有没有办法在Swift中获得设备型号名称(iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPhone 5S等)?

我知道有一个名为UIDevice.currentDevice()的属性。模型,但它只返回设备类型(iPod touch, iPhone, iPad, iPhone模拟器等)。


#import <sys/utsname.h>

struct utsname systemInfo;

NSString* deviceModel = [NSString stringWithCString:systemInfo.machine



我在UIDevice上做了另一个示例扩展,包括基于@HAS的答案的模拟器模型标识符。它在上面的Swift3.2(包括Swift 4)中工作得很好。x, Swift 5):

let modelName = UIDevice.current.modelName

新增型号:iPod touch(第七代),iPhone SE(第二代),iPhone 12 mini, iPhone 12 Pro, iPhone 12 Pro Max, iPad Pro(12.9英寸)(第四代)

import UIKit

public extension UIDevice {

    /// pares the deveice name as the standard name
    var modelName: String {

        #if targetEnvironment(simulator)
            let identifier = ProcessInfo().environment["SIMULATOR_MODEL_IDENTIFIER"]!
            var systemInfo = utsname()
            let machineMirror = Mirror(reflecting: systemInfo.machine)
            let identifier = machineMirror.children.reduce("") { identifier, element in
                guard let value = element.value as? Int8, value != 0 else { return identifier }
                return identifier + String(UnicodeScalar(UInt8(value)))

        switch identifier {
        case "iPod5,1":                                 return "iPod Touch 5"
        case "iPod7,1":                                 return "iPod Touch 6"
        case "iPod9,1":                                 return "iPod touch (7th generation)"
        case "iPhone3,1", "iPhone3,2", "iPhone3,3":     return "iPhone 4"
        case "iPhone4,1":                               return "iPhone 4s"
        case "iPhone5,1", "iPhone5,2":                  return "iPhone 5"
        case "iPhone5,3", "iPhone5,4":                  return "iPhone 5c"
        case "iPhone6,1", "iPhone6,2":                  return "iPhone 5s"
        case "iPhone7,2":                               return "iPhone 6"
        case "iPhone7,1":                               return "iPhone 6 Plus"
        case "iPhone8,1":                               return "iPhone 6s"
        case "iPhone8,2":                               return "iPhone 6s Plus"
        case "iPhone9,1", "iPhone9,3":                  return "iPhone 7"
        case "iPhone9,2", "iPhone9,4":                  return "iPhone 7 Plus"
        case "iPhone8,4":                               return "iPhone SE"
        case "iPhone10,1", "iPhone10,4":                return "iPhone 8"
        case "iPhone10,2", "iPhone10,5":                return "iPhone 8 Plus"
        case "iPhone10,3", "iPhone10,6":                return "iPhone X"
        case "iPhone11,2":                              return "iPhone XS"
        case "iPhone11,4", "iPhone11,6":                return "iPhone XS Max"
        case "iPhone11,8":                              return "iPhone XR"
        case "iPhone12,1":                              return "iPhone 11"
        case "iPhone12,3":                              return "iPhone 11 Pro"
        case "iPhone12,5":                              return "iPhone 11 Pro Max"
        case "iPhone12,8":                              return "iPhone SE (2nd generation)"
        case "iPhone13,1":                              return "iPhone 12 mini"
        case "iPhone13,2":                              return "iPhone 12"
        case "iPhone13,3":                              return "iPhone 12 Pro"
        case "iPhone13,4":                              return "iPhone 12 Pro Max"
        case "iPad2,1", "iPad2,2", "iPad2,3", "iPad2,4":return "iPad 2"
        case "iPad3,1", "iPad3,2", "iPad3,3":           return "iPad 3"
        case "iPad3,4", "iPad3,5", "iPad3,6":           return "iPad 4"
        case "iPad4,1", "iPad4,2", "iPad4,3":           return "iPad Air"
        case "iPad5,3", "iPad5,4":                      return "iPad Air 2"
        case "iPad6,11", "iPad6,12":                    return "iPad 5"
        case "iPad7,5", "iPad7,6":                      return "iPad 6"
        case "iPad2,5", "iPad2,6", "iPad2,7":           return "iPad Mini"
        case "iPad4,4", "iPad4,5", "iPad4,6":           return "iPad Mini 2"
        case "iPad4,7", "iPad4,8", "iPad4,9":           return "iPad Mini 3"
        case "iPad5,1", "iPad5,2":                      return "iPad Mini 4"
        case "iPad6,3", "iPad6,4":                      return "iPad Pro 9.7 Inch"
        case "iPad6,7", "iPad6,8":                      return "iPad Pro 12.9 Inch"
        case "iPad7,1", "iPad7,2":                      return "iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (2nd generation)"
        case "iPad7,3", "iPad7,4":                      return "iPad Pro (10.5-inch)"
        case "iPad8,1", "iPad8,2", "iPad8,3", "iPad8,4":return "iPad Pro (11-inch)"
        case "iPad8,5", "iPad8,6", "iPad8,7", "iPad8,8":return "iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (3rd generation)"
        case "iPad8,11", "iPad8,12":                    return "iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (4th generation)"
        case "AppleTV5,3":                              return "Apple TV"
        case "AppleTV6,2":                              return "Apple TV 4K"
        case "AudioAccessory1,1":                       return "HomePod"
        default:                                        return identifier



