

       * Get the method name for a depth in call stack. <br />
       * Utility function
       * @param depth depth in the call stack (0 means current method, 1 means call method, ...)
       * @return method name
      public static String getMethodName(final int depth)
        final StackTraceElement[] ste = new Throwable().getStackTrace();

        //System. out.println(ste[ste.length-depth].getClassName()+"#"+ste[ste.length-depth].getMethodName());
        return ste[ste.length - depth].getMethodName();

例如,如果你试图获得用于调试目的的调用方法行,你需要通过编写这些静态方法的Utility类: (旧的java1.4代码,只是为了说明StackTraceElement的潜在用法)

          * Returns the first "[class#method(line)]: " of the first class not equal to "StackTraceUtils". <br />
          * From the Stack Trace.
          * @return "[class#method(line)]: " (never empty, first class past StackTraceUtils)
        public static String getClassMethodLine()
            return getClassMethodLine(null);

          * Returns the first "[class#method(line)]: " of the first class not equal to "StackTraceUtils" and aclass. <br />
          * Allows to get past a certain class.
          * @param aclass class to get pass in the stack trace. If null, only try to get past StackTraceUtils. 
          * @return "[class#method(line)]: " (never empty, because if aclass is not found, returns first class past StackTraceUtils)
        public static String getClassMethodLine(final Class aclass)
            final StackTraceElement st = getCallingStackTraceElement(aclass);
            final String amsg = "[" + st.getClassName() + "#" + st.getMethodName() + "(" + st.getLineNumber()
            +")] <" + Thread.currentThread().getName() + ">: ";
            return amsg;

       * Returns the first stack trace element of the first class not equal to "StackTraceUtils" or "LogUtils" and aClass. <br />
       * Stored in array of the callstack. <br />
       * Allows to get past a certain class.
       * @param aclass class to get pass in the stack trace. If null, only try to get past StackTraceUtils. 
       * @return stackTraceElement (never null, because if aClass is not found, returns first class past StackTraceUtils)
       * @throws AssertionFailedException if resulting statckTrace is null (RuntimeException)
      public static StackTraceElement getCallingStackTraceElement(final Class aclass)
        final Throwable           t         = new Throwable();
        final StackTraceElement[] ste       = t.getStackTrace();
        int index = 1;
        final int limit = ste.length;
        StackTraceElement   st        = ste[index];
        String              className = st.getClassName();
        boolean aclassfound = false;
        if(aclass == null)
            aclassfound = true;
        StackTraceElement   resst = null;
        while(index < limit)
            if(shouldExamine(className, aclass) == true)
                if(resst == null)
                    resst = st;
                if(aclassfound == true)
                    final StackTraceElement ast = onClassfound(aclass, className, st);
                    if(ast != null)
                        resst = ast;
                    if(aclass != null && aclass.getName().equals(className) == true)
                        aclassfound = true;
            index = index + 1;
            st        = ste[index];
            className = st.getClassName();
        if(resst == null) 
            //Assert.isNotNull(resst, "stack trace should null"); //NO OTHERWISE circular dependencies 
            throw new AssertionFailedException(StackTraceUtils.getClassMethodLine() + " null argument:" + "stack trace should null"); //$NON-NLS-1$
        return resst;

      static private boolean shouldExamine(String className, Class aclass)
          final boolean res = StackTraceUtils.class.getName().equals(className) == false && (className.endsWith("LogUtils"
            ) == false || (aclass !=null && aclass.getName().endsWith("LogUtils")));
          return res;

      static private StackTraceElement onClassfound(Class aclass, String className, StackTraceElement st)
          StackTraceElement   resst = null;
          if(aclass != null && aclass.getName().equals(className) == false)
              resst = st;
          if(aclass == null)
              resst = st;
          return resst;


import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.PrintWriter;

class DBConnection {
    String createdBy = null;

