例如,人们可以使用一些api例如desktopCapture, getUserMedia 允许用户记录屏幕、窗口、选项卡。
除了其他提到的方法禁用上下文菜单。用户仍然可以使用第三方工具,如InternetDownload manager或其他类似软件下载视频。我在这里解释的保护方法是缓解这些第三方软件。
这样做的要求是为每个用户创建一个下载链接。azure blob存储或amazon s3可以很容易地处理这个问题。您可以使用视频长度到期时间戳的两倍创建下载链接。然后,您需要捕获该视频链接和请求的时间。这是下一个方法所必需的。这种方法的问题在于,当用户单击播放按钮时,将生成下载链接。
use some js library like videojs to play your video, also you need to return an AcceptRange in your header. Azure blob storage supports this out of the box. this way the browser starts to download the video chunk by chunk. usually, 32byte by 32byte. then you need to listen to videojs timeupdate change and update your server about the percentage that the video is watched. the percentage that the video is watched can't be more than the percentage that video is delivered. and if you are delivering a video content without receiving any percentage change, then you can block the user. because for sure they are downloading.
myPlayer.ready(function () {
//var player = this;
type: "video/mp4",
src: videoURL
if (videoId) {
this.on('timeupdate', function () {
var currentPercent = parseInt(100 * myPlayer.currentTime() / myPlayer.duration());//calcualte as percentage
if (currentPercent % 5 == 0) {
//send percentage to server
SaveVideoDurationWatched(currentPercent, videoId);
anyway, the user is able to work around this by using some download method that downloads a file through streaming. almost c# do it out of the box and for nodejs, you can use request module. then you need to start a stopWatch, listen to a package received and compare the total byte received compare to the total size. this way you can calculate a percentage and the time spent to get that amount of percentage. then use the Thread.Sleep() or something like that to delay the thread the amount that you have to wait if you watch the video normally. also before the sleep the user can call the server and update the percentage that is received. so the server thinks that the user is actually watching a video.
original video length 24 minute
24 min *60000 = 1,440,000 miliseconds
1,440,000 % 100 = 14,400 milisecond is needed to download one percent
if you receive so many requests that the time between them is the same, then you should block the user. you should put this to capture how much is time between the video link generation request. if they are the same (plus/minus some threshold) and it happens more than a number of times, then you can ban the user. because if there is a bot that is going to crawl your website or videos, then usually they have the same sleep time between their request. so if you receive each request, for example, every 1.3(plus/mins some deviation) minutes. then you raise an alarm. for this, you can use some statistic calculation to know the deviation between the requests.
<video oncontextmenu="return false;" controlsList="nodownload">
例如,人们可以使用一些api例如desktopCapture, getUserMedia 允许用户记录屏幕、窗口、选项卡。
I would like to point out to anyone that this is possible because youtube does it and if they can so can any other website and it isn't from the browser either because I tested it on a couple browsers such as microsoft edge and internet explorer and so there is a way to disable it and seen that people still say it...I tries looking for an answer because if youtube can than there has to be a way and the only way to see how they do it is if someone looked into the scripts of youtube which I am doing now. I also checked to see if it was a custom context menu as well and it isn't because the context menu is over flowing the inspect element and I mean like it is over it and I looked and it never creates a new class and also it is impossible to actually access inspect element with javascript so it can't be. You can tell when it double right-click a youtube video that it pops up the context menu for chrome. Besides...youtube wouldn't add that function in. I am doing research and looking through the source of youtube so I will be back if I find the answer...if anyone says you can't than, well they didn't do research like I have. The only way to download youtube videos is through a video download.
Okay...I did research and my research stays that you can disable it except there is no javascript to it...you have to be able to encrypt the links to the video for you to be able to disable it because I think any browser won't show it if it can't find it and when I opened a youtube video link it showed as this "blob:https://www.youtube.com/e5c4808e-297e-451f-80da-3e838caa1275" without quotes so it is encrypting it so it cannot be saved...you need to know php for that but like the answer you picked out of making it harder, youtube makes it the hardest of heavy encrypting it, you need to be an advance php programmer but if you don't know that than take the person you picked as best answer of making it hard to download it...but if you know php than heavy encrypt the video link so it only is able to be read on yours...I don't know how to explain how they do it but they did and there is a way. The way youtube Encrypts there videos is quite smart so if you want to know how to than just ask youtube/google of how they do it...hope this helps for you although you already picked a best answer. So encrypting the link is best in short terms.
# This is how to we do JQuery ready() dom stuff
$ ->
# let's hide those annoying download video options.
# of course anyone who knows how can still download
# the video, but hey... more power to 'em.
$('#my-video').bind 'contextmenu', ->