnitude.
 * @example
 * formatBytes(0) // returns "0 bytes"
 * formatBytes(1) // returns "1 byte"
 * formatBytes(1024, ByteFormat.IEC) // returns "1 KiB"
 * formatBytes(1024, ByteFormat.SI) // returns "1.02 kB"
 * @param size The size in bytes.
 * @param format Format using SI (Base 10) or IEC (Base 2). Defaults to SI.
 * @returns A string describing the bytes in the most reasonable unit of magnitude.
function formatBytes(
  value: number,
  format: ByteFormat = ByteFormat.SI
) {
  const [multiple, k, suffix] = (format === ByteFormat.SI
    ? [1000, 'k', 'B']
    : [1024, 'K', 'iB']) as [number, string, string]
  // tslint:disable-next-line: no-bitwise
  const exp = (Math.log(value) / Math.log(multiple)) | 0
  // or, if you'd prefer not to use bitwise expressions or disabling tslint rules, remove the line above and use the following:
  // const exp = value === 0 ? 0 : Math.floor(Math.log(value) / Math.log(multiple)) 
  const size = Number((value / Math.pow(multiple, exp)).toFixed(2))
  return (
    size +
    ' ' +
       ? (k + 'MGTPEZY')[exp - 1] + suffix 
       : 'byte' + (size !== 1 ? 's' : ''))

// example
[0, 1, 1024, Math.pow(1024, 2), Math.floor(Math.pow(1024, 2) * 2.34), Math.pow(1024, 3), Math.floor(Math.pow(1024, 3) * 892.2)].forEach(size => {
  console.log('Bytes: ' + size)
  console.log('SI size: ' + formatBytes(size))
  console.log('IEC size: ' + formatBytes(size, 1) + '\n')


函数fileSizeSI(size) { var e = (Math.log(size) / Math.log(1e3)) | 0; return +(size / Math.)战俘(1 e3, e)) .toFixed (2 ) + ' ' + (' kMGTPEZY [e - 1 ] || '') + ' B”; } / /测试: 文档。write([0, 23, 4322, 324232132, 22e9, 64.22e12, 76.22e15, 64.66e18, 77.11e21, 22e24].map(fileSizeSI).join('<br>'));

1551859712 / 1024 = 1515488
1515488 / 1024 = 1479.96875
1479.96875 / 1024 = 1.44528198242188
