

The definition of UNIX timestamp is time zone independent. The UNIX timestamp is the number of seconds (or milliseconds) elapsed since an absolute point in time, midnight of Jan 1 1970 in UTC time. (UTC is Greenwich Mean Time without Daylight Savings time adjustments.) Regardless of your time zone, the UNIX timestamp represents a moment that is the same everywhere. Of course you can convert back and forth to a local time zone representation (time 1397484936 is such-and-such local time in New York, or some other local time in Djakarta) if you want.


Unix时间被定义为从协调世界时(UTC) 1970年1月1日星期四00:00:00开始经过的秒数。所以答案是否定的





注意:- 时间戳是根据计算机中的当前时间计算的,因此除非您非常确定参与机器中的时间设置,否则不要依赖于它们。

有人说“UTC是没有夏令时调整的格林威治标准时间。”这完全是不真实的。格林尼治标准时间没有夏令时。格林尼治标准时间在英国格林尼治(在Naval Obeservatory)测量[0经度,但不是0纬度]。UTC在赤道(经度为0,纬度为0——恰好位于非洲海岸附近的海洋中)测量。

What difference does it make? It doesn't make a difference in terms of "what time of day is it?" It does, however, make a difference in terms of calculating a year. Now you'd think a year would be measured based upon the location of the center (the core) of the earth, right? When the earth's core is back in the same location it was ~365 days ago, it has been a year. It isn't measured that way. It is measured by a specific location on the earth getting back to the same location (relative to the sun) that it was ~365 days ago. But the period of a day and a year don't divide evenly. Once the earth is back to about where it was a year ago, the earth isn't facing the same direction it was last year, so that spot on the earth isn't facing the same direction it was a year ago. Being further north, Greenwich isn't going to get back to the same spot (relative to the sun) that it was last year at the same time that 0 Lat / 0 Long is. So if you base the definition on Greenwith vs. 0/0, you get a, albeit slightly, different answer to the question "how many days are in a year". To put it another way, when a given spot on the earth gets back to where it was a year ago (relative to the Sun), the core of the earth isn't in the same spot it was a year ago, so what spot you pick matters because the core of the earth is going to be in a different spot (relative to the sun) than it was one year ago, if you pick a different spot on the earth.


Getting back to the question, Epoch time doesn't technically have a timezone. It is based on a particular point in time, which just so happens to line up to an "even" UTC time (at the exact beginning of a year and a decade, etc.). If that concept doesn't fit well in your brain, and if it helps to think of Epoch time as being in UTC, go right ahead. You're in good company and in the grand scheme of things, it really doesn't matter. You ever see those law suits where somoene is awarded $1. It's kind of a "you're right, but it doesn't really matter" type of verdict. If someone sued you for saying Epoch time is in the UTC timezone, they would win $1. That wouldn't buy them a cup of coffee at any Starbucks in any timezone on the planet.



