我已经创建了一些使用触发器的Azure webjob,我刚刚学习了Azure函数。

根据我的理解,Azure函数似乎与Azure Webjob功能重叠,我很难理解什么时候在函数和Webjob之间做出选择:

Unlike Webjobs, Functions can only be triggered, it hasn't been designed to run continuous process (but you can write code to create a continuous function). You can write Webjobs and Functions using many languages (C#, node.js, python ...) but you can write your function from the Azure portal so it is easier and quicker to develop test and deploy a Function. Webjobs run as background processes in the context of an App Service web app, API app, or mobile app whereas Functions run using a Classic/Dynamic App Service Plan. Regarding the scaling, Functions seems to give more possibilities since you can use a dynamic app service plan and you can scale a single function whereas for a webjob you have to scale the whole web app.













Azure Functions offers more developer productivity than Azure App Service WebJobs does. It also offers more options for programming languages, development environments, Azure service integration, and pricing. For most scenarios, it's the best choice. Here are two scenarios for which WebJobs may be the best choice: You need more control over the code that listens for events, the JobHost object. Functions offers a limited number of ways to customize JobHost behavior in the host.json file. Sometimes you need to do things that can't be specified by a string in a JSON file. For example, only the WebJobs SDK lets you configure a custom retry policy for Azure Storage. You have an App Service app for which you want to run code snippets, and you want to manage them together in the same Azure DevOps environment. For other scenarios where you want to run code snippets for integrating Azure or third-party services, choose Azure Functions over WebJobs with the WebJobs SDK.

对于这个问题,我总能找到一个答案 你可以在Azure WebJobs中自定义主机,但你不能自定义Azure函数的主机。

一个例子是 在WebJob中,可以为外部系统的调用创建自定义重试策略。


我想谈谈两者之间的共同点和不同点 Azure功能构建在AppService和WebJobs SDK之上。WebJobs SDK将为您提供更多的自由,而Azure功能更加结构化,开发人员的责任更少。

两者都使用面向函数的编程模式, 绑定触发器/输入/输出,支持外部库,并可以在本地运行和调试Supportruntime盥洗工具。


|      Functions        |     Web Jobs     |
|Can support HTTP       | Can't support HTTP
|                       |  requests        |
|Supports a variety of  | Traditional .NET |
|languages/tools        | developer        |
|                       | experience       |
|Bindings are configured| Config files are |
|using attributes       | used             |
|Scale is managed by    | Scale is managed |
|Azure                  | by user          |
|Limited control over   |Host can be       |
|host                   |controlled by user|



Webjobs - deployed alongside your existing web app and uses the same resources as your web app. There is no additional monetary cost to use webjobs but there are some limitations as already mentioned that can lead to performance costs on your web app. Functions - When using the consumption plan, you are allotted a certain amount of free executions. The number at the time of this writing is actually quite high, 1 million free executions. However, the 1 million execution limit is not the limit that is likely to give you trouble; it's the 400K GB-s (gigabyte seconds). This is basically a calculation of the amount of memory your function uses multiplied by the number of seconds it runs (see the official calculation on the pricing page here). You will be surprised how quickly this free allotment gets used up.


Functions - You can run either in the consumption plan or the app service plan for a relatively inexpensive price. Keep in mind though, the GB-s billing model. If you are using the consumption plan and are doing frequent, "heavy" work - you might be surprised with a big bill. Cloud Services - This options hasn't been discussed as an alternative, mainly because the OP didn't ask about it. But this is also a viable option. Cloud services are ultimately just VMs running in the cloud so you can run whatever background jobs you need on them and they scale up/down pretty well (although you have to wire up your own triggers for execution, a slight inconvenience compared to webjobs/functions). They have more initial cost associated with them (because you pay per instance whether you use it or not) but if you have jobs that need to run constantly and are doing a lot of "heavy" lifting, then cloud services might be a better choice because it is easier to manage/monitor a fixed priced VM than executions and gigabyte seconds, in my opinion. The other nice thing about cloud services is that you never have to worry about timeouts or some of the other limitations mentioned in previous answers.

如果你有兴趣阅读一些特定的场景,以及为什么我会选择一个(webjob,函数,云服务)而不是另一个,我最近刚刚写了一篇关于webjob vs函数vs云服务的博客文章。




