sqldf("Select Code, Country, '1950' As Year, `1950` As Value From wide
Union All
Select Code, Country, '1951' As Year, `1951` As Value From wide
Union All
Select Code, Country, '1952' As Year, `1952` As Value From wide
Union All
Select Code, Country, '1953' As Year, `1953` As Value From wide
Union All
Select Code, Country, '1954' As Year, `1954` As Value From wide;")
感谢G. Grothendieck的实施。
ValCol <- tail(names(wide), -2)
s <- sprintf("Select Code, Country, '%s' As Year, `%s` As Value from wide", ValCol, ValCol)
mquery <- paste(s, collapse = "\n Union All\n")
cat(mquery) #just to show the query
#> Select Code, Country, '1950' As Year, `1950` As Value from wide
#> Union All
#> Select Code, Country, '1951' As Year, `1951` As Value from wide
#> Union All
#> Select Code, Country, '1952' As Year, `1952` As Value from wide
#> Union All
#> Select Code, Country, '1953' As Year, `1953` As Value from wide
#> Union All
#> Select Code, Country, '1954' As Year, `1954` As Value from wide
#> Code Country Year Value
#> 1 AFG Afghanistan 1950 20,249
#> 2 ALB Albania 1950 8,097
#> 3 AFG Afghanistan 1951 21,352
#> 4 ALB Albania 1951 8,986
#> 5 AFG Afghanistan 1952 22,532
#> 6 ALB Albania 1952 10,058
#> 7 AFG Afghanistan 1953 23,557
#> 8 ALB Albania 1953 11,123
#> 9 AFG Afghanistan 1954 24,555
#> 10 ALB Albania 1954 12,246
不幸的是,我不认为PIVOT和UNPIVOT适用于R SQLite。如果你想以一种更复杂的方式写你的查询,你也可以看看这些帖子: