



jQuery 1.8

// If missing.png is missing, it is replaced by replacement.png
$( "img" )
  .error(function() {
    $( this ).attr( "src", "replacement.png" );
  .attr( "src", "missing.png" );

jQuery 3

// If missing.png is missing, it is replaced by replacement.png
$( "img" )
  .on("error", function() {
    $( this ).attr( "src", "replacement.png" );
  .attr( "src", "missing.png" );



纯粹的JS。 我的任务是:如果图像'bl-once.png'是空的->插入第一个(没有404状态)图像从数组列表(在当前目录):

<img src=“http://localhost:63342/GetImage/bl-once.png” width=“200” onerror=“replaceEmptyImage.insertImg(this)”>


var srcToInsertArr = ['empty1.png', 'empty2.png', 'needed.png', 'notActual.png']; // try to insert one by one img from this array var path; var imgNotFounded = true; // to mark when success var replaceEmptyImage = { insertImg: function (elem) { if (srcToInsertArr.length == 0) { // if there are no more src to try return return "no-image.png"; } if(!/undefined/.test(elem.src)) { // remember path path = elem.src.split("/").slice(0, -1).join("/"); // "http://localhost:63342/GetImage" } var url = path + "/" + srcToInsertArr[0]; srcToInsertArr.splice(0, 1); // tried 1 src if(imgNotFounded){ // while not success replaceEmptyImage.getImg(url, path, elem); // CALL GET IMAGE } }, getImg: function (src, path, elem) { // GET IMAGE if (src && path && elem) { // src = "http://localhost:63342/GetImage/needed.png" var pathArr = src.split("/"); // ["http:", "", "localhost:63342", "GetImage", "needed.png"] var name = pathArr[pathArr.length - 1]; // "needed.png" xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open('GET', src, true); xhr.send(); xhr.onreadystatechange = function () { if (xhr.status == 200) { elem.src = src; // insert correct src imgNotFounded = false; // mark success } else { console.log(name + " doesn't exist!"); elem.onerror(); } } } } };



img { width: 100px; height: 100px; } <script> window.addEventListener('error', windowErrorCb, { capture: true }, true) function windowErrorCb(event) { let target = event.target let isImg = target.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'img' if (isImg) { imgErrorCb() return } function imgErrorCb() { let isImgErrorHandled = target.hasAttribute('data-src-error') if (!isImgErrorHandled) { target.setAttribute('data-src-error', 'handled') target.src = 'backup.png' } else { //anything you want to do console.log(target.alt, 'both origin and backup image fail to load!'); } } } </script> <img id="img" src="error1.png" alt="error1"> <img id="img" src="error2.png" alt="error2"> <img id="img" src="https://i.stack.imgur.com/ZXCE2.jpg" alt="avatar">


将代码放在头部,并作为第一个内联脚本执行。因此,它将侦听脚本执行后发生的错误。 使用事件捕获来捕获错误,特别是那些没有冒泡的事件。 使用事件委托,避免在每个图像上绑定事件。 在给error img元素一个backup.png文件之后,给它们一个属性,以避免backup.png文件的消失和后续的无限循环,如下所示:

img错误- - - - - - > backup.png - >错误- > backup.png - >错误- >…


前端:https://github.com/github/fetch 或者在后端,一个Node.js版本:https://github.com/bitinn/node-fetch

  .then(function(res) {
    if (res.status == '200') {
      return image;
    } else {
      return placeholder;


jQuery 1.8

// If missing.png is missing, it is replaced by replacement.png
$( "img" )
  .error(function() {
    $( this ).attr( "src", "replacement.png" );
  .attr( "src", "missing.png" );

jQuery 3

// If missing.png is missing, it is replaced by replacement.png
$( "img" )
  .on("error", function() {
    $( this ).attr( "src", "replacement.png" );
  .attr( "src", "missing.png" );




var retries = 0;
$.imgReload = function() {
    var loaded = 1;

    $("img").each(function() {
        if (!this.complete || typeof this.naturalWidth == "undefined" || this.naturalWidth == 0) {

            var src = $(this).attr("src");
            var date = new Date();
            $(this).attr("src", src + "?v=" + date.getTime()); //slightly change url to prevent loading from cache
            loaded =0;

    retries +=1;
    if (retries < 10) { // If after 10 retries error images are not fixed maybe because they
                        // are not present on server, the recursion will break the loop
        if (loaded == 0) {
            setTimeout('$.imgReload()',4000); // I think 4 seconds is enough to load a small image (<50k) from a slow server
        // All images have been loaded
        else {
            // alert("images loaded");
    // If error images cannot be loaded  after 10 retries
    else {
        // alert("recursion exceeded");

jQuery(document).ready(function() {