Chrome Canary和Chromium现在有WebSocket消息帧检查功能。下面是快速测试的步骤:
Navigate to the WebSocket Echo demo [dead as of 2022], hosted on the websocket.org site https://echo.websocket.events/.ws (run by the company Lob) or you can locally run the Echo Server project. Turn on the Chrome Developer Tools. Click Network, and to filter the traffic shown by the Dev Tools, click WebSockets. In the Echo demo, click Connect. On the Headers tab in Google Dev Tool you can inspect the WebSocket handshake. Click the Send button in the Echo demo. THIS STEP IS IMPORTANT: To see the WebSocket frames in the Chrome Developer Tools, under Name/Path, click the echo.websocket.org entry, representing your WebSocket connection. This refreshes the main panel on the right and makes the WebSocket Frames tab show up with the actual WebSocket message content.
我最近出版的书,The Definitive Guide to HTML5 WebSocket,也有一个专门的附录,涵盖了各种检查工具,包括Chrome Dev tools, Chrome net-internals和Wire Shark。
我使用的Chrome扩展名为Simple WebSocket Client v0.1.3,是由用户hakobera发布的。它的使用非常简单,它允许在给定的URL上打开websocket,发送消息并关闭socket连接。它非常简约。
var webSocket = new WebSocket('ws://address:port');
webSocket.onmessage = function(data) { console.log(data); }
至于我开始使用的工具,我建议firecamp Its like Postman,但它也支持websockets和socket.io。
启动Chrome开发工具 加载页面并启动WebSocket连接 单击“网络”页签。 从左边的列表中选择WebSocket连接(它的状态为“101交换协议”)。 单击Messages子选项卡。二进制帧将显示长度和时间戳,并指示它们是否被屏蔽。文本帧将显示也包括有效载荷内容。
如果您的WebSocket连接使用二进制帧,那么您可能仍然需要使用Wireshark来调试连接。Wireshark 1.8.0为WebSockets增加了解析器和过滤支持。在另一个答案中可以找到另一种答案。
Chrome Canary和Chromium现在有WebSocket消息帧检查功能。下面是快速测试的步骤:
Navigate to the WebSocket Echo demo [dead as of 2022], hosted on the websocket.org site https://echo.websocket.events/.ws (run by the company Lob) or you can locally run the Echo Server project. Turn on the Chrome Developer Tools. Click Network, and to filter the traffic shown by the Dev Tools, click WebSockets. In the Echo demo, click Connect. On the Headers tab in Google Dev Tool you can inspect the WebSocket handshake. Click the Send button in the Echo demo. THIS STEP IS IMPORTANT: To see the WebSocket frames in the Chrome Developer Tools, under Name/Path, click the echo.websocket.org entry, representing your WebSocket connection. This refreshes the main panel on the right and makes the WebSocket Frames tab show up with the actual WebSocket message content.
我最近出版的书,The Definitive Guide to HTML5 WebSocket,也有一个专门的附录,涵盖了各种检查工具,包括Chrome Dev tools, Chrome net-internals和Wire Shark。
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