在ASP中处处使用异步操作好吗?净MVC吗? 关于可等待方法:当我想查询数据库(通过EF/NHibernate/其他ORM)时,我应该使用async/await关键字吗? 在一个操作方法中,我可以使用await关键字异步查询数据库多少次?
在ASP中处处使用异步操作好吗?净MVC吗? 关于可等待方法:当我想查询数据库(通过EF/NHibernate/其他ORM)时,我应该使用async/await关键字吗? 在一个操作方法中,我可以使用await关键字异步查询数据库多少次?
async actions help best when the actions does some I\O operations to DB or some network bound calls where the thread that processes the request will be stalled before it gets answer from the DB or network bound call which you just invoked. It's best you use await with them and it will really improve the responsiveness of your application (because less ASP input\output threads will be stalled while waiting for the DB or any other operation like that). In all my applications whenever many calls to DB very necessary I've always wrapped them in awaiatable method and called that with await keyword.
async actions help best when the actions does some I\O operations to DB or some network bound calls where the thread that processes the request will be stalled before it gets answer from the DB or network bound call which you just invoked. It's best you use await with them and it will really improve the responsiveness of your application (because less ASP input\output threads will be stalled while waiting for the DB or any other operation like that). In all my applications whenever many calls to DB very necessary I've always wrapped them in awaiatable method and called that with await keyword.
AsyncController类的典型用途是长时间运行的Web 服务调用。
此外,异步并不意味着并行。异步执行释放 有价值的线程池线程从阻塞外部资源,为 没有复杂性或性能成本。这意味着同一台IIS机器可以 处理更多并发请求,并不是说它会运行得更快。 您还应该考虑阻塞调用以 cpu密集型spinwait。在压力大的时候,阻止电话会 导致不断升级的延迟和应用程序池回收。异步调用 避免这种情况
async-await shines in places where you know you'll receiving concurrent requests to your service and you want to be able to scale out well. How does async-await help with scaling out? In the fact that when you invoke a async IO call synchronously, such as a network call or hitting your database, the current thread which is responsible for the execution is blocked waiting for the request to finish. When you use async-await, you enable the framework to create a state machine for you which makes sure that after the IO call is complete, your method continues executing from where it left off.
我应该使用异步/等待关键字当我想查询数据库(通过 EF / NHibernate /其他ORM) ?
多少次我可以使用等待关键字查询数据库 异步在一个单一的行动方法?
只要您遵守数据库提供商规定的规则,您想要多少就有多少。异步调用的数量没有限制。如果您有相互独立且可以并发执行的查询,则可以为每个查询旋转一个新任务并使用await task。WhenAll等待两者都完成。
原因是,正如Stephen Cleary和其他人已经提到的,它会引入性能问题,而不是解决问题,并且它只会在特定的场景中帮助您:
高流量控制器 可伸缩的后端
As you know, MVC supports asynchronous controllers and you should take advantage of it. In case your Controller, performs a lengthy operation, (it might be a disk based I/o or a network call to another remote service), if the request is handled in synchronous manner, the IIS thread is busy the whole time. As a result, the thread is just waiting for the lengthy operation to complete. It can be better utilized by serving other requests while the operation requested in first is under progress. This will help in serving more concurrent requests. Your webservice will be highly scalable and will not easily run into C10k problem. It is a good idea to use async/await for db queries. and yes you can use them as many number of times as you deem fit.