First of all, you will have to install GAPPS. Next, open the virtual box and wait for the home screen to show up on Genymotion. Drag and drop the GAPPS folder that you had downloaded earlier on into Genymotion. You would get a prompt. Click OK. You would see a lot of errors, but just ignore them and wait for the successful prompt to come up. Click OK again and restart the virtual device. A Google account screen should show up. Open up the playstore app if it doesn't show up. Sign into your account. Again ignore the errors. The playstore should open now and should be fully functional.
谷歌应用KitKat Genymotion。
下载谷歌应用程序ZIP文件从包含基本谷歌应用程序,如Play Store, Gmail, YouTube等链接。
完成引导后,将我们下载的名为update-gapps-4-4-2-signed.zip的ZIP文件拖放到Genymotion Window中。它开始安装谷歌应用程序,并询问你的确认。确认一下。
First of all, you will have to install GAPPS. Next, open the virtual box and wait for the home screen to show up on Genymotion. Drag and drop the GAPPS folder that you had downloaded earlier on into Genymotion. You would get a prompt. Click OK. You would see a lot of errors, but just ignore them and wait for the successful prompt to come up. Click OK again and restart the virtual device. A Google account screen should show up. Open up the playstore app if it doesn't show up. Sign into your account. Again ignore the errors. The playstore should open now and should be fully functional.
安装Genymotion 2.10或以上版本,现在有一个专门的按钮来安装谷歌播放服务名称“打开GApps”。链接获取更多信息
Genymotion 2.9或以下版本的3个步骤
4.4 Kitkat 5.0棒棒糖 5.1棒棒糖 6.0棉花糖 7.0牛轧糖 7.1牛轧糖(webview补丁) 8.0奥利奥 8.1奥利奥 9.0派
以上下载链接 只需拖放下载的zip文件到genymotion并重新启动 添加谷歌帐号,下载“谷歌播放音乐”并运行。
For intellectual property reasons, Google Play Services are not included by default in Genymotion virtual devices. However, if you really need them, you can use the packages provided by OpenGapps. Simply follow these steps: Visit opengapps.org Select x86 as platform Choose the Android version corresponding to your virtual device Select nano as variant Download the zip file Drag & Drop the zip installer in new Genymotion virtual device (2.7.2 and above only) Follow the pop-up instructions Please note Genymobile Inc. and Genymotion assume no liability whatsoever resulting from the download, install and use of Google Play Services within your virtual devices. You are solely responsible for the use and assume all liability related thereto. Moreover, we disclaim any warranties of any kind for a particular purpose regarding the compatibility of the OpenGapps packages with any version of Genymotion.
Go to this link: http://www.mediafire.com/download/jdn83v1v3bregyu/Galaxy+S4++HTC+One++Xperia+Z+-+4.2.2+-+with+Google+Apps+-+API+17+-+1080x1920.zip Download the file from the link and extract to get the Android virtual device with Google Play store. The file will be in the name as “Galaxy S4 HTC One Xperia Z – 4.2.2 – with Google Apps – API 17 – 1080×1920″. Close all your Genymotion store running in the background. Copy that extracted file in to the following folder. C:\Users\'username'\AppData\Local\Genymobile\Genymotion\deployed After you copy you should see this path: C:\Users\'username'\AppData\Local\Genymobile\Genymotion\deployed\Galaxy S4 HTC One Xperia Z - 4.2.2 - with Google Apps - API 17 - 1080x1920 Inside the “Galaxy S4 HTC One Xperia Z – 4.2.2 – with Google Apps – API 17 – 1080×1920″ folder you will see many *.vmdk and *.vbox files. Now open VirtualBox and select Machine->Add and browse for the above folder and import the *.vbox file. Restart Genymotion. Done.