In addition, if you want to use MacVim (or GVim) as $VISUAL or $EDITOR, you should be aware that by default MacVim will fork a new process from the parent, resulting in the MacVim return value not reaching the parent process. This may confuse other applications, but Git seems to check the status of a temporary commit message file, which bypasses this limitation. In general, it is a good practice to export VISUAL='mvim -f' to ensure MacVim will not fork a new process when called, which should give you what you want when using it with your shell environment.
我强烈建议通过MacPorts安装MacVim (sudo port install MacVim)。
当你安装MacVim端口时,MacVim。app bundle也安装在/Applications/MacPorts中。
走MacPorts路线的一个好处是,你也可以安装git (sudo port install git-core)和许多其他端口。强烈推荐。
在.bz2文件的根目录下应该有一个名为mvim的脚本。把它复制到你的$PATH (/usr/local/bin会很好),你应该排序。
sudo ln -s /Applications/MacVim。应用程序/内容/ bin / mvim /usr/local/bin/mvim
brew install macvim
mvim -v
alias vim='mvim -v'
In addition, if you want to use MacVim (or GVim) as $VISUAL or $EDITOR, you should be aware that by default MacVim will fork a new process from the parent, resulting in the MacVim return value not reaching the parent process. This may confuse other applications, but Git seems to check the status of a temporary commit message file, which bypasses this limitation. In general, it is a good practice to export VISUAL='mvim -f' to ensure MacVim will not fork a new process when called, which should give you what you want when using it with your shell environment.
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