
我正在编写一个批处理文件来设置一个系统变量,将两个文件复制到Program files位置,并启动一个驱动程序安装程序。如果Windows 7/Windows Vista用户(启用了UAC,即使他们是本地管理员)在没有右键单击并选择“以管理员身份运行”的情况下运行它,他们将得到“访问拒绝”,复制这两个文件并写入系统变量。

如果用户实际上是管理员,我想使用一个命令自动重新启动提升的批处理。否则,如果他们不是管理员,我想告诉他们,他们需要管理员权限来运行批处理文件。我使用xcopy复制文件和REG ADD写入系统变量。我正在使用这些命令来处理可能的Windows XP机器。我在这个主题上发现了类似的问题,但没有一个是关于重新启动批处理文件的。



set "__COMPAT_LAYER=RunAsInvoker"
start regedit.exe




@pushd %~dp0 & fltmc | find "." && (powershell start '%~f0' ' %*' -verb runas 2>nul && exit /b)


@pushd %~dp0 ensures a consistant working directory relative to this batch file; supports UNC paths fltmc a native windows command that outputs an error if run unelevated | find "." makes the error prettier, and causes nothing to output when elevated && ( if we successfully got an error because we're not elevated, do this... powershell start invoke PowerShell and call the Start-Process cmdlet (start is an alias) '%~f0' pass in the full path and name of this .bat file. Single quotes allow spaces in the path/file name ' %*' pass in any and all arguments to this .bat file. Funky quoting and escape sequences probably won't work, but simple quoted strings should. The leading space is needed to prevent breaking things if no arguments are present -verb runas don't just start this process...RunAs Administrator! 2>nul discard PowerShell's unsightly error output if the UAC prompt is canceled/ignored. && if we successfully invoked ourself with PowerShell, then... NOTE: in the event we don't obtain elevation (user cancels UAC), then && allows the .bat to continue running without elevation, such that any commands that require it will fail but others will work just fine. If you want the script to simply exit instead of running unelevated, make this a single ampersand: & exit /b) exits the initial .bat processing, because we don't need it anymore; we have a new elevated process currently running our .bat. Adding /b allows cmd.exe to remain open if the .bat was started from the command line...it has no effect if the .bat was double-clicked


以下是我对这个古老的批量用户提升问题的单行版本,这个问题在今天仍然是相关的。 只需将代码添加到批处理脚本的顶部,就可以开始了。



@setlocal disabledelayedexpansion enableextensions
@echo off

:: Admin check
fltmc >nul 2>nul || set _=^"set _ELEV=1^& cd /d """%cd%"""^& "%~f0" %* ^"&&((if "%_ELEV%"=="" ((powershell -nop -c start cmd -args '/d/x/s/v:off/r',$env:_ -verb runas >nul 2>nul) || (mshta vbscript:execute^("createobject(""shell.application"").shellexecute(""cmd"",""/d/x/s/v:off/r ""&createobject(""WScript.Shell"").Environment(""PROCESS"")(""_""),,""runas"",1)(window.close)"^) >nul 2>nul)))& exit /b)



@setlocal disabledelayedexpansion enableextensions
@echo off

:: Admin check
fltmc >nul 2>nul || set _=^"set _ELEV=1^& cd /d """%cd%"""^& "%~f0" %* ^"&&((if "%_ELEV%"=="" (echo Requesting administrator privileges...&((powershell -nop -c start cmd -args '/d/x/s/v:off/r',$env:_ -verb runas >nul 2>nul) || (mshta vbscript:execute^("createobject(""shell.application"").shellexecute(""cmd"",""/d/x/s/v:off/r ""&createobject(""WScript.Shell"").Environment(""PROCESS"")(""_""),,""runas"",1)(window.close)"^) >nul 2>nul))) else (echo This script requires administrator privileges.& pause))& exit /b)

echo Has admin permissions
echo Working dir: "%cd%"
echo Script dir: "%~dp0"
echo Script path: "%~f0"
echo Args: %*



Uses fltmc to check for administrator privileges. (system component, included in Windows 2000+) If user already has administrator privileges, continues operation normally. If not, spawns an elevated version of itself using either: powershell (optional Windows feature, included in Windows 7+ by default, can be uninstalled/otherwise not available, can be installed on Windows XP/Vista) mshta (system component, included in Windows 2000+) If fails to acquire elevation, stops execution (instead of looping endlessly).



Compatibility. Using fltmc as the means of checking for privileges and either powershell or mshta for elevation works with every Windows version since 2000 and should cover most system configurations. Does not write any extra files. Preserves current working directory. Most of the solutions found conflate "script directory" with "working directory" which are totally different concepts. If you want to use "script directory" instead, replace %cd% with %~dp0. Some people advocate using pushd "%~dp0" instead so paths inside networked UNC paths like "\\SOMEONES-PC\share" will work but that will also automagically map that location to a drive letter (like Y:) which might or might not be what you want. Stops if unable to acquire elevation. This can happen because of several reasons, like user clicking "No" on the UAC prompt, UAC being disabled, group policy settings, etc. Many other solutions enter an endless loop on this point, spawning millions of command prompts until the heat death of the universe. Supports (most of) command-line arguments and weird paths. Stuff like ampersands &, percent signs %, carets ^ and mismatching amount of quotes """'. You still definitely CAN break this by passing a sufficiently weird combinations of those, but that is an inherent flaw of Windows' batch processing and cannot really be worked around to always work with any combination. Most typical use-cases should be covered though and arguments work as they would without the elevation script.


