我是否应该对在控制器和服务层之间移动数据的所有DTO类使用Record ? 我应该使用记录为我所有的请求绑定,因为理想情况下,我希望发送到控制器的请求是不可变的asp.net API

什么是纪录?Anthony Giretti介绍c# 9:记录

public class HomeController : Controller
    public async Task<IActionResult> Search(SearchParameters searchParams)
        await _service.SearchAsync(searchParams);





Records add another way to define types. You use class definitions to create object-oriented hierarchies that focus on the responsibilities and behavior of objects. You create struct types for data structures that store data and are small enough to copy efficiently. You create record types when you want value-based equality and comparison, don't want to copy values, and want to use reference variables. You create record struct types when you want the features of records for a type that is small enough to copy efficiently.





Records add another way to define types. You use class definitions to create object-oriented hierarchies that focus on the responsibilities and behavior of objects. You create struct types for data structures that store data and are small enough to copy efficiently. You create record types when you want value-based equality and comparison, don't want to copy values, and want to use reference variables. You create record struct types when you want the features of records for a type that is small enough to copy efficiently.


我真的很喜欢上面的答案,它们非常精确和完整,但是我缺少一个重要的类型:只读结构体(c# 7.2)和即将到来的记录结构体(c# 10)。

当我们发现c#和。net被用于新的领域时,一些问题变得更加突出。作为计算开销比平均水平更关键的环境的例子,我可以列出 云/数据中心场景,其中计算为和计费 响应能力是一种竞争优势。 对延迟有软实时要求的游戏/VR/AR


class / record / ValueObject:

引用类型;不需要Ref和in关键字。 堆分配;GC的更多工作。 允许非公共无参数构造函数。 允许继承、多态和接口实现。 不需要被装箱。 使用记录作为dto和不可变/值对象。 当你既需要不可变性,又需要对相等性检查进行IComparable或精确控制时,请使用ValueObject。


价值类型;可以通过in关键字作为只读引用传递。 堆栈分配;适用于云/数据中心/游戏/VR/AR。 不允许非公共无参数构造函数。 不允许继承、多态,而是接口实现。 可能需要经常装箱。


它们不支持继承。 他们在确定价值相等方面效率较低。对于值类型,ValueType。Equals方法使用反射来查找所有字段。对于记录,编译器生成Equals方法。在实践中,在记录中实现值相等要快得多。 它们在某些情况下使用更多内存,因为每个实例都有一个 所有数据的完整副本。记录类型是引用类型, 因此,记录实例只包含对数据的引用。


用于创建具有不可变引用类型的简明语法 属性 价值平等 非破坏性突变的简明语法 内置显示格式 支持继承层次结构


c#记录没有实现IComparable接口 在封装方面,记录要比结构好得多,因为你不能在结构中隐藏无参数的构造函数,但记录的封装仍然很差,我们可以实例化一个无效状态的对象。 不要控制相等性检查


Records will replace the Fluent Interface pattern in C#. The Test Data Builder pattern is a great example here. Instead of writing your own boilerplate code, you can now use the new with feature and save yourself tons of time and effort. Record is good for DTOs You may also need interim data classes while loading data to or retrieving it from the database or while doing some preprocessing. This is similar to the above DTOs, but instead of serving as data contracts between your application and external systems, these data classes act as DTOs between different layers of your own system. C# records are great for that too. Finally, not all applications require a rich, fully encapsulated domain model. In most simpler cases that don’t need much encapsulation, C# records would do just fine. otherwise use DDD value object

^ ^




是的,如果是单向流,请为dto使用记录。 是的,不可变请求绑定是记录的理想用户用例 是的,SearchParameters是一条记录的理想用户用例。









它在逻辑上表示一个值,类似于基本类型(int、double等)。 它的实例大小小于16字节。 它是不可变的。 它不需要经常装箱。

是吗?它应该是一个结构体。 没有?它应该是某种引用类型。


是吗?要有记录。 没有?跟着班级走。

顺便说一句:不要忘记匿名对象。c# 10.0中会有匿名记录。



class Program
    static void Main()
        var test = new Foo("a");
        test.MutableProperty = 15;
        //test.Bar = "new string"; // will not compile

public record Foo(string Bar)
    public double MutableProperty { get; set; } = 10.0;


