在我的应用“Tide Now WA”中,我最近测试了它的兼容性 新款Nexus 9平板电脑(Lollipop - API 21)。

它写一些按钮文本。这个应用程序使用Android 2.3和Android正确地编写文本 4.0. 即混合大写字母和小写字母。

当同一个应用程序在我的Nexus 9上运行时,所有的字母 正文均大写。


users -sdk android:minSdkVersion="10" android:targetSdkVersion="14"

我可以在我的代码中修复这个问题,还是操作系统中的一个bug 谢谢


将android: textAllCaps = " false "。如果你正在使用appcompat样式,确保textAllCaps在样式之前。否则样式将覆盖它。例如:




    <style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.NoActionBar">
        <item name="buttonStyle">@style/MyButton</item>

    <style name="MyButton" parent="Widget.AppCompat.Button">
        <item name="android:textAllCaps">false</item>



在Android Studio IDE中,你必须点击Filter图标来显示专家属性。然后您将看到textAllCaps属性。勾选,然后取消勾选。

OK, just ran into this. Buttons in Lollipop come out all uppercase AND the font resets to 'normal'. But in my case (Android 5.02) it was working in one layout correctly, but not another!? Changing APIs didn't work. Setting to all caps requires min API 14 and the font still resets to 'normal'. It's because the Android Material Styles forces a change to the styles if there isn't one defined (that's why it worked in one of my layout and not the other because I defined a style). So the easy fix is to define a style in the manifest for each activity which in my case was just: android:theme="@android:style/Theme.NoTitleBar.Fullscreen" (hope this helps someone, would have saved me a couple of hours last night)

棒棒糖默认带有“textAllCaps true”,所以你必须手动将其设置为false