Solved - My new MacBook Air M2 was struggling with downloading and installing Xcode. The problem, I think, was that the laptop sleeps after a short period of time and that stops the download/install process. Download/install restarts at 80% or 0% when the laptop is reawakened - repeat. A simple way to avoid the laptop from sleeping is to open the Terminal application (Application/Utilities/Terminal) and type "caffeinate". That prevents the laptop from sleeping and lets the download/install process complete itself. When done type control-c into the Terminal and it will quit caffeinate.
我的卡了大约3天,即使重新启动也无济于事! 我试图在MacOS Monterey上更新到xcode 13.2.1 我所做的是:
2-打开启动器,按住Option键(让图标晃动),点击xcode角落的x !问我是否要删除应用程序,我确认了,但神奇的是,它留下来了,当我打开它时,它更新到最新版本!所以基本上已经安装好了,只是不知道而已。
以上链接包含XCode 1.0至最新版本的下载链接。
在Ventura上尝试更新到Xcode 14.1近24小时后,我最终丢弃了Xcode应用程序,重新启动,只启动了App Store,并进行了新的安装,将App Store留在前台。它在我的M1 Mac mini上下载了(20分钟内大约7gb),不到一个小时就完成了安装。
After updating to Ventura, there was an update to Xcode 14.1 in the App Store. As with previous versions, I had trouble installing it. This time though, the install would progress to 61% (seen by hovering the mouse over the spinning circle in App Store), then stay there. Filtering for ASDAppQuery in the Console, as suggested in other answers, showed progress for a while, but then also stopped. The installd process was still using a lot of CPU. However, after a while it would stop doing so. It seemed that the App Store app would stop, and a couple of times I checked Activity Monitor and saw that it was in "App Nap" mode. After waking up again, the appstoreagent would run at 95% CPU (one core) for a while, followed by installd running again, at around 300% CPU. This cycle continued, but with no progress. I tried leaving it overnight, but in the morning it was in the same state: neither appstoreagent nor installd doing anything, but then seeming to wake up and grind away again, but making no progress. I had also tried quitting the App Store and starting again, but the same kept happening - going to 61%, then spinning away with no progress indication. Finally, I decided to trash Xcode, reboot, and install - that worked quickly and flawlessly.
保持App Store窗口的打开(感谢@Dhruv Saraswat指出这一点)。 打开“控制台”应用程序(不是“终端”,而是“控制台”) 进入“搜索栏”,输入“App Store”。 按“开始”按钮。 日志行将不时添加,以显示安装过程是如何进行的。就我而言,我看到了“……完成:825 / 1000”,过了一段时间,我得到了“…完成:826到1000”,等等。