请看这个例子(使用c# 9.0中的顶级特性):

using System.Collections.Generic;
using static System.Console;

var foo = new SomeRecord(new List<string>());
var fooAsShallowCopy = foo;
var fooAsWithCopy = foo with { }; // A syntactic sugar for new SomeRecord(foo.List);
var fooWithDifferentList = foo with { List = new List<string>() { "a", "b" } };
var differentFooWithSameList = new SomeRecord(foo.List); // This is the same like foo with { };

WriteLine($"Count in foo: {foo.List.Count}"); // 1
WriteLine($"Count in fooAsShallowCopy: {fooAsShallowCopy.List.Count}"); // 1
WriteLine($"Count in fooWithDifferentList: {fooWithDifferentList.List.Count}"); // 2
WriteLine($"Count in differentFooWithSameList: {differentFooWithSameList.List.Count}"); // 1
WriteLine($"Count in fooAsWithCopy: {fooAsWithCopy.List.Count}"); // 1

WriteLine($"Equals (foo & fooAsShallowCopy): {Equals(foo, fooAsShallowCopy)}"); // True. The lists inside are the same.
WriteLine($"Equals (foo & fooWithDifferentList): {Equals(foo, fooWithDifferentList)}"); // False. The lists are different
WriteLine($"Equals (foo & differentFooWithSameList): {Equals(foo, differentFooWithSameList)}"); // True. The list are the same.
WriteLine($"Equals (foo & fooAsWithCopy): {Equals(foo, fooAsWithCopy)}"); // True. The list are the same, see below.
WriteLine($"ReferenceEquals (foo.List & fooAsShallowCopy.List): {ReferenceEquals(foo.List, fooAsShallowCopy.List)}"); // True. The records property points to the same reference.
WriteLine($"ReferenceEquals (foo.List & fooWithDifferentList.List): {ReferenceEquals(foo.List, fooWithDifferentList.List)}"); // False. The list are different instances.
WriteLine($"ReferenceEquals (foo.List & differentFooWithSameList.List): {ReferenceEquals(foo.List, differentFooWithSameList.List)}"); // True. The records property points to the same reference.
WriteLine($"ReferenceEquals (foo.List & fooAsWithCopy.List): {ReferenceEquals(foo.List, fooAsWithCopy.List)}"); // True. The records property points to the same reference.

WriteLine($"ReferenceEquals (foo & fooAsShallowCopy): {ReferenceEquals(foo, fooAsShallowCopy)}"); // True. !!! fooAsCopy is pure shallow copy of foo. !!!
WriteLine($"ReferenceEquals (foo & fooWithDifferentList): {ReferenceEquals(foo, fooWithDifferentList)}"); // False. These records are two different reference variables.
WriteLine($"ReferenceEquals (foo & differentFooWithSameList): {ReferenceEquals(foo, differentFooWithSameList)}"); // False. These records are two different reference variables and reference type property hold by these records does not matter in ReferenceEqual.
WriteLine($"ReferenceEquals (foo & fooAsWithCopy): {ReferenceEquals(foo, fooAsWithCopy)}"); // False. The same story as differentFooWithSameList.

var bar = new RecordOnlyWithValueNonMutableProperty(0);
var barAsShallowCopy = bar;
var differentBarDifferentProperty = bar with { NonMutableProperty = 1 };
var barAsWithCopy = bar with { };

