我有一个由各种“部分”组成的页面,如视频,新闻提要等。我有点困惑如何用HTML5表示这些。目前我有他们作为HTML5 <节>s,但进一步检查,看起来他们更正确的标签将是<文章>。有人能给我解释一下吗?





我喜欢坚持所使用词语的标准含义:An article将适用于,嗯,文章。我将博客文章、文档和新闻文章定义为文章。另一方面,section指的是布局/ux项:边栏、页眉、页脚都是section。然而,这完全是我个人的解释——正如您所指出的,这些元素的规范并没有很好地定义。



What’s more problematic is that article and section are so very similar. All that separates them is the word “self-contained”. Deciding which element to use would be easy if there were some hard and fast rules. Instead, it’s a matter of interpretation. You can have multiple articles within a section, you can have multiple sections within and article, you can nest sections within sections and articles within sections. It’s up to you to decide which element is the most semantically appropriate in any given situation.





The section element represents a generic section of a document or application. A section, in this context, is a thematic grouping of content, typically with a heading. [...] Examples of sections would be chapters, the various tabbed pages in a tabbed dialog box, or the numbered sections of a thesis. A Web site's home page could be split into sections for an introduction, news items, and contact information. Note: Authors are encouraged to use the article element instead of the section element when it would make sense to syndicate the contents of the element.


类中的一个自包含组合 文件、页面、应用程序或站点,即原则上 可独立分发或可重用,例如在联合中。这 可以是一篇论坛帖子,一篇杂志或报纸文章,一篇博客文章, 用户提交的评论、交互式小部件或小工具等等 其他独立内容项。


更新:在最新的HTML 5.1编辑稿中,文章有一些小的文字改动(斜体字的改动):

article元素表示一个完整的,或自包含的, 在文档、页面、应用程序或站点中的组合,即在 原则,可独立分发或可重复使用,例如 联合。这可以是一个论坛帖子,杂志或报纸 文章、博客条目、用户提交的评论、交互式小部件 或小工具,或任何其他独立的内容项目。



使用它来定义布局的一个部分。可以是中间,左边,右边 等. . 这有一个与其他元素联系的意思,简单地说,它是依赖的。


在你有独立内容的时候使用这个方法。 Article有其完整的含义。

在关于构建HTML5的W3 wiki页面中,它说:

<section>:用于将不同的文章分为不同的目的或 主题,或者定义一篇文章的不同部分。



<article> is related to <section>, but is distinctly different. Whereas <section> is for grouping distinct sections of content or functionality, <article> is for containing related individual standalone pieces of content, such as individual blog posts, videos, images or news items. Think of it this way - if you have a number of items of content, each of which would be suitable for reading on their own, and would make sense to syndicate as separate items in an RSS feed, then <article> is suitable for marking them up. In our example, <section id="main"> contains blog entries. Each blog entry would be suitable for syndicating as an item in an RSS feed, and would make sense when read on its own, out of context, therefore <article> is perfect for them:

<section id="main">
      <!-- first blog post -->

      <!-- second blog post  -->

      <!-- third blog post -->

简单的哈?请注意,您也可以在其中嵌套部分 文章,这样做是有意义的。例如,如果每一个 这些博客文章有一个一致的结构,不同的部分,然后 你也可以在文章中加入章节。它看起来 就像这样:

  <section id="introduction">

  <section id="content">

  <section id="summary">


我喜欢坚持所使用词语的标准含义:An article将适用于,嗯,文章。我将博客文章、文档和新闻文章定义为文章。另一方面,section指的是布局/ux项:边栏、页眉、页脚都是section。然而,这完全是我个人的解释——正如您所指出的,这些元素的规范并没有很好地定义。



What’s more problematic is that article and section are so very similar. All that separates them is the word “self-contained”. Deciding which element to use would be easy if there were some hard and fast rules. Instead, it’s a matter of interpretation. You can have multiple articles within a section, you can have multiple sections within and article, you can nest sections within sections and articles within sections. It’s up to you to decide which element is the most semantically appropriate in any given situation.