func platform() -> String {
        var systemInfo = utsname()
        let modelCode = withUnsafeMutablePointer(&systemInfo.machine) {
            ptr in String.fromCString(UnsafePointer<CChar>(ptr))

        return String.fromCString(modelCode!)!



let boolean: Bool = UIDevice.isDevice(ofType: .iPhoneX)
// true or false

let specificDevice: DeviceModel.Model = UIDevice.modelType
// iPhone6s, iPhoneX, iPad etc...

let model: DeviceModel = UIDevice.model
// .simulator(let specificDevice), .real(let specificDevice),
// .unrecognizedSimulator(let string), .unrecognized(let string)

let modelName: String = UIDevice.model.name
// iPhone 6, iPhone X, etc...


public extension UIDevice {
    public static var modelCode: String {
        if let simulatorModelIdentifier = ProcessInfo().environment["SIMULATOR_MODEL_IDENTIFIER"] { return simulatorModelIdentifier }
        var systemInfo = utsname()
        return withUnsafeMutablePointer(to: &systemInfo.machine) {
            ptr in String(cString: UnsafeRawPointer(ptr).assumingMemoryBound(to: CChar.self))

    public static var model: DeviceModel {
        // Thanks https://stackoverflow.com/a/26962452/5928180
        var systemInfo = utsname()
        let modelCode = withUnsafeMutablePointer(to: &systemInfo.machine) {
            ptr in String(cString: UnsafeRawPointer(ptr).assumingMemoryBound(to: CChar.self))

        // Thanks https://stackoverflow.com/a/33495869/5928180
        if modelCode == "i386" || modelCode == "x86_64" {
            if let simulatorModelCode = ProcessInfo().environment["SIMULATOR_MODEL_IDENTIFIER"], let model = DeviceModel.Model(modelCode: simulatorModelCode) {
                return DeviceModel.simulator(model)
            } else if let simulatorModelCode = ProcessInfo().environment["SIMULATOR_MODEL_IDENTIFIER"] {
                return DeviceModel.unrecognizedSimulator(simulatorModelCode)
            } else {
                return DeviceModel.unrecognized(modelCode)
        } else if let model = DeviceModel.Model(modelCode: modelCode) {
            return DeviceModel.real(model)
        } else {
            return DeviceModel.unrecognized(modelCode)

    public static var modelType: DeviceModel.Model? {
        return UIDevice.model.model

    public static func isDevice(ofType model: DeviceModel.Model) -> Bool {
        return UIDevice.modelType == model

public enum DeviceModel {
    case simulator(Model)
    case unrecognizedSimulator(String)
    case real(Model)
    case unrecognized(String)

    public enum Model: String {
        case iPod1            = "iPod 1"
        case iPod2            = "iPod 2"
        case iPod3            = "iPod 3"
        case iPod4            = "iPod 4"
        case iPod5            = "iPod 5"
        case iPad2            = "iPad 2"
        case iPad3            = "iPad 3"
        case iPad4            = "iPad 4"
        case iPhone4          = "iPhone 4"
        case iPhone4S         = "iPhone 4S"
        case iPhone5          = "iPhone 5"
        case iPhone5S         = "iPhone 5S"
        case iPhone5C         = "iPhone 5C"
        case iPadMini1        = "iPad Mini 1"
        case iPadMini2        = "iPad Mini 2"
        case iPadMini3        = "iPad Mini 3"
        case iPadAir1         = "iPad Air 1"
        case iPadAir2         = "iPad Air 2"
        case iPadPro9_7       = "iPad Pro 9.7\""
        case iPadPro9_7_cell  = "iPad Pro 9.7\" cellular"
        case iPadPro10_5      = "iPad Pro 10.5\""
        case iPadPro10_5_cell = "iPad Pro 10.5\" cellular"
        case iPadPro12_9      = "iPad Pro 12.9\""
        case iPadPro12_9_cell = "iPad Pro 12.9\" cellular"
        case iPhone6          = "iPhone 6"
        case iPhone6plus      = "iPhone 6 Plus"
        case iPhone6S         = "iPhone 6S"
        case iPhone6Splus     = "iPhone 6S Plus"
        case iPhoneSE         = "iPhone SE"
        case iPhone7          = "iPhone 7"
        case iPhone7plus      = "iPhone 7 Plus"
        case iPhone8          = "iPhone 8"
        case iPhone8plus      = "iPhone 8 Plus"
        case iPhoneX          = "iPhone X"

