






@Override // gives error if signature is wrong while overriding.
Public boolean equals (Object Obj) 

@Deprecated // indicates the deprecated method
Public doSomething()....

@SuppressWarnings() // stops the warnings from printing while compiling.


@Retention - Specifies how the marked annotation is stored—Whether in code only, compiled into the class, or available at run-time through reflection.

@Documented - Marks another annotation for inclusion in the documentation.

@Target - Marks another annotation to restrict what kind of java elements the annotation may be applied to

@Inherited - Marks another annotation to be inherited to subclasses of annotated class (by default annotations are not inherited to subclasses).



** http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Java_annotation#Custom_annotations




JPA(来自Java EE 5)是(过度)使用注释的一个很好的例子。Java EE 6还将在很多新领域引入注释,比如RESTful webservices和每个老Servlet API下的新注释。


Sun - Java持久性API Java EE 5教程- JPA 介绍Java EE 6平台(查看所有三个页面)。

注释不仅可以接管配置细节,而且还可以用来控制行为。您可以在Java EE 6的JAX-RS示例中看到这一点。


JUnit 4 - you add the @Test annotation to each test method you want the JUnit runner to run. There are also additional annotations to do with setting up testing (like @Before and @BeforeClass). All these are processed by the JUnit runner, which runs the tests accordingly. You could say it's an replacement for XML configuration, but annotations are sometimes more powerful (they can use reflection, for example) and also they are closer to the code they are referencing to (the @Test annotation is right before the test method, so the purpose of that method is clear - serves as documentation as well). XML configuration on the other hand can be more complex and can include much more data than annotations can. Terracotta - uses both annotations and XML configuration files. For example, the @Root annotation tells the Terracotta runtime that the annotated field is a root and its memory should be shared between VM instances. The XML configuration file is used to configure the server and tell it which classes to instrument. Google Guice - an example would be the @Inject annotation, which when applied to a constructor makes the Guice runtime look for values for each parameter, based on the defined injectors. The @Inject annotation would be quite hard to replicate using XML configuration files, and its proximity to the constructor it references to is quite useful (imagine having to search to a huge XML file to find all the dependency injections you have set up).


注释可以用作外部配置文件的替代品,但不能被视为完全替代。您可以找到许多使用annotationi替换配置文件的示例,如Hibernate、JPA、EJB 3以及Java EE中包含的几乎所有技术。

Anyway this is not always good choice. The purpose of using configuration files is usually to separate the code from the details of the environment where the application is running. In such situations, and mostly when the configuration is used to map the application to the structure of an external system, annotation are not a good replacement for configuration file, as they bring you to include the details of the external system inside the source code of your application. Here external files are to be considered the best choice, otherwise you'll need to modify the source code and to recompile every time you change a relevant detail in the execution environment.






描述一个元素的约束或用法:例如@Deprecated, @Override,或@NotNull 来描述一个元素的“性质”,例如@Entity, @TestCase, @WebService 来描述元素的行为:@Statefull, @Transaction 来描述如何处理元素:@Column, @XmlElement




文档,例如XDoclet 编译 IDE 测试框架,例如JUnit IoC容器,例如Spring 序列化,例如XML 面向方面编程(AOP),例如Spring AOP 应用服务器,例如EJB容器、Web服务 对象-关系映射(ORM),例如Hibernate、JPA 还有更多……



a. Annotations can be used by compiler to detect errors and suppress warnings
b. Software tools can use annotations to generate code, xml files, documentation etc., For example, Javadoc use annotations while generating java documentation for your class.
c. Runtime processing of the application can be possible via annotations.
d. You can use annotations to describe the constraints (Ex: @Null, @NotNull, @Max, @Min, @Email).
e. Annotations can be used to describe type of an element. Ex: @Entity, @Repository, @Service, @Controller, @RestController, @Resource etc.,
f. Annotation can be used to specify the behaviour. Ex: @Transactional, @Stateful
g. Annotation are used to specify how to process an element. Ex: @Column, @Embeddable, @EmbeddedId
h. Test frameworks like junit and testing use annotations to define test cases (@Test), define test suites (@Suite) etc.,
i. AOP (Aspect Oriented programming) use annotations (@Before, @After, @Around etc.,)
j. ORM tools like Hibernate, Eclipselink use annotations

