
零二线函数 var i = -1; var byteUnits =[英国‘计划生育’‘兆’,‘和合’,‘PB’‘EB”、“ZB’,‘YB]; do { fileSizeInBytes /= 1024; 我+; while (fileSizeInBytes > 1024) 数学归来。max(fileSizeInBytes, 0.1)。toFixed(1) + byteUnits[i]; 的 控制台日志(getReadableFileSizeString (1551859712);//输出是“1.4 GB”


getReadableFileSizeString(1551859712); // output is "1.4 GB"

不应该是“1.5 GB”吗?除以1024似乎失去了精度。是我完全误解了什么,还是有更好的办法?



function humanReadableSize(bytes) {
    let size = parseInt(data)
    for (let unit of ['b', 'Kb', 'Mb', 'Gb']) {
        if (size < 1024) return `${size.toFixed(2)} ${unit}`
        size /= 1024.0



function humanFileSize(size) {
    var i = size == 0 ? 0 : Math.floor(Math.log(size) / Math.log(1024));
    return (size / Math.pow(1024, i)).toFixed(2) * 1 + ' ' + ['B', 'kB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB'][i];



const bitBase = 8; const suffixes = { bit: 'b', b: 'B', kb: 'KB', mb: 'MB', gb: 'GB', tb: 'TB', }; const multipliers = { bit: { toBitHr: 1, toB: 1 / bitBase, toKB: 1 / (bitBase * 1e3), toMB: 1 / (bitBase * 1e6), toGB: 1 / (bitBase * 1e9), toTB: 1 / (bitBase * 1e12), }, B: { toBit: bitBase, toBHr: 1, toKB: 1 / 1e3, toMB: 1 / 1e6, toGB: 1 / 1e9, toTB: 1 / 1e12, }, KB: { toBit: 1 / (bitBase * 1e3), toB: 1e3, toKBHr: 1, toMB: 1 / 1e3, toGB: 1 / 1e6, toTB: 1 / 1e9, }, MB: { toBit: bitBase * 1e6, toB: 1e6, toKB: 1e3, toMBHr: 1, toGB: 1 / 1e3, toTB: 1 / 1e6, }, GB: { toBit: bitBase * 1e9, toB: 1e9, toKB: 1e6, toMB: 1e3, toGBHr: 1, toTB: 1 / 1e3, }, TB: { toBit: bitBase * 1e12, toB: 1e12, toKB: 1e9, toMB: 1e6, toGB: 1e3, toTBHr: 1, }, }; const round = (num, decimalPlaces) => { const strNum = num.toString(); const isExp = strNum.includes('e'); if (isExp) { return Number(num.toPrecision(decimalPlaces + 1)); } return Number( `${Math.round(Number(`${num}e${decimalPlaces}`))}e${decimalPlaces * -1}`, ); }; function conv( value, hr, rnd, multiplier, suffix, ) { let val = value * multiplier; if ((value * multiplier) > Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) { val = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER; } if (val < Number.MIN_VALUE) val = 0; if ((rnd || rnd === 0) && val < Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) { val = round(val, rnd); } if (hr) return `${val}${suffix}`; return val; } const MemConv = (function _() { return { bit(value) { return { toBitHr(opts = {}) { return conv( value, true, opts.round || false, multipliers.bit.toBitHr, suffixes.bit, ); }, toB(opts = {}) { return conv( value, opts.hr || false, opts.round || false, multipliers.bit.toB, suffixes.b, ); }, toKB(opts = {}) { return conv( value, opts.hr || false, opts.round || false, multipliers.bit.toKB, suffixes.kb, ); }, toMB(opts = {}) { return conv( value, opts.hr || false, opts.round || false, multipliers.bit.toMB, suffixes.mb, ); }, toGB(opts = {}) { return conv( value, opts.hr || false, opts.round || false, multipliers.bit.toGB, suffixes.gb, ); }, toTB(opts = {}) { return conv( value, opts.hr || false, opts.round || false, multipliers.bit.toTB, suffixes.tb, ); }, }; }, B(value) { return { toBit(opts = {}) { return conv( value, opts.hr || false, opts.round || false, multipliers.B.toBit, suffixes.bit, ); }, toBHr(opts = {}) { return conv( value, true, opts.round || false, multipliers.B.toBHr, suffixes.b, ); }, toKB(opts = {}) { return conv( value, opts.hr || false, opts.round || false, multipliers.B.toKB, suffixes.kb, ); }, toMB(opts = {}) { return conv( value, opts.hr || false, opts.round || false, multipliers.B.toMB, suffixes.mb, ); }, toGB(opts = {}) { return conv( value, opts.hr || false, opts.round || false, multipliers.B.toGB, suffixes.gb, ); }, toTB(opts = {}) { return conv( value, opts.hr || false, opts.round || false, multipliers.B.toTB, suffixes.tb, ); }, }; }, KB(value) { return { toBit(opts = {}) { return conv( value, opts.hr || false, opts.round || false, multipliers.KB.toBit, suffixes.bit, ); }, toB(opts = {}) { return conv( value, opts.hr || false, opts.round || false, multipliers.KB.toB, suffixes.b, ); }, toKBHr(opts = {}) { return conv( value, true, opts.round || false, multipliers.KB.toKBHr, suffixes.kb, ); }, toMB(opts = {}) { return conv( value, opts.hr || false, opts.round || false, multipliers.KB.toMB, suffixes.mb, ); }, toGB(opts = {}) { return conv( value, opts.hr || false, opts.round || false, multipliers.KB.toGB, suffixes.gb, ); }, toTB(opts = {}) { return conv( value, opts.hr || false, opts.round || false, multipliers.KB.toTB, suffixes.tb, ); }, }; }, MB(value) { return { toBit(opts = {}) { return conv( value, opts.hr || false, opts.round || false, multipliers.MB.toBit, suffixes.bit, ); }, toB(opts = {}) { return conv( value, opts.hr || false, opts.round || false, multipliers.MB.toB, suffixes.b, ); }, toKB(opts = {}) { return conv( value, opts.hr || false, opts.round || false, multipliers.MB.toKB, suffixes.kb, ); }, toMBHr(opts = {}) { return conv( value, true, opts.round || false, multipliers.MB.toMBHr, suffixes.mb, ); }, toGB(opts = {}) { return conv( value, opts.hr || false, opts.round || false, multipliers.MB.toGB, suffixes.gb, ); }, toTB(opts = {}) { return conv( value, opts.hr || false, opts.round || false, multipliers.MB.toTB, suffixes.tb, ); }, }; }, GB(value) { return { toBit(opts = {}) { return conv( value, opts.hr || false, opts.round || false, multipliers.GB.toBit, suffixes.bit, ); }, toB(opts = {}) { return conv( value, opts.hr || false, opts.round || false, multipliers.GB.toB, suffixes.b, ); }, toKB(opts = {}) { return conv( value, opts.hr || false, opts.round || false, multipliers.GB.toKB, suffixes.kb, ); }, toMB(opts = {}) { return conv( value, opts.hr || false, opts.round || false, multipliers.GB.toMB, suffixes.mb, ); }, toGBHr(opts = {}) { return conv( value, true, opts.round || false, multipliers.GB.toGBHr, suffixes.gb, ); }, toTB(opts = {}) { return conv( value, opts.hr || false, opts.round || false, multipliers.GB.toTB, suffixes.tb, ); }, }; }, TB(value) { return { toBit(opts = {}) { return conv( value, opts.hr || false, opts.round || false, multipliers.TB.toBit, suffixes.bit, ); }, toB(opts = {}) { return conv( value, opts.hr || false, opts.round || false, multipliers.TB.toB, suffixes.b, ); }, toKB(opts = {}) { return conv( value, opts.hr || false, opts.round || false, multipliers.TB.toKB, suffixes.kb, ); }, toMB(opts = {}) { return conv( value, opts.hr || false, opts.round || false, multipliers.TB.toMB, suffixes.mb, ); }, toGB(opts = {}) { return conv( value, opts.hr || false, opts.round || false, multipliers.TB.toGB, suffixes.gb, ); }, toTBHr(opts = {}) { return conv( value, true, opts.round || false, multipliers.TB.toTBHr, suffixes.tb, ); }, }; }, }; }()); const testCases = [1, 10, 150, 1000, 74839.67346]; const HRSuffixes = Object.values(suffixes); const roundDecimals = 2; const precision = Number(`0.${'0'.repeat(roundDecimals)}5`); const SCIENTIFIC_NOT_NUMBER_REGXP = /[-+]?[0-9]*.?[0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?/g; const SUFFIX_REGXP = /[a-z]+$/i; const CONVERSION_TO_REGXP = /(?<=to).*(?=hr+$)|(?<=to).*(?=hr+$)?/i; for (const conversionFrom of (Object.keys(MemConv))) { for (const tCase of testCases) { const convFunc = MemConv[conversionFrom](tCase); for (const [conversionToFn, f] of Object.entries(convFunc)) { const conversionTo = (conversionToFn.match(CONVERSION_TO_REGXP) || [conversionToFn])[0]; const result = f(); const humanReadable = f({ hr: true }); const rounded = f({ round: roundDecimals }); const roundedAndHumanReadable = f({ hr: true, round: roundDecimals }); console.log({ value: tCase, from: conversionFrom, to: conversionTo, result, humanReadable, rounded, roundedAndHumanReadable, }); } } }



import assert from 'assert';

function test() {
  const testCases = [1, 10, 150, 1000, 74839.67346];
  const HRSuffixes = Object.values(suffixes);
  const roundDecimals = 2;
  const precision = Number(`0.${'0'.repeat(roundDecimals)}5`);
  const SCIENTIFIC_NOT_NUMBER_REGXP = /[-+]?[0-9]*.?[0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?/g;
  const SUFFIX_REGXP = /[a-z]+$/i;
  const CONVERSION_TO_REGXP = /(?<=to).*(?=hr+$)|(?<=to).*(?=hr+$)?/i;

