TL; diana:
/// <see cref="FancyClass{T}"/>
“《FancyClass<T>》怎么样?FancyMethod < K > (T值)?”
/// <see cref="FancyClass{T}.FancyMethod{K}(T)"/>
/// <see cref="SomeType.SomeMethod(FancyClass{string})"/>
/// <see cref="FancyClass{T}"/> whose generic type argument is <see cref="string"/>
Surround the generic type parameter list with curly braces {} instead of with <> angle brackets. This spares you from escaping the latter as < and > — remember, documentation comments are XML!
If you include a prefix (such as T: for types, M: for methods, P: for properties, F: for fields), the compiler will not perform any validation of the reference, but simply copy the cref attribute value straight to the documentation XML output. For this reason, you'll have to use the special "ID string" syntax that applies in such files: always use fully-qualified identifiers, and use backticks to reference generic type parameters (`n on types, ``n on methods).
If you omit the prefix, regular language naming rules apply: you can drop namespaces for which there's a using statement, and you can use the language's type keywords such as int instead of System.Int32. Also, the compiler will check the reference for correctness.
namespace X
using System;
/// <see cref="I1"/> (or <see cref="X.I1"/> from outside X)
/// <see cref="T:X.I1"/>
interface I1
/// <see cref="I1.M1(int)"/> (or <see cref="M1(int)"/> from inside I1)
/// <see cref="M:X.I1.M1(System.Int32)"/>
void M1(int p);
/// <see cref="I1.M2{U}(U)"/>
/// <see cref="M:X.I1.M2``1(``0)"/>
void M2<U>(U p);
/// <see cref="I1.M3(Action{string})"/>
/// <see cref="M:X.I1.M3(System.Action{System.String})"/>
void M3(Action<string> p);
/// <see cref="I2{T}"/>
/// <see cref="T:X.I2`1"/>
interface I2<T>
/// <see cref="I2{T}.M1(int)"/>
/// <see cref="M:X.I2`1.M1(System.Int32)"/>
void M1(int p);
/// <see cref="I2{T}.M2(T)"/>
/// <see cref="M:X.I2`1.M2(`0)"/>
void M2(T p);
/// <see cref="I2{T}.M3{U}(U)"/>
/// <see cref="M:X.I2`1.M3``1(``0)"/>
void M3<U>(U p);