


var totalSec = new Date().getTime() / 1000;
var hours = parseInt( totalSec / 3600 ) % 24;
var minutes = parseInt( totalSec / 60 ) % 60;
var seconds = totalSec % 60;

var result = (hours < 10 ? "0" + hours : hours) + "-" + (minutes < 10 ? "0" + minutes : minutes) + "-" + (seconds  < 10 ? "0" + seconds : seconds);

On the second line, since there are 3600 seconds in 1 hour, we divide the total number of seconds by 3600 to get the total number of hours. We use parseInt to strip off any decimal. If totalSec was 12600 (3 and half hours), then parseInt( totalSec / 3600 ) would return 3, since we will have 3 full hours. Why do we need the % 24 in this case? If we exceed 24 hours, let's say we have 25 hours (90000 seconds), then the modulo here will take us back to 1 again, rather than returning 25. It is confining the result within a 24 hour limit, since there are 24 hours in one day.


25 % 24


25 mod 24 or what is the remainder when we divide 25 by 24


export const secondsToHHMMSS = (seconds) => {
  const HH = `${Math.floor(seconds / 3600)}`.padStart(2, '0');
  const MM = `${Math.floor(seconds / 60) % 60}`.padStart(2, '0');
  const SS = `${Math.floor(seconds % 60)}`.padStart(2, '0');
  return [HH, MM, SS].join(':');

对于任何使用AngularJS的人来说,一个简单的解决方案是使用date API来过滤值,它会根据请求的格式将毫秒转换为字符串。例子:

<div>Offer ends in {{ timeRemaining | date: 'HH:mm:ss' }}</div>



function formatSeconds(sec) {
     return [(sec / 3600), ((sec % 3600) / 60), ((sec % 3600) % 60)]
            .map(v => v < 10 ? "0" + parseInt(v) : parseInt(v))
            .filter((i, j) => i !== "00" || j > 0)


function formatSeconds(sec) {
  return parseInt(sec / 3600) + ':' + parseInt((sec % 3600) / 60) + ':' + parseInt((sec % 3600) % 60);




const timeFormat = new Intl.DateTimeFormat('es-US', {
    hour: 'numeric',
    minute: 'numeric',
    second: 'numeric',
    hour12: false,
    timeZone: 'UTC'

const endTimeFormatted = timeFormat.format(new Date(SECS * 1000); //hour in secs

对于HH:MM:SS的特殊情况。MS (eq: "00:04:33.637"), FFMPEG用来指定毫秒。

[-] [HH: MM: SS(打烊……) HH表示小时数,MM表示分钟数 最大值为2位,SS为最大值为2的秒数 位数。最后的m表示SS的十进制值。

/* HH:MM:SS.MS to (FLOAT)seconds ---------------*/ function timerToSec(timer){ let vtimer = timer.split(":") let vhours = +vtimer[0] let vminutes = +vtimer[1] let vseconds = parseFloat(vtimer[2]) return vhours * 3600 + vminutes * 60 + vseconds } /* Seconds to (STRING)HH:MM:SS.MS --------------*/ function secToTimer(sec){ let o = new Date(0) let p = new Date(sec*1000) return new Date(p.getTime()-o.getTime()) .toISOString() .split("T")[1] .split("Z")[0] } /* Example: 7hours, 4 minutes, 33 seconds and 637 milliseconds */ const t = "07:04:33.637" console.log( t + " => " + timerToSec(t) + "s" ) /* Test: 25473 seconds and 637 milliseconds */ const s = 25473.637 // "25473.637" console.log( s + "s => " + secToTimer(s) )


/* Seconds to (STRING)HH:MM:SS.MS --------------*/ function secToTimer(sec){ let o = new Date(0) let p = new Date(sec*1000) return new Date(p.getTime()-o.getTime()) .toISOString() .split("T")[1] .split("Z")[0] } let job, origin = new Date().getTime() const timer = () => { job = requestAnimationFrame(timer) OUT.textContent = secToTimer((new Date().getTime() - origin) / 1000) } requestAnimationFrame(timer) span {font-size:4rem} <span id="OUT"></span> <br> <button onclick="origin = new Date().getTime()">RESET</button> <button onclick="requestAnimationFrame(timer)">RESTART</button> <button onclick="cancelAnimationFrame(job)">STOP</button>


/* Seconds to (STRING)HH:MM:SS.MS --------------*/ function secToTimer(sec){ let o = new Date(0) let p = new Date(sec*1000) return new Date(p.getTime()-o.getTime()) .toISOString() .split("T")[1] .split("Z")[0] } VIDEO.addEventListener("timeupdate", function(e){ OUT.textContent = secToTimer(e.target.currentTime) }, false) span {font-size:4rem} <span id="OUT"></span><br> <video id="VIDEO" width="400" controls autoplay> <source src="https://www.w3schools.com/html/mov_bbb.mp4" type="video/mp4"> </video>


/* HH:MM:SS to (FLOAT)seconds ------------------*/
function timerToSec($timer){
  $vtimer = explode(":",$timer);
  $vhours = (int)$vtimer[0];
  $vminutes = (int)$vtimer[1];
  $vseconds = (float)$vtimer[2];
  return $vhours * 3600 + $vminutes * 60 + $vseconds;
/* Seconds to (STRING)HH:MM:SS -----------------*/
function secToTimer($sec){
  return explode(" ", date("H:i:s", $sec))[0];  