我在格式化的电脑上运行Visual Studio 2013 Pro (RTM版本)(Windows 8.1新安装)。

我不知道为什么,但是Visual Studio 2013 Pro非常非常慢!在IDE中构建、调试、导航缓慢……我的硬盘驱动器的LED根本不亮!

我在一个小的MFC (c++)项目中使用Boost库。




或者你可以在Visual Studio中按照以下步骤禁用硬件图形加速:

In Visual Studio, click "Tools", and then click "Options". In the Options dialog box, navigate to the "Environment > General" section and clear the "Automatically adjust visual experience based on client performance" check box. (Refer to the following screen shot for this step.) Clear the "Use hardware graphics acceleration if available" check box to prevent the use of hardware graphics acceleration. Select or clear the "Enable rich client visual experience" check box to make sure that rich visuals are always on or off, respectively. When this check box is selected, rich visuals are used independent of the computer environment. For example, rich visuals are used when you run Visual Studio locally on a rich client and over remote desktop.


在Visual Studio 2013中遇到性能问题、产品崩溃或渲染问题


Visual Studio 2013有一个正在运行的包服务器,它消耗了高达200万K的内存。

我把它设置为低优先级和只有一个CPU的亲和力,Visual Studio运行得更加流畅。


清理WebSiteCache文件夹(你可以在 C:\Users\ %用户名% \ AppData \当地\ Microsoft \ WebSiteCache) 清洁“临时ASP。NET Files”文件夹(在 C:\Users\ %用户名% \ AppData \当地\ Temp \临时ASP。网络文件) 重启Visual Studio

当从Visual Studio 2012→Visual Studio 2013时,我也遇到了类似的问题。IDE在几乎每次点击或保存后都会锁定,构建过程将花费数倍的时间。这里列出的解决方案都没有帮助。

最终有帮助的是把我的项目搬到本地硬盘上。Visual Studio 2012在网络共享中存储我的项目没有问题,但是Visual Studio 2013由于某种原因无法处理它。


或者你可以在Visual Studio中按照以下步骤禁用硬件图形加速:

In Visual Studio, click "Tools", and then click "Options". In the Options dialog box, navigate to the "Environment > General" section and clear the "Automatically adjust visual experience based on client performance" check box. (Refer to the following screen shot for this step.) Clear the "Use hardware graphics acceleration if available" check box to prevent the use of hardware graphics acceleration. Select or clear the "Enable rich client visual experience" check box to make sure that rich visuals are always on or off, respectively. When this check box is selected, rich visuals are used independent of the computer environment. For example, rich visuals are used when you run Visual Studio locally on a rich client and over remote desktop.


在Visual Studio 2013中遇到性能问题、产品崩溃或渲染问题


删除解决方案的.suo文件。 删除临时ASP。NET Files(你可以在%WINDOW%\Microsoft找到它。净\ Framework \临时ASP。网络文件) 删除应用程序中的所有断点。