


复制你的降价投诉文本到剪贴板 运行: Xsel -b | pandoc -s -f markdown -t HTML | xclip -select clipboard -t text/ HTML | Xsel -b 粘贴生成的格式化文本(例如在电子邮件或LibreOffice上)。

你说你用的是Linux。你只需要安装pandoc, xsel和xclip包。


Markdown预览,在之前的评论中提到的Sublime Text插件不再与ST2兼容,但只支持Sublime Text 3(自2018年春季以来)。

它的优点是:它支持GFM, GitHub调味Markdown,它可以做的比常规Markdown多一点。如果你想知道你的.mds在GH上是什么样子的,这是有关联的。(包括这一点信息,因为OP自己没有添加GFM标签,其他寻找解决方案的人可能也不知道它。)

如果你在线,你可以将它与GitHub API一起使用,不过你应该为此获得一个个人访问令牌,因为没有身份验证的API调用是有限的。在插件的文档中有更多关于解析GFM的信息。

只要在网上搜索一下,就会得到很多这样的答案: https://stackedit.io/


复制你的降价投诉文本到剪贴板 运行: Xsel -b | pandoc -s -f markdown -t HTML | xclip -select clipboard -t text/ HTML | Xsel -b 粘贴生成的格式化文本(例如在电子邮件或LibreOffice上)。

你说你用的是Linux。你只需要安装pandoc, xsel和xclip包。

你可以使用静态网站编辑器:在GitLab 13.0(2020年5月)中,它附带了一个所见即所得面板。

WYSIWYG for the Static Site Editor Markdown is a powerful and efficient syntax for authoring web content, but even seasoned authors of Markdown content can struggle to remember some of the less-frequently used formatting options or write even moderately-complex tables from scratch. There are some jobs better accomplished with a rich text, “What You See Is What You Get” (WYSIWYG) editor. GitLab 13.0 brings a WYSIWYG Markdown authoring experience to the Static Site Editor with formatting options for common formatting options like headers, bold, italics, links, lists, blockquotes, and code blocks. The WYSIWYG editor also removes the onerous task of editing tables in Markdown by letting you visually edit table rows, columns and cells in the same way you would edit a spreadsheet. For those more comfortable writing in raw Markdown, there’s even a tab for switching between WYSIWYG and plain text editing modes.


同样,您只能使用它来编写README:一旦它看起来很好,您就可以将它报告给原始项目。 但重点是:你不需要任何第三方降价预览插件。

GitLab 14.2(2021年8月)

Preview Markdown live while editing Markdown is a fast and intuitive syntax for writing rich web content. Until it isn’t. Luckily, it’s easy to preview the rendered output of Markdown to ensure the accuracy of your markup from the Preview tab. Unfortunately, the context switch required to move between the raw source code and the preview can be tedious and disruptive to your flow. Now, in both the Web IDE and single file editor, Markdown files have a new live preview option available. Right-click the editor and select Preview Markdown or use Command/Control + Shift + P to toggle a split-screen live preview of your Markdown content. The preview refreshes as you type, so you can be confident that your markup is valid and will render as you intended. See Documentation and Epic.

参见GitLab 14.6(2021年12月)

Toggle wiki editors seamlessly Toggle wiki editors seamlessly Editing wiki pages with the new rich Markdown editor makes it easier for everyone to contribute regardless of how well they know Markdown syntax. You may also prefer to write raw Markdown in some situations, but use the WYSIWYG interface for more complex or tedious formatting tasks, like creating tables. Previous versions of GitLab required you to save changes before switching between the rich Markdown editor and the Markdown source, adding more steps and friction to your edits. In GitLab 14.6 you can now seamlessly switch between the two editing experiences without committing your changes, choosing the editor that suits your needs at any given moment. See Documentation and Issue.

参见GitLab 15.6(2022年11月)

Default split view for Markdown preview in the Web Editor The ability to preview Markdown files side by side while editing was introduced in GitLab 14.2. With this release, we’ve made the split view the default experience for previewing Markdown in the Web Editor. In the Preview tab, you can now see a live Markdown preview that updates as you type alongside your content. This way, you can be confident that your markup is valid and renders as you intended without having to switch between the Write and Preview tabs. See Documentation and Issue.