WriteLine($"Equals (bar & barAsShallowCopy): {Equals(bar, barAsShallowCopy)}"); // True.
WriteLine($"Equals (bar & differentBarDifferentProperty): {Equals(bar, differentBarDifferentProperty)}"); // False. Remember, the value equality is used.
WriteLine($"Equals (bar & barAsWithCopy): {Equals(bar, barAsWithCopy)}"); // True. Remember, the value equality is used.
WriteLine($"ReferenceEquals (bar & barAsShallowCopy): {ReferenceEquals(bar, barAsShallowCopy)}"); // True. The shallow copy.
WriteLine($"ReferenceEquals (bar & differentBarDifferentProperty): {ReferenceEquals(bar, differentBarDifferentProperty)}"); // False. Operator with creates a new reference variable.
WriteLine($"ReferenceEquals (bar & barAsWithCopy): {ReferenceEquals(bar, barAsWithCopy)}"); // False. Operator with creates a new reference variable.

var fooBar = new RecordOnlyWithValueMutableProperty();
var fooBarAsShallowCopy = fooBar; // A shallow copy, the reference to bar is assigned to barAsCopy
var fooBarAsWithCopy = fooBar with { }; // A deep copy by coincidence because fooBar has only one value property which is copied into barAsDeepCopy.

WriteLine($"Equals (fooBar & fooBarAsShallowCopy): {Equals(fooBar, fooBarAsShallowCopy)}"); // True.
WriteLine($"Equals (fooBar & fooBarAsWithCopy): {Equals(fooBar, fooBarAsWithCopy)}"); // True. Remember, the value equality is used.
WriteLine($"ReferenceEquals (fooBar & fooBarAsShallowCopy): {ReferenceEquals(fooBar, fooBarAsShallowCopy)}"); // True. The shallow copy.
WriteLine($"ReferenceEquals (fooBar & fooBarAsWithCopy): {ReferenceEquals(fooBar, fooBarAsWithCopy)}"); // False. Operator with creates a new reference variable.

fooBar.MutableProperty = 2;
fooBarAsShallowCopy.MutableProperty = 3;
fooBarAsWithCopy.MutableProperty = 3;
WriteLine($"fooBar.MutableProperty = {fooBar.MutableProperty} | fooBarAsShallowCopy.MutableProperty = {fooBarAsShallowCopy.MutableProperty} | fooBarAsWithCopy.MutableProperty = {fooBarAsWithCopy.MutableProperty}"); // fooBar.MutableProperty = 3 | fooBarAsShallowCopy.MutableProperty = 3 | fooBarAsWithCopy.MutableProperty = 3
WriteLine($"Equals (fooBar & fooBarAsShallowCopy): {Equals(fooBar, fooBarAsShallowCopy)}"); // True.
WriteLine($"Equals (fooBar & fooBarAsWithCopy): {Equals(fooBar, fooBarAsWithCopy)}"); // True. Remember, the value equality is used. 3 != 4
WriteLine($"ReferenceEquals (fooBar & fooBarAsShallowCopy): {ReferenceEquals(fooBar, fooBarAsShallowCopy)}"); // True. The shallow copy.
WriteLine($"ReferenceEquals (fooBar & fooBarAsWithCopy): {ReferenceEquals(fooBar, fooBarAsWithCopy)}"); // False. Operator with creates a new reference variable.

fooBarAsWithCopy.MutableProperty = 4;
WriteLine($"fooBar.MutableProperty = {fooBar.MutableProperty} | fooBarAsShallowCopy.MutableProperty = {fooBarAsShallowCopy.MutableProperty} | fooBarAsWithCopy.MutableProperty = {fooBarAsWithCopy.MutableProperty}"); // fooBar.MutableProperty = 3 | fooBarAsShallowCopy.MutableProperty = 3 | fooBarAsWithCopy.MutableProperty = 4
WriteLine($"Equals (fooBar & fooBarAsWithCopy): {Equals(fooBar, fooBarAsWithCopy)}"); // False. Remember, the value equality is used. 3 != 4

