
现在在命令提示符中,notepad++.exe filename.txt打开filename.txt。但我想用np filename。txt来打开文件。

我尝试使用DOSKEY np=notepad++。但它只是把一个已经打开的notepad++放在前面,而不打开文件。我怎样才能让它打开文件呢?





doskey dl=aria2c --file-allocation=none $*
aria2c --file-allocation=none %**



假设您将notepad++.exe添加到PATH变量中,这就非常简单了。 用以下代码在System32文件夹中创建一个名为np.bat的文件:

@echo off
call notepad++.exe %*


编辑: 您需要管理员权限才能将文件保存到System32文件夹,这对我来说有点不可靠。我只是在其他地方创建了该文件,并手动将其移动到System32。


完成这些后,如果你有一些需要访问的实用程序,只需将它们复制到C:\BIN文件夹,它们就在你的路径中。要临时覆盖这些赋值,您可以将一个与可执行文件同名的批处理文件添加到C:\ batch文件夹中,路径将在C:\BIN文件之前找到它。它应该涵盖你可能需要做的任何事情。

Of course, these days the canonical correct way to do this would be to create a symbolic junction to the file, but the same principle applies. There is a little extra added bonus as well. If you want to put something in the system that conflicts with something already in the path, putting it in the C:\BIN or C:\Batch folder will simply pre-empt the original - allowing you to override stuff either temporarily or permanently, or rename things to names you're more comfortable with - without actually altering the original.


自动加载每个实例的cmd 不需要关键字DOSKEY作为别名 示例:ls=ls——color=auto $*



创建一个带有别名的mac宏文件 你甚至可以使用bat/cmd文件来运行其他东西(类似于linux中的.bashrc) 在注册表中注册它以在cmd的每个实例上运行 或者只在需要时通过快捷方式运行它


mac userprofile % - cmd化名之一。

;= This file is registered via registry to auto load with each instance of cmd.
;================================ general info ================================
;= https://stackoverflow.com/a/59978163/985454  -  how to set it up?
;= https://gist.github.com/postcog/5c8c13f7f66330b493b8  -  example doskey macrofile
;========================= loading with cmd shortcut ==========================
;= create a shortcut with the following target :
;= %comspec% /k "(doskey /macrofile=%userprofile%\cmd\aliases.mac)"

alias=echo Opening aliases in Sublime... && subl %USERPROFILE%\cmd\aliases.mac
ga=grep --color "$1" %USERPROFILE%\cmd\aliases.mac

hosts=runas /noprofile /savecred /user:QWERTY-XPS9370\administrator "subl C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts" > NUL

p=@echo "~~ powercfg -devicequery wake_armed ~~" && powercfg -devicequery wake_armed && @echo "~~ powercfg -requests ~~ " && powercfg -requests && @echo "~~ powercfg -waketimers ~~"p && powercfg -waketimers

ls=ls --color=auto $*
ll=ls -l --color=auto $*
la=ls -la --color=auto $*
grep=grep --color $*

cdr=cd C:\repos
cde=cd C:\repos\esquire
cdd=cd C:\repos\dixons
cds=cd C:\repos\stekkie
cdu=cd C:\repos\uplus
cduo=cd C:\repos\uplus\oxbridge-fe
cdus=cd C:\repos\uplus\stratus

npx=npx --no-install $*
npxi=npx $*
npr=npm run $*

now=vercel $*

;=only in bash
;=alias whereget='_whereget() { A=$1; B=$2; shift 2; eval \"$(where $B | head -$A | tail -1)\" $@; }; _whereget'

history=doskey /history
h=IF ".$*." == ".." (echo "usage: h [ SAVE | TAIL [-|+<n>] | OPEN ]" && echo. && doskey/history) ELSE (IF /I "$1" == "OPEN" (%USERPROFILE%\cmd\history.log) ELSE (IF /I "$1" == "SAVE" (echo **** %date% %time% **** >> %USERPROFILE%\cmd\history.log & doskey/history >> %USERPROFILE%\cmd\history.log & ECHO Command history saved) ELSE (IF /I "$1" == "TAIL" (tail $2 %USERPROFILE%\cmd\history.log) ELSE (doskey/history))))

;=exit=echo **** %date% %time% **** >> %USERPROFILE%\cmd\history.log & doskey/history >> %USERPROFILE%\cmd\history.log & ECHO Command history saved, exiting & timeout 1 & exit $*
exit=echo **** %date% %time% **** >> %USERPROFILE%\cmd\history.log & doskey/history >> %USERPROFILE%\cmd\history.log & exit $*

;============================= :end ============================
;= rem ******************************************************************
;= rem * EOF - Don't remove the following line.  It clears out the ';'
;= rem * macro. We're using it because there is no support for comments
;= rem * in a DOSKEY macro file.
;= rem ******************************************************************


A)手动加载快捷方式 用以下目标创建cmd.exe的快捷方式: %comspec% /k "(doskey /macrofile=%userprofile%\cmd\alias .mac)" B)只注册别名。mac macrofile C)注册一个常规的cmd/bat文件来运行任意命令(类似于linux的.bashrc) 参见示例cmdrc。CMD文件在底部



(微软HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ \命令处理器)

  Autorun    REG_SZ    doskey /macrofile=%userprofile%\cmd\aliases.mac
  Autorun_    REG_SZ    %USERPROFILE%\cmd\cmdrc.cmd


userprofile % - cmd cmd-aliases reg。

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor]
"Autorun"="doskey /macrofile=%userprofile%\\cmd\\aliases.mac"

% userprofile % / cmd / cmdrc。CMD你不需要这个文件,如果你决定b)以上

:: This file is registered via registry to auto load with each instance of cmd.
:: https://stackoverflow.com/a/59978163/985454

@echo off
doskey /macrofile=%userprofile%\cmd\aliases.mac

:: put other commands here

echo Hi Qwerty, how are you today?



cd /D D:\Folder
g++ -o run something.cpp



现在在System variables部分中找到Path变量。单击它一次,然后单击Edit。现在单击New并粘贴复制的文本。



First, create a batch file that will look for a file named aliases in the current directory and initialize aliases from it, let’s call it make-aliases.cmd @echo off if not exist aliases goto:eof echo [Loading aliases...] for /f "tokens=1* delims=^=" %%i in (aliases) do ( echo %%i ^<^=^> %%j doskey %%i=%%j ) doskey aliases=doskey /macros echo -------------------- echo aliases ^=^> list all echo alt+F10 ^=^> clear all echo [Done] Then, create aliases wherever you need them using the following format: alias1 = command1 alias2 = command2 ... for example: b = nmake c = nmake clean r = nmake rebuild Then, add the location of make-aliases.cmd to your %PATH% variable to make it system-wide or just keep it in a known place. Make it start automatically with cmd. I would definitely advise against using HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor\AutoRun for this, because some development tools would trigger the autorun script multiple times per session. If you use ConEmu you could go another way and start the script from the startup task (Settings > Startup > Tasks), for example, I created an entry called {MSVC}: cmd.exe /k "vcvars64 && make-aliases", and then registered it in Explorer context menu via Settings > Integration> with Command: {MSVC} -cur_console:n, so that now I can right-click a folder and launch a VS developer prompt inside it with my aliases loaded automatically, if they happen to be in that folder. Without ConEmu, you may just want to create a shortcut to cmd.exe with the corresponding command or simply run make-aliases manually every time.