  for (const conversionFrom of (Object.keys(MemConv) as (keyof typeof MemConv)[])) {
    for (const tCase of testCases) {
      const convFunc = MemConv[conversionFrom](tCase);
      for (const [conversionToFn, f] of Object.entries(convFunc)) {
        const conversionTo = (conversionToFn.match(CONVERSION_TO_REGXP) || [conversionToFn])[0];
        const expectedSuffix = suffixes[conversionTo.toLowerCase() as keyof typeof suffixes];
        const multiplier = multipliers[conversionFrom][conversionToFn as keyof typeof multipliers[typeof conversionFrom]];
        const expectedResult = tCase * multiplier > Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER
            ? Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER
            : tCase * multiplier;

        const result = f();
        const humanReadable = f({ hr: true });
        const rounded = f({ round: roundDecimals });
        const roundedAndHumanReadable = f({ hr: true, round: roundDecimals });

        const resHrNumber = Number((humanReadable.match(SCIENTIFIC_NOT_NUMBER_REGXP) || [''])[0]);
        const resHrSuffix = (humanReadable.match(SUFFIX_REGXP) || [0])[0];
        const resRoundHrNumber = Number((roundedAndHumanReadable.match(SCIENTIFIC_NOT_NUMBER_REGXP) || [''])[0]);
        const resRoundHrSuffix = (roundedAndHumanReadable.match(SUFFIX_REGXP) || [0])[0];

        if (/hr$/i.test(conversionToFn)) {
          const resNumber = Number((humanReadable.match(SCIENTIFIC_NOT_NUMBER_REGXP) || [''])[0]);
          const resSuffix = (humanReadable.match(SUFFIX_REGXP) || [0])[0];
          assert(typeof result === 'string');
          assert(typeof resSuffix === 'string');
          assert(typeof resRoundHrNumber === 'number');
          assert(typeof rounded === 'string');
          assert(result === humanReadable);
          assert(resSuffix === expectedSuffix);
          assert(resNumber <= expectedResult + precision && resNumber >= expectedResult - precision);
        } else {
          assert(typeof result === 'number');
          assert(result === resHrNumber);
          assert(typeof rounded === 'number');
          assert(result <= expectedResult + precision && result >= expectedResult - precision);

          value: tCase,
          from: conversionFrom,
          to: conversionToFn,

        assert(typeof resHrSuffix === 'string');
        assert(typeof resHrNumber === 'number');
        assert(resHrSuffix === expectedSuffix);
        assert(resHrSuffix === resRoundHrSuffix);


// GB to GB humanReadable
console.log(MemConv.GB(11.1942).toGBHr()); // 11.1942GB;
// GB to MB
console.log(MemConv.GB(11.1942).toMB());// 11194.2;
// MB to MB humanReadable
console.log(MemConv.MB(11.1942).toGB({ hr: true }));// 0.011194200000000001GB;
// MB to MB humanReadable with rounding
console.log(MemConv.MB(11.1942).toGB({ hr: true, round: 3 }));// 0.011GB;

Let bytes = 1024 * 10 * 10 * 10;




There are two ways to represent big numbers: You could either display them in multiples of 1000 = 10 3 (base 10) or 1024 = 2 10 (base 2). If you divide by 1000, you probably use the SI prefix names, if you divide by 1024, you probably use the IEC prefix names. The problem starts with dividing by 1024. Many applications use the SI prefix names for it and some use the IEC prefix names. The current situation is a mess. If you see SI prefix names you do not know whether the number is divided by 1000 or 1024



 return (a=a?[1e3,'k','B']:[1024,'K','iB'],b=Math,c=b.log,
 +' '+(d?(a[1]+'MGTPEZY')[--d]+a[2]:'Bytes');




console.log((186457865).fileSize()); // default IEC (power 1024)
//177.82 MiB


console.log((186457865).fileSize(1)); //1,true for SI (power 1000)
//186.46 MB 




function fileSizeSI(a,b,c,d,e){
 return (b=Math,c=b.log,d=1e3,e=c(a)/c(d)|0,a/b.pow(d,e)).toFixed(2)
 +' '+(e?'kMGTPEZY'[--e]+'B':'Bytes')


function fileSizeIEC(a,b,c,d,e){
 return (b=Math,c=b.log,d=1024,e=c(a)/c(d)|0,a/b.pow(d,e)).toFixed(2)
 +' '+(e?'KMGTPEZY'[--e]+'iB':'Bytes')





function fileSize(b) {
    var u = 0, s=1024;
    while (b >= s || -b >= s) {
        b /= s;
    return (u ? b.toFixed(1) + ' ' : b) + ' KMGTPEZY'[u] + 'B';