var venom = new MixedRecord(new List<string>(), 0); // Reference/Value property, mutable non-mutable.
var eddieBrock = venom;
var carnage = venom with { };
venom.List.Add("I'm a predator.");
carnage.List.Add("All I ever wanted in this world is a carnage.");
WriteLine($"Count in venom: {venom.List.Count}"); // 2
WriteLine($"Count in eddieBrock: {eddieBrock.List.Count}"); // 2
WriteLine($"Count in carnage: {carnage.List.Count}"); // 2
WriteLine($"Equals (venom & eddieBrock): {Equals(venom, eddieBrock)}"); // True.
WriteLine($"Equals (venom & carnage): {Equals(venom, carnage)}"); // True. Value properties has the same values, the List property points to the same reference.
WriteLine($"ReferenceEquals (venom & eddieBrock): {ReferenceEquals(venom, eddieBrock)}"); // True. The shallow copy.
WriteLine($"ReferenceEquals (venom & carnage): {ReferenceEquals(venom, carnage)}"); // False. Operator with creates a new reference variable.

eddieBrock.MutableList = new List<string>();
eddieBrock.MutableProperty = 3;
WriteLine($"Equals (venom & eddieBrock): {Equals(venom, eddieBrock)}"); // True. Reference or value type does not matter. Still a shallow copy of venom, still true.
WriteLine($"Equals (venom & carnage): {Equals(venom, carnage)}"); // False. the venom.List property does not points to the same reference like in carnage.List anymore.
WriteLine($"ReferenceEquals (venom & eddieBrock): {ReferenceEquals(venom, eddieBrock)}"); // True. The shallow copy.
WriteLine($"ReferenceEquals (venom & carnage): {ReferenceEquals(venom, carnage)}"); // False. Operator with creates a new reference variable.
WriteLine($"ReferenceEquals (venom.List & carnage.List): {ReferenceEquals(venom.List, carnage.List)}"); // True. Non mutable reference type.
WriteLine($"ReferenceEquals (venom.MutableList & carnage.MutableList): {ReferenceEquals(venom.MutableList, carnage.MutableList)}"); // False. This is why Equals(venom, carnage) returns false.

public record SomeRecord(List<string> List);

public record RecordOnlyWithValueNonMutableProperty(int NonMutableProperty);

public record RecordOnlyWithValueMutableProperty
    public int MutableProperty { get; set; } = 1; // this property gets boxed

public record MixedRecord(List<string> List, int NonMutableProperty)
    public List<string> MutableList { get; set; } = new();
    public int MutableProperty { get; set; } = 1; // this property gets boxed





using BenchmarkDotNet.Attributes;
using BenchmarkDotNet.Running;

namespace SmazatRecord
    class Program
        static void Main()
            var summary = BenchmarkRunner.Run<Test>();

    public class Test

        public int TestRecord()
            var foo = new Foo("a");
            for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
                var bar = foo with { Bar = "b" };
                bar.MutableProperty = i;
                foo.MutableProperty += bar.MutableProperty;
            return foo.MutableProperty;

        public int TestClass()
            var foo = new FooClass("a");
            for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
                var bar = new FooClass("b")
                    MutableProperty = i
                foo.MutableProperty += bar.MutableProperty;
            return foo.MutableProperty;

    public record Foo(string Bar)
        public int MutableProperty { get; set; } = 10;

    public class FooClass
        public FooClass(string bar)
            Bar = bar;
        public int MutableProperty { get; set; }
        public string Bar { get; }


BenchmarkDotNet=v0.12.1, OS=Windows 10.0.18363.1379 (1909/November2018Update/19H2)
AMD FX(tm)-8350, 1 CPU, 8 logical and 4 physical cores
.NET Core SDK=5.0.103
  [Host]     : .NET Core 5.0.3 (CoreCLR 5.0.321.7212, CoreFX 5.0.321.7212), X64 RyuJIT
  DefaultJob : .NET Core 5.0.3 (CoreCLR 5.0.321.7212, CoreFX 5.0.321.7212), X64 RyuJIT

Method Mean Error StdDev
TestRecord 120.19 μs 2.299 μs 2.150 μs
TestClass 98.91 μs 0.856 μs 0.800 μs