If you enter a command-line argument that has a mismatched amount of double-quotes (i.e. not divisible by 2), an extra space and a caret ^ will be added as a last argument. For example "arg1" arg2" """" "arg3" will become "arg1" arg2" """" "arg3" ^. If that matters for your script, you can add logic to fix it, f.ex. check if _ELEV=1 (meaning that elevation was required) and then check if the last character of argument list is ^ and/or amount of quotes is mismatched and remove the misbehaving caret.



你可以通过传递越来越奇怪的转义字符组合来实现它,比如raise .bat testarg ^^^> test.txt,但你需要让它总是生成新的cmd窗口,或者添加逻辑来去掉插入符号,所有这些都增加了复杂性,在许多情况下它仍然会中断。



@setlocal disabledelayedexpansion enableextensions
@echo off

:: Admin check
fltmc >nul 2>nul || set _=^"set _ELEV=1^& cd /d """%cd%"""^& "%~f0" %* ^"&&((if "%_ELEV%"=="" (echo Requesting administrator privileges...&((powershell -nop -c start cmd -args '/d/x/s/v:off/r',$env:_ -verb runas >nul 2>nul) || (mshta vbscript:execute^("createobject(""shell.application"").shellexecute(""cmd"",""/d/x/s/v:off/r ""&createobject(""WScript.Shell"").Environment(""PROCESS"")(""_""),,""runas"",1)(window.close)"^) >nul 2>nul))) else (echo This script requires administrator privileges.& pause))& exit /b)

set _log=
set _args=%*
if not defined _args goto :noargs
set _args=%_args:"=%
set _args=%_args:(=%
set _args=%_args:)=%
for %%A in (%_args%) do (if /i "%%A"=="-log" (set "_log=>> %~n0.log"))

if defined _log (echo Logging to file %~n0.log) else (echo Logging to stdout)
echo Has admin permissions %_log%
echo Working dir: "%cd%" %_log%
echo Script dir: "%~dp0" %_log%
echo Script path: "%~f0" %_log%
echo Args: %* %_log%

echo Hello World! %_log%


执行:logtest.bat -log 通过添加参数-log,输出将记录到文件中,而不是记录到stdout。





或者,你可以简单地让xcopy和reg.exe命令总是使用psexec -h运行,但是如果最终用户每次都需要输入密码(或者如果你在脚本中包含密码则不安全),这对他们来说会很烦人……

%1 start "" mshta vbscript:CreateObject("Shell.Application").ShellExecute("cmd.exe","/c pushd ""%~dp0"" && ""%~s0"" ::","","runas",1)(window.close)&&exit

有一种简单的方法,不需要使用外部工具——它在Windows 7、8、8.1、10和11上运行良好,并且向后兼容(Windows XP没有任何UAC,因此不需要提升——在这种情况下,脚本就会继续)。

看看这段代码(我受到了NIronwolf在线程批处理文件中发布的代码的启发-在Windows 7上“访问被拒绝”?),但我已经改进了它-在我的版本中,没有任何目录创建和删除来检查管理员权限):

:: Elevate.cmd - Version 4
:: Automatically check & get admin rights
:: see "https://stackoverflow.com/a/12264592/1016343" for description
 @echo off
 ECHO =============================
 ECHO Running Admin shell
 ECHO =============================

 setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion
 set cmdInvoke=1
 set winSysFolder=System32
 set "batchPath=%~dpnx0"
 rem this works also from cmd shell, other than %~0
 for %%k in (%0) do set batchName=%%~nk
 set "vbsGetPrivileges=%temp%\OEgetPriv_%batchName%.vbs"
 setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion

  if '%errorlevel%' == '0' ( goto gotPrivileges ) else ( goto getPrivileges )

  if '%1'=='ELEV' (echo ELEV & shift /1 & goto gotPrivileges)
  ECHO **************************************
  ECHO Invoking UAC for Privilege Escalation
  ECHO **************************************

  ECHO Set UAC = CreateObject^("Shell.Application"^) > "%vbsGetPrivileges%"
  ECHO args = "ELEV " >> "%vbsGetPrivileges%"
  ECHO For Each strArg in WScript.Arguments >> "%vbsGetPrivileges%"
  ECHO args = args ^& strArg ^& " "  >> "%vbsGetPrivileges%"
  ECHO Next >> "%vbsGetPrivileges%"
  if '%cmdInvoke%'=='1' goto InvokeCmd 

