I have a question about how and what is the version of OpenSSl that I must install in Windows to later create certificates. Install a one version (openssl-1.0.2d-fips-2.0.10) found in SourceForge but it does not generate the files correctly. There is also the official website https://www.openssl.org, but I do not know how to install it and how, so that when it comes to generating the keys and .pem file, it works. Generate some environment variables that point to the folder where I unzipped the downloaded, I do not know if it is the correct way.




从这里安装系统特定的openssl 链接。 设置如下变量:Set . Set OPENSSL_CONF = LOCATION_OF_SSL_INSTALL \ bin \ openssl.cfg 更新路径:set path =…其他值 在这里……;LOCATION_OF_SSL_INSTALL \ bin



scoop install openssl

我还想为Windows 10创建OPEN SSL。有一种简单的方法可以避免从第三方网站安装未知软件和冒病毒的风险,就是使用Git for Windows安装中的openssl.exe。在我的例子中,我在Git for Windows安装的下面位置找到了开放SSL。

C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin\ openssl.exe

如果您还想了解如何使用OPENSSL生成和使用证书,这里是我博客上的一篇文章。分步说明首先解释了如何使用Microsoft Windows默认工具和OPEN SSL,并解释了它们之间的区别。




从这里安装系统特定的openssl 链接。 设置如下变量:Set . Set OPENSSL_CONF = LOCATION_OF_SSL_INSTALL \ bin \ openssl.cfg 更新路径:set path =…其他值 在这里……;LOCATION_OF_SSL_INSTALL \ bin

这里有一个解决方案,可能会让那些已经实现了WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux)的人感到高兴。你可以用:

WSL openssl…

关键是许多实现了WSL的人可能没有意识到他们可以通过这种方式从DOS或powershell命令行调用任何linux命令(在他们的底层WSL linux虚拟机中)。(人们很容易认为WSL的目的是用它来“shell到vm”,这确实是一个选项,但是从Windows运行linux命令的能力是WSL真正的增值。)

需要明确的是,在执行上面的命令时,您可能指向(或创建)的任何文件名或文件夹都将相对于您运行命令的Windows文件夹。例如,openssl req创建一个自签名证书,其中可以将-keyout命名为selfsigned。输入自签名。crt,这两个文件将被创建在运行命令的Windows文件夹中。



There's always the official page ([OpenSSL.Wiki]: Binaries) which contains useful URLs (pointing to unofficial resources / builds, make sure to read the Important Disclaimer) There are other repositories which contain unofficial builds Here I want to mention: [GitHub]: CristiFati/Prebuilt-Binaries - Prebuilt-Binaries/OpenSSL v1.0.2u (FIPS capable) is built with OpenSSL-FIPS 2.0.16 Artefacts are .zips that should be unpacked in "C:\Program Files" (please take a look at the Readme.md file, and also at the one at the repository root) Other 3rd-party software may bundle OpenSSL, so it gets "installed" as a side effect. Such software (mentioned by other answers): Cygwin, Git And of course you can build it yourself from sources, but that requires some deeper knowledge