        init?(modelCode: String) {
            switch modelCode {
            case "iPod1,1":    self = .iPod1
            case "iPod2,1":    self = .iPod2
            case "iPod3,1":    self = .iPod3
            case "iPod4,1":    self = .iPod4
            case "iPod5,1":    self = .iPod5
            case "iPad2,1":    self = .iPad2
            case "iPad2,2":    self = .iPad2
            case "iPad2,3":    self = .iPad2
            case "iPad2,4":    self = .iPad2
            case "iPad2,5":    self = .iPadMini1
            case "iPad2,6":    self = .iPadMini1
            case "iPad2,7":    self = .iPadMini1
            case "iPhone3,1":  self = .iPhone4
            case "iPhone3,2":  self = .iPhone4
            case "iPhone3,3":  self = .iPhone4
            case "iPhone4,1":  self = .iPhone4S
            case "iPhone5,1":  self = .iPhone5
            case "iPhone5,2":  self = .iPhone5
            case "iPhone5,3":  self = .iPhone5C
            case "iPhone5,4":  self = .iPhone5C
            case "iPad3,1":    self = .iPad3
            case "iPad3,2":    self = .iPad3
            case "iPad3,3":    self = .iPad3
            case "iPad3,4":    self = .iPad4
            case "iPad3,5":    self = .iPad4
            case "iPad3,6":    self = .iPad4
            case "iPhone6,1":  self = .iPhone5S
            case "iPhone6,2":  self = .iPhone5S
            case "iPad4,1":    self = .iPadAir1
            case "iPad4,2":    self = .iPadAir2
            case "iPad4,4":    self = .iPadMini2
            case "iPad4,5":    self = .iPadMini2
            case "iPad4,6":    self = .iPadMini2
            case "iPad4,7":    self = .iPadMini3
            case "iPad4,8":    self = .iPadMini3
            case "iPad4,9":    self = .iPadMini3
            case "iPad6,3":    self = .iPadPro9_7
            case "iPad6,11":   self = .iPadPro9_7
            case "iPad6,4":    self = .iPadPro9_7_cell
            case "iPad6,12":   self = .iPadPro9_7_cell
            case "iPad6,7":    self = .iPadPro12_9
            case "iPad6,8":    self = .iPadPro12_9_cell
            case "iPad7,3":    self = .iPadPro10_5
            case "iPad7,4":    self = .iPadPro10_5_cell
            case "iPhone7,1":  self = .iPhone6plus
            case "iPhone7,2":  self = .iPhone6
            case "iPhone8,1":  self = .iPhone6S
            case "iPhone8,2":  self = .iPhone6Splus
            case "iPhone8,4":  self = .iPhoneSE
            case "iPhone9,1":  self = .iPhone7
            case "iPhone9,2":  self = .iPhone7plus
            case "iPhone9,3":  self = .iPhone7
            case "iPhone9,4":  self = .iPhone7plus
            case "iPhone10,1": self = .iPhone8
            case "iPhone10,2": self = .iPhone8plus
            case "iPhone10,3": self = .iPhoneX
            case "iPhone10,6": self = .iPhoneX
            default:           return nil

    public var name: String {
        switch self {
        case .simulator(let model):         return "Simulator[\(model.rawValue)]"
        case .unrecognizedSimulator(let s): return "UnrecognizedSimulator[\(s)]"
        case .real(let model):              return model.rawValue
        case .unrecognized(let s):          return "Unrecognized[\(s)]"

    public var model: DeviceModel.Model? {
        switch self {
        case .simulator(let model):         return model
        case .real(let model):              return model
        case .unrecognizedSimulator(_):     return nil
        case .unrecognized(_):              return nil



    func platform() -> String {
    var systemInfo = utsname()
    let size = Int(_SYS_NAMELEN) // is 32, but posix AND its init is 256....

    let s = withUnsafeMutablePointer(to: &systemInfo.machine) {p in

        p.withMemoryRebound(to: CChar.self, capacity: size, {p2 in
            return String(cString: p2)

    return s

和其他的一样,但对C/Swift和后面的复杂结构更清晰一些。 ):




吊舱“股息”,“~> 2.0”

Swift 4.0 - Swift 4.2

吊舱“股息”,“~> 1.3”



let isIphoneX = Device().isOneOf([.iPhoneX, .simulator(.iPhoneX)])


func isItIPhoneX() -> Bool {
    let device = Device()
    let check = device.isOneOf([.iPhoneX, .iPhoneXr , .iPhoneXs , .iPhoneXsMax ,
                                .simulator(.iPhoneX), .simulator(.iPhoneXr) , .simulator(.iPhoneXs) , .simulator(.iPhoneXsMax) ])
    return check
struct utsname systemInfo;

NSString* deviceModel = [NSString stringWithCString:systemInfo.machine