  ECHO UAC.ShellExecute "!batchPath!", args, "", "runas", 1 >> "%vbsGetPrivileges%"
  goto ExecElevation

  ECHO args = "/c """ + "!batchPath!" + """ " + args >> "%vbsGetPrivileges%"
  ECHO UAC.ShellExecute "%SystemRoot%\%winSysFolder%\cmd.exe", args, "", "runas", 1 >> "%vbsGetPrivileges%"

 "%SystemRoot%\%winSysFolder%\WScript.exe" "%vbsGetPrivileges%" %*
 exit /B

 setlocal & cd /d %~dp0
 if '%1'=='ELEV' (del "%vbsGetPrivileges%" 1>nul 2>nul  &  shift /1)

 REM Run shell as admin (example) - put here code as you like
 ECHO %batchName% Arguments: P1=%1 P2=%2 P3=%3 P4=%4 P5=%5 P6=%6 P7=%7 P8=%8 P9=%9
 cmd /k

该脚本利用了NET FILE需要管理员权限这一事实,如果没有管理员权限,则返回errorlevel 1。提升是通过创建一个脚本来实现的,该脚本重新启动批处理文件以获得特权。这将导致Windows显示UAC对话框,并要求您输入管理员帐户和密码。

我已经在Windows 7、8、8.1、10、11和Windows XP上测试过了,在所有操作系统上都运行良好。 这样做的好处是,在起始点之后,您可以放置任何需要系统管理员权限的东西,例如,如果您打算为了调试目的重新安装和重新运行Windows服务(假设mypackage。Msi是一个服务安装包):

msiexec /passive /x mypackage.msi
msiexec /passive /i mypackage.msi
net start myservice



NET FILE 1>NUL 2>NUL & IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (ECHO You must right-click and select &
  ECHO "RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR"  to run this batch. Exiting... & ECHO. &
REM ... proceed here with admin rights ...

这样,用户必须右键单击并选择“以管理员身份运行”。如果检测到管理员权限,脚本将在REM语句之后继续执行,否则将报错退出。如果您不需要PAUSE,只需删除它。 重要:NET文件[…]EXIT /D)必须在同一行。为了更好的可读性,它在这里以多行方式显示!

在一些机器上,我遇到了一些问题,这些问题在上面的新版本中已经解决了。一个是由于不同的双引号处理,另一个问题是由于UAC在Windows 7机器上被禁用(设置为最低级别),因此脚本一次又一次地调用自己。



setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion
set "batchPath=%~0"
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion



if '%1'=='ELEV' (shift & goto gotPrivileges)



To avoid having to register the .vbs extension in Windows 10, I have replaced the line "%temp%\OEgetPrivileges.vbs" by "%SystemRoot%\System32\WScript.exe" "%temp%\OEgetPrivileges.vbs" in the script above; also added cd /d %~dp0 as suggested by Stephen (separate answer) and by Tomáš Zato (comment) to set script directory as default. Now the script honors command line parameters being passed to it. Thanks to jxmallet, TanisDLJ and Peter Mortensen for observations and inspirations. According to Artjom B.'s hint, I analyzed it and have replaced SHIFT by SHIFT /1, which preserves the file name for the %0 parameter Added del "%temp%\OEgetPrivileges_%batchName%.vbs" to the :gotPrivileges section to clean up (as mlt suggested). Added %batchName% to avoid impact if you run different batches in parallel. Note that you need to use for to be able to take advantage of the advanced string functions, such as %%~nk, which extracts just the filename. Optimized script structure, improvements (added variable vbsGetPrivileges which is now referenced everywhere allowing to change the path or name of the file easily, only delete .vbs file if batch needed to be elevated) In some cases, a different calling syntax was required for elevation. If the script does not work, check the following parameters: set cmdInvoke=0 set winSysFolder=System32 Either change the 1st parameter to set cmdInvoke=1 and check if that already fixes the issue. It will add cmd.exe to the script performing the elevation. Or try to change the 2nd parameter to winSysFolder=Sysnative, this might help (but is in most cases not required) on 64 bit systems. (ADBailey has reported this). "Sysnative" is only required for launching 64-bit applications from a 32-bit script host (e.g. a Visual Studio build process, or script invocation from another 32-bit application). To make it more clear how the parameters are interpreted, I am displaying it now like P1=value1 P2=value2 ... P9=value9. This is especially useful if you need to enclose parameters like paths in double quotes, e.g. "C:\Program Files". If you want to debug the VBS script, you can add the //X parameter to WScript.exe as first parameter, as suggested here (it is described for CScript.exe, but works for WScript.exe too). Bugfix provided by MiguelAngelo: batchPath is now returned correctly on cmd shell. This little script test.cmd shows the difference, for those interested in the details (run it in cmd.exe, then run it via double click from Windows Explorer): @echo off setlocal set a="%~0" set b="%~dpnx0" if %a% EQU %b% echo running shell execute if not %a% EQU %b% echo running cmd shell echo a=%a%, b=%b% pause

