



我发现这是Django 1.3最简单的方法:

views.py 从local_settings导入BASE_URL def根(请求): 返回render_to_response('hero.html', {'BASE_URL': BASE_URL}) hero.html var BASE_URL = '{{JS_BASE_URL}}';


在Django 2.0+中添加了一个完整的创建自定义模板标签的答案



from django import template
from django.conf import settings

register = template.Library()

def get_setting(name):
    return getattr(settings, name, "")



{% load custom_tags %}


{% get_setting "BUILD_VERSION" %}




from django import template
from django.conf import settings

register = template.Library()

# settings value
def settings_value(name):
    return getattr(settings, name, "")


{% settings_value "LANGUAGE_CODE" %}



from django.template import TemplateSyntaxError, Variable, Node, Variable, Library
from yourapp import settings

register = Library()
# I found some tricks in URLNode and url from defaulttags.py:
# https://code.djangoproject.com/browser/django/trunk/django/template/defaulttags.py
def value_from_settings(parser, token):
  bits = token.split_contents()
  if len(bits) < 2:
    raise TemplateSyntaxError("'%s' takes at least one " \
      "argument (settings constant to retrieve)" % bits[0])
  settingsvar = bits[1]
  settingsvar = settingsvar[1:-1] if settingsvar[0] == '"' else settingsvar
  asvar = None
  bits = bits[2:]
  if len(bits) >= 2 and bits[-2] == 'as':
    asvar = bits[-1]
    bits = bits[:-2]
  if len(bits):
    raise TemplateSyntaxError("'value_from_settings' didn't recognise " \
      "the arguments '%s'" % ", ".join(bits))
  return ValueFromSettings(settingsvar, asvar)

class ValueFromSettings(Node):
  def __init__(self, settingsvar, asvar):
    self.arg = Variable(settingsvar)
    self.asvar = asvar
  def render(self, context):
    ret_val = getattr(settings,str(self.arg))
    if self.asvar:
      context[self.asvar] = ret_val
      return ''
      return ret_val


{% load value_from_settings %}
{% value_from_settings "FQDN" %}


{% load value_from_settings %}
{% value_from_settings "FQDN" as my_fqdn %}


If we were to compare context vs. template tags on a single variable, then knowing the more efficient option could be benificial. However, you might be better off to dip into the settings only from templates that need that variable. In that case it doesn't make sense to pass the variable into all templates. But if you are sending the variable into a common template such as the base.html template, Then it would not matter as the base.html template is rendered on every request, so you can use either methods.

如果您决定使用template tags选项,那么使用下面的代码,因为它允许您传入一个默认值,以防有问题的变量未定义。

例如:get_from_settings my_variable as my_context_value

例如:get_from_settings my_variable my_default as my_context_value

class SettingsAttrNode(Node):
    def __init__(self, variable, default, as_value):
        self.variable = getattr(settings, variable, default)
        self.cxtname = as_value

    def render(self, context):
        context[self.cxtname] = self.variable
        return ''

def get_from_setting(parser, token):
    as_value = variable = default = ''
    bits = token.contents.split()
    if len(bits) == 4 and bits[2] == 'as':
        variable = bits[1]
        as_value = bits[3]
    elif len(bits) == 5 and bits[3] == 'as':
        variable     = bits[1]
        default  = bits[2]
        as_value = bits[4]
        raise TemplateSyntaxError, "usage: get_from_settings variable default as value " \
                "OR: get_from_settings variable as value"

    return SettingsAttrNode(variable=variable, default=default, as_value=as_value)

get_from_setting = register.tag(get_from_setting)


from django import template
from django.conf import settings

register = template.Library()


# settings value
def settings_value(name):
    if name in ALLOWABLE_VALUES:
        return getattr(settings, name, '')
    return ''


{% settings_value "CONSTANT_NAME_1" %}

This protects any constants that you have not named from use in the template, and if you wanted to get really fancy, you could set a tuple in the settings, and create more than one template tag for different pages, apps or areas, and simply combine a local tuple with the settings tuple as needed, then do the list comprehension to see if the value is acceptable. I agree, on a complex site, this is a bit simplistic, but there are values that would be nice to have universally in templates, and this seems to work nicely. Thanks to Berislav for the original idea!