    DBConnection(Throwable whoCreatedMe) {
        ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(os);
        try {
            createdBy = os.toString();
        } catch (IOException e) {

public class ThrowableTest {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Throwable createdBy = new Throwable(
                "Connection created from DBConnectionManager");
        DBConnection conn = new DBConnection(createdBy);


public static interface ICallback<T> { T doOperation(); }

public class TestCallerOfMethod {

    public static <T> T callTwo(final ICallback<T> c){
        // Pass the object created at callee to the caller
        // From the passed object we can get; what is the callee name like below.
        return c.doOperation();

    public static boolean callOne(){
        ICallback callBackInstance = new ICallback(Boolean){
            public Boolean doOperation() 
                return true;
        return callTwo(callBackInstance);

    public static void main(String[] args) {



package my

import org.codehaus.groovy.reflection.ReflectionUtils
import java.lang.reflect.Field
import java.lang.reflect.Method

trait Reflector {

    static String[] fieldNames() {
        List<String> names = []
        Arrays.asList(naturalFields()).forEach { Field fl -> names.add(fl.name) }
        return names.toArray() as String[]

    static Field[] naturalFields() {
        return finalClass().getDeclaredFields().findAll { Field fl -> !fl.synthetic }.collect()

    static Method[] naturalMethods() {
        return finalClass().getDeclaredMethods().findAll { Method md -> !md.synthetic }.collect()

    static Class finalClass() {
        return ReflectionUtils.getCallingClass(0)


class Demo implements Reflector {

    int archived = 0
    int demo = 100

    static void playToo() {
        println finalClass()


println Demo.finalClass() // class my.Demo
println Demo.naturalFields() // [private int my.Demo.archived, private int my.Demo.demo]
println Demo.fieldNames() // [archived, demo]

这个方法做同样的事情,但更简单一点,可能性能更好一点,在你使用反射的情况下,它会自动跳过那些帧。唯一的问题是它可能不会出现在非sun的jvm中,尽管它包含在JRockit 1.4—>1.6的运行时类中。(重点是,它不是一个公共类)。


    /** Returns the class of the method <code>realFramesToSkip</code>
        frames up the stack (zero-based), ignoring frames associated
        with java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke() and its implementation.
        The first frame is that associated with this method, so
        <code>getCallerClass(0)</code> returns the Class object for
        sun.reflect.Reflection. Frames associated with
        java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke() and its implementation are
        completely ignored and do not count toward the number of "real"
        frames skipped. */
    public static native Class getCallerClass(int realFramesToSkip);

至于realFramesToSkip的值应该是什么,Sun 1.5和1.6虚拟机版本的java.lang. lang. js。系统中,有一个名为getCallerClass()的包保护方法,它调用sun.reflect. reflect. getCallerClass(3),但在我的助手实用程序类中,我使用了4,因为有添加的助手类调用的帧。

Java 9 - JEP 259:栈遍历API

JEP 259为堆栈遍历提供了一个有效的标准API,允许对堆栈跟踪中的信息进行轻松过滤和延迟访问。在栈遍历API之前,访问栈帧的常见方法有:

的数组返回 包含类名和方法的StackTraceElement对象 每个堆栈跟踪元素的名称。 SecurityManager::getClassContext是一个受保护的方法 SecurityManager的子类来访问类上下文。 JDK-internal sun.reflect。Reflection::getCallerClass方法,你不应该使用它


这些api要求VM急切地捕获整个快照 堆栈,它们返回表示整个堆栈的信息。 没有办法避免检查所有帧的代价,如果 调用者只对堆栈上的前几帧感兴趣。


StackWalker walker = StackWalker


Class<?> callerClass = walker.getCallerClass();


walker.walk(frames -> frames



这是在你可以得到堆栈跟踪之前,异常只是有. printstacktrace(),所以我必须重定向系统。输出到我自己创建的流,然后(new Exception()).printStackTrace();重定向系统。返回并解析流。有趣的东西。