是否有一种在Java应用程序中创建临时目录的标准而可靠的方法?在Java的问题数据库中有一个条目,在评论中有一些代码,但我想知道在一个常用的库(Apache Commons等)中是否有一个标准的解决方案?



 * Create a new temporary directory. Use something like
 * {@link #recursiveDelete(File)} to clean this directory up since it isn't
 * deleted automatically
 * @return  the new directory
 * @throws IOException if there is an error creating the temporary directory
public static File createTempDir() throws IOException
    final File sysTempDir = new File(System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir"));
    File newTempDir;
    final int maxAttempts = 9;
    int attemptCount = 0;
        if(attemptCount > maxAttempts)
            throw new IOException(
                    "The highly improbable has occurred! Failed to " +
                    "create a unique temporary directory after " +
                    maxAttempts + " attempts.");
        String dirName = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
        newTempDir = new File(sysTempDir, dirName);
    } while(newTempDir.exists());

        return newTempDir;
        throw new IOException(
                "Failed to create temp dir named " +

 * Recursively delete file or directory
 * @param fileOrDir
 *          the file or dir to delete
 * @return
 *          true iff all files are successfully deleted
public static boolean recursiveDelete(File fileOrDir)
        // recursively delete contents
        for(File innerFile: fileOrDir.listFiles())
                return false;

    return fileOrDir.delete();





  /** Maximum loop count when creating temp directories. */
  private static final int TEMP_DIR_ATTEMPTS = 10000;

   * Atomically creates a new directory somewhere beneath the system's temporary directory (as
   * defined by the {@code java.io.tmpdir} system property), and returns its name.
   * <p>Use this method instead of {@link File#createTempFile(String, String)} when you wish to
   * create a directory, not a regular file. A common pitfall is to call {@code createTempFile},
   * delete the file and create a directory in its place, but this leads a race condition which can
   * be exploited to create security vulnerabilities, especially when executable files are to be
   * written into the directory.
   * <p>This method assumes that the temporary volume is writable, has free inodes and free blocks,
   * and that it will not be called thousands of times per second.
   * @return the newly-created directory
   * @throws IllegalStateException if the directory could not be created
  public static File createTempDir() {
    File baseDir = new File(System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir"));
    String baseName = System.currentTimeMillis() + "-";

    for (int counter = 0; counter < TEMP_DIR_ATTEMPTS; counter++) {
      File tempDir = new File(baseDir, baseName + counter);
      if (tempDir.mkdir()) {
        return tempDir;
    throw new IllegalStateException(
        "Failed to create directory within "
            + TEMP_DIR_ATTEMPTS
            + " attempts (tried "
            + baseName
            + "0 to "
            + baseName
            + (TEMP_DIR_ATTEMPTS - 1)
            + ')');


File myTempDir = Files.createTempDir();

这正是您在一行中要求的。如果您阅读这里的文档,您将看到File的建议改编。createTempFile("install", "dir")通常会引入安全漏洞。

使用file# createTempFile和delete为目录创建一个唯一的名称似乎是可以的。您应该添加一个ShutdownHook,以便在JVM关闭时(递归地)删